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How to use the word 5,400 in a Sentence?

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He now has what is called corneal blindness because he’s 20/400 and has a corneal scar, but with corneal transplantation, he might have a better prognosis.

Marissa Shoji

Found on CNN
1 year ago

But we will increase our square footage by 10% to over 14.5 million square feet as we open up larger, more experiential expressions of our brands with a wider product assortment. New formats will surpass 400 locations.

Anthony Aversa

Found on CNN
1 year ago

My wheelchair weighs 400 pounds. I’m about 200 pounds. That’s 600 pounds they wanted to try to lift.

Chris Hinds

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Mainly, there are attempts to reconnoiter the territory of Belarus with the help of drones, we registered more than 400 instances of such attempts last year. Ukrainian forces sent drones alongside the border with Belarus, at times violating the air space. Technical means available for defense of Belarus allow us to counter such means of reconnaissance. Often such drones are forced to land in Belarus.

Anton Bychkovski

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Cara Pakai Obat Bius Hirup Hitungan Detik 085877247888 Obat Bius Adalah Salah satu obat bagi seseorang/di dunia medis untuk membuat sasaran pingsan, tertidur pulas dan operasi di dunia medis. Setiap Orang Pria/Wanita yang pakai obat bius ampuh ini dia akan langsung tertidur/pingsan saat menggunakannya. Di Dalam Dunia Medis Di kenal dengan sebutan ANESTESI yang memiliki arti tanpa sensasi. Kami jual obat Bius sangat asli dan ampuh untuk membantu kurang nya keharmonisan rumah tangga/hubungan percintaan dan membantu masalah di dunia medis seperti operasi kecil/operasi besar. Obat bius ini juga bisa untuk mengatasi masalah insomnia atau susah tidur yang sangat cepat, ampuh dalam hitungan detik. Kami jual obat Bius sangat asli dan ampuh untuk membantu kurang nya keharmonisan rumah tangga/hubungan percintaan dan membantu masalah di dunia medis seperti operasi kecil/operasi besar. Obat bius ini juga bisa untuk mengatasi masalah insomnia atau susah tidur yang sangat cepat, ampuh dalam hitungan detik. Obat Bius Hirup Chloroform ( Obat Bius Bekap ) Obat Bius Hirup Chloroform Asli adalah salah satu obat bius hirup yang memiliki kategori sebagai obat bius ampuh menjadikan seseorang tidak sadar dalam waktu yang cukup cepat. Biasanya digunakan untuk digunakan sebagai penanganan pertama untuk melakukan anestesi secara total. Dipergunakan dengan cara di hirup, pasien menjadi tidak sadar diri dalam beberapa waktu agar tim medis dapat melakukan penanganan lebih intensif. Tetapi di balik penggunaan dan kedahsyatannya untuk melumpuhkan seseorang dalam beberapa jam ke depan, cloroform lebih di kenal sebagai obat bius yang memiliki penilaian negatif. Obat