What does star mean?

Definitions for star

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word star.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. starnoun

    (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

  2. ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiznoun

    someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

  3. starnoun

    any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night

  4. star, principal, leadnoun

    an actor who plays a principal role

  5. starnoun

    a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem

  6. headliner, starnoun

    a performer who receives prominent billing

  7. asterisk, starnoun

    a star-shaped character * used in printing

  8. star topology, staradjective

    the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub

  9. leading(p), prima(p), star(p), starring(p), stellar(a)verb

    indicating the most important performer or role

    "the leading man"; "prima ballerina"; "prima donna"; "a star figure skater"; "the starring role"; "a stellar role"; "a stellar performance"

  10. starverb

    feature as the star

    "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"

  11. starverb

    be the star in a performance

  12. star, asteriskverb

    mark with an asterisk

    "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"


  1. starