Soulwriter's entries

Here's the list of entries submitted by Soulwriter  — There are currently 61 entries total — keep up the great work!

macraméMacramé is a form of textile produced using knotting (rather than weaving or knitting) techniques. Detail of Cavandoli macramé The primary knots of macramé are the square (or reef knot) and forms of "hitching": various combinations of half hitches. It was long crafted by sailors, especially in elaborate or ornamental knotting forms, to cover anything from knife handles to bottles to parts of ships. Cavandoli macramé is one variety that is used to form geometric and free-form patterns like weaving. The Cavandoli style is done mainly in a single knot, the double half-hitch knot. Reverse half hitches are sometimes used to maintain balance when working left and right halves of a balanced piece.added
2 years ago
somnium spaceSomnium Space is a Virtual Reality world on the Ethereum blockchain (or metaverse), where players can buy land, build or import NFTs, explore, and trade.added
3 years ago
cryptovoxelsCryptovoxels is a virtual world and metaverse, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Players can buy land and build stores and art galleriesadded
3 years ago
decentralandDecentraland is a 3D virtual world browser-based platform. Users may buy virtual plots of land in the platform as NFTs via the MANA cryptocurrency, which uses the Ethereum blockchain. It was opened to the public in February 2020, and is overseen by the nonprofit Decentraland Foundationadded
3 years ago
the sandboxThe Sandbox is a virtual Metaverse where players can play, build, own, and monetize their virtual experiences. It is blockchain based.added
3 years ago
doomscrollingChances are, at some point, you’ve found yourself doing this, an unending scroll in the harsh light of your smartphone or computer screen. Whether it’s Facebook or Google or any number of other places, you’re subjecting yourself to a constant stream of terrible news.added
3 years ago
pedanMount Pedan, also known as Mount Livadiyskaya, Russia; Pedan (subdistrict), in Indonesia.added
3 years ago
inditedWritten composition. 1. Archaic. to express or describe in prose or verse 2. To put in writing; compose and write. 3. Obsolete.added
3 years ago
inditementWritten composition. Indite in American English. 1. to express or describe in prose or verse · 2. to put in writing; compose and write · 3. Obsolete.added
3 years ago
AstronologyAstronology is a system of logic that assumes celestial objects have no influence on human affairs or terrestrial events. It rejects the idea of assigning a star/zodiac sign to all humans at birth.added
3 years ago
androphileNicolas Chinardet is the man who made the word up in the early 2000s based on his loose knowledge of Greek. ‘Andro’ means male, or masculine, ‘-phile’ denotes attraction: therefore, ‘androphile’ can be basically defined as an attraction to men or masculinity. For Chinardet, it was an alternative identification which was less ‘clinical’ than homosexual and didn’t have the same connotations as ‘gay’added
3 years ago
Gynophilesometimes spelled gynephilia -- is the love of and attraction to femininity... Both terms are used to describe people who are attracted to femininity or female characteristics. Like gynosexuality, the term gynophilia is used often by people who are nonbinary or agenderadded
3 years ago
ghostingGhosting, also known as simmering or icing, is a colloquial term which describes the practice of ending all communication and contact with another person without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said personadded
3 years ago
Fauci-ingDr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, became a household name during the pandemic. He’s so well known, in fact, that he inspired his own dating slang. Fauci-ing is the act of turning down a date because someone isn’t taking the pandemic seriously enough. The term is believed to have been coined by the dating app Plenty of Fish, and it’s gotten so popular that Axios asked Dr. Fauci about it in February 2021. He found it hilarious.added
3 years ago
RoachingIt’s an unwritten rule that if you see one cockroach, there are probably more lurking in the dark. That’s where the dating term roaching comes from. It’s described as roaching if a person you’re dating is hiding the fact that they’re involved with multiple other people at the same time. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it casual or seeing multiple people if that’s what’s been agreed upon. What makes it roaching is the fact that it’s happening in secret. The person might even play it off like they’re only seeing one person. Maybe it’s time to exterminate that connection.added
3 years ago
Soft launchingAs dating slang, the term refers to the trend of posting subtle hints on social media that you’re dating someone new—two glasses of wine, for instance—without revealing identifying details.added
3 years ago
metaverseBroadly speaking, the technologies that make up the metaverse can include virtual reality—characterized by persistent virtual worlds that continue to exist even when you're not playing—as well as augmented reality that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds. It's the metaverse — defined most simply as a virtual world where people can socialize, work, and play — and Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes it is the future of the internet and of his trillion-dollar company. ... We barely are able to cover the real world today.”added
3 years ago
Meta28 Oct 2021 — Today at Connect 2021, CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta, which brings together our apps and technologies under one new company brand.added
3 years ago
contronymA contranym is a single word that has two contradictory meanings, (they are their own opposites). They are quite rare and hard to come by.added
3 years ago
influencer marketingInfluencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their fieldadded
3 years ago
influencerAn influencer is someone who is well known in their field, well-regarded and has power - influence, to affect others' decisions because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. They usually have a large and broad appeal that many can relate to and with whom they actively engage. The size of the following depends on the popularity of their niche. Influencers in social media have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic.added
3 years ago
totemicrelating to or resembling a totem or totems. regarded as being symbolic or representative of a particular quality or concept.added
3 years ago
numberblocka sweet character in numberlandadded
3 years ago
susurranceThe almost imperceptible air movement and sounds made by the flutterings of butterfly/ies wings when they are flying, or a whispering sound or soft rustling.added
3 years ago
susurrationThe almost imperceptible air movement and sounds made by the flutterings of butterfly/ies wings when they are flying, or a whispering sound or soft rustling.added
3 years ago

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diverge from the expected
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B abrade
C excogitate
D lucubrate