bius hirup lebih sering di sebut dengan obat bius bekap sering dijadikan sebagai senjata ampuh bagi oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mendapatkan sesuatu dari korban.Kecepatannya melumpuhkan target menyebabkan banyak yang tidak dapat mempertahankan diri terhadap serangan yang telah dilakukan. Karena hal tersebut, kami tidak merekomendasikan obat bius ini kepada Anda sebagai salah satu cara untuk menonaktifkan seseorang demi tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan dengan cara yang sangat tidak bertanggung jawab. Berapa Lama Efek Obat Bius Hirup Chloroform, Obat Bius Hirup ini biasanya digunakan di dunia kedokteran dengan memasukkannya ke selang oksigen pernafasan pasien yang akan dioperasi besar. Sehingga obat jenis ini cukup familiar ketika akan digunakan dokter. ANDA MENGALAMI MASALAH INSOMNIA BERKEPANJANGAN “CEPAT DIATASI : Mengalami Gangguan Tidur Tidak TeraturMengalami Sulit Tidur Tiap Malam HariObat Untuk Pembiusan Hewan TernakObat Untuk Pembiusan Operasi KecilObat Untuk Orang Gangguan Sakit Jiwa, PenenangObat Orang Mengamuk Atau Marah Tidak Terkontrol TERDAPAT BANYAK MANFAAT SETELAH MENGGUNAKAN NYA. ANTAR LAIN : Insomnia dan Kelelahan Yang di Sertai dengan Rasa MarahMeredakan Mengatasi SarafMengatasi Sulit Tidur dan GelisaMeningkatkan Saraf BadanMenyegarkan Saat Bangun Tidur HARGA SPEFIKASI OBAT TIDUR CAIR HIRUP / OBAT BIUS CAIR HIRUP : Nama Produk : Chloroform Hirup Cair  Negara Asal : Jerman Isi Kemasan Produk : 1 Botol Isi 30ML Harga Produk :  Rp.400.000,-  PEMBELIAN 3 GRATIS 1 BOTOL CARA PENGGUNAAN CEPAT DAN EFEKTIF DETAIL DAN TATA CARANYA : Cara Penggunaan ( OBAT BIUS CHLOROFORM HIRUP  ) Cukup Menggunakan Kain Kering, Kain Steril Atau Sapu Tangan, Lalu Teteskan 3x – Selanjutnya Cukup Hirup 2 Atau 3 Hirup Saja Efek Langsung Mengakibatkan Tak Sadarkan Diri Seperti Pingsan Selama 3 Hingga 4Jam Lamanya.Tenang Jangan Panik Yaa? Jika Ingin Menetralisir Obat Bius Ini Cukup Menggunakan Minyak Telon Atau Minyak Kayu Putih Hirupkan ke Bagian Hidung dan Telapak Tangan Hinggan Telapak Kaki, Nanti Sadarkan Diri Dengan Sendiri Nya.Peringatan  ? Tidak Boleh di Campurkan Air Susu Atau Kelapa. Jika Anda berminat membeli produk ini bisa hubungi whatsap/sms/tlp ke kami dengan no 085877247888 Dapatkan Harga Promo Spesial 1 Botol 350.000 Beli 3 Gratis 1 Buruan Promo Terbatas, Dapatkan Produk Asli Hanya Disini. Atau bisa hubungi Whatsap Otomatis Dengan Klick Gambar Dibawah ini. Dengan Format Pemesanan Sebagai Berikut: Nama Anda: Alamat Lengkap Anda: No yang dapat dihubungi: Pembayan Via Bank: Krimkan Ke No 085877247888 Tunggu Balasan Dari Kami Untunk Selanjutnya KEPUASAN KONSUMEN ADALAH PRIORITAS UTAMA KAMI, TERIMA KASIH ATAS KEPERCAYAAN ANDA. JANGAN MUDAH PERCAYA / TERGIUR DENGAN HARGA MURAH, PRODUK PALSU BISA MEMBAHAYAKAN KONDISI TUBUH ANDA. JADILAH PEMBELI CERDAS DAN MENGUTAMAKAN KUALITAS PRODUK RESMI ASLI DAN BERHOLOGRAM ASLI.

Cara Pakai Obat Bius Hirup Hitungan Detik 085877247888

added by parsiwijaya70
1 year ago

First it was 400,000 unread emails and 120,000 people in need of unemployment checks, then it was chaos and preventable criminal acts in our juvenile justice detention centers, and now Andy's sending checks to people who weren't even close to the disaster zone in Western Kentucky.

Ryan Quarles

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

This one percentage point reduction in rates can allow as many as three million more mortgage-ready consumers to qualify and afford a $400,000 loan, which is the median home price.

Freddie Mac

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Donald cannot keep track of the lies that he tells, and so, what better way to stop a fool from being deposed and hurting himself further than to tell him to plead the Fifth at least 400 times.

Michael Cohen

Found on CNN
1 year ago

To be able to employ The F-16 effectively, Ukraine would have to achieve some degree of air superiority, this means Ukraine would have to destroy Russian S-400 air defense systems first and foremost, and preferably S-300 too.

Peter Wijninga

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Nearly all of California has seen much above average rainfall totals over the past several weeks, with totals 400-600% above average values, this has resulted in nearly saturated soils and increasingly high river levels.

The National Weather Service

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Santa packed around 400 corpses of [Russian soldiers] in bags.

The Russian defense ministry

Found on CNN
1 year ago

For violation of the ban on propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations or preferences among people of any age, a fine of 50 thousand to 400 thousand rubles for citizens, from 100 thousand to 800 thousand – for officials, from 800 thousand to 5 million or suspension of activities up to 90 days – for legal entities.

The Duma

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Investigators have already documented more than 400 Russian war crimes, the bodies of both civilians and military personnel are being found, in the Kherson region, the Russian army left behind the same atrocities as in other regions of our country, where it was able to enter.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

There is a misunderstanding that because children do not get as severe disease as a cohort, in general, as the elderly individuals and those with underlying conditions — we still lost 1,400 children, so, although you have to be aware and not deny that there are deleterious consequences for prolonged periods of time for keeping children out of school, remember, the safety of children is also important.

Anthony Fauci

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

When Congress passed this legislation, frankly, we jumped for joy, this was so exciting because of the transformative difference this law would make for America's working families. CRITICS SLAM PRESIDENT BIDEN FOR ‘ CELEBRATING ’ SIGNING OF INFLATION REDUCTION ACT : ‘ SLAP IN THE FACE ’ President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law last month after it passed through Congress along party lines, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. The act, lawmakers said, was intended to combat climate change, address health care costs and raise taxes on large corporations. But midway into September, a new report indicated inflation rose more than expected in August, squeezing U.S. households even as the cost of gasoline fell and continued to create a political headache for the president. The Labor Department said Earlier Tuesday that the consumer price index – a broad measure of the price for everyday goods, including gasoline groceries, and rents – rose 8.3 % in August from a year ago. Prices climbed 0.1 % in the one-month period from July. President Joe Biden speaks before signing H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. ( AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Those figures were both higher than the 8.1 % headline figure and 0.1 % monthly decline forecast by Refinitiv economists, a worrisome sign for theFederal Reserveas it seeks to cool price gains and tame consumer demand with an aggressive interest rate hike campaign. Stock futures tanked on the surprisingly hot report, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 400 points. Earlier Earlier Tuesday, the president released a statement saying it.

Nancy Pelosi

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Students and education staff need a level of support we aren't getting, counselors, in particular, have been one of our biggest concerns. They have about 400 students each. I have 150.

Kris Hill

Found on CNN
1 year ago

This is illegal. The president doesn't have the authority to do this. He's not an emperor. He can't just with the stroke of a pen cancel $300-$400 billion worth of student loans, it's unfair. Eighty-five percent of the people in this country do not have a student loan. They either had one and paid it or they don't have one, and that 85% is gonna pay for the 15% who got a tangible benefit.

Marco Rubio

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

We are spending way too much money to use -- to hide behind a veterans bill, the opportunity to go on an unrelated $ 400 billion spending spree is wrong, and we shouldn't allow it.

Pat Toomey

Found on CNN
1 year ago

It's twice as high as it was two years ago. We were buying that feed for $ 200 a ton and today it's $ 400 plus. So, feed's doubled -- that's another crunch.

Monte Tucker

Found on CNN
1 year ago

My coach thinks there’s a lot more to be done, at some point, we could do maybe the 4, or maybe the 100 hurdles. He says to just really enjoy the 400 hurdles while I’m doing it, and then, if you want to expand, go from there. So, the sky’s the limit for sure.

Allyson Felix

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

We do online mental health screenings, and we've seen those just skyrocket during the pandemic, in 2019, we had around 6,400 screenings. Last year, we had more than 31,000. And those numbers continue to stay stead.

Shannah Mulvihill

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

This night – people yell, 'Close the gate!’and she runs to grab the gate to close it to keep the horse from running out and running over people or different things is what we are pretty sure was in her mind, and when she did, instead of the horse stopping, it ran through the gate and the impact and the force of a 1,400-pound horse as it comes through at 30 plus miles per hour – the gate came across and hit her and that is what did the damage.

Heath Chadwick

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

There's enough food between corn maize and wheat and oil that's stored in silos or on container ships in Ukraine to feed 400 million people, imagine if we can't get that food to those who are starving, to those who are hungry.

Barron Segar

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Sharks have been around for about 400 million years, they in many cases occupy what's called the apex predator position, in marine food webs. Just like on land, that is an important role in terms of keeping the lower parts of the food web healthy and balanced.

Bob Hueter

Found on CNN
2 years ago

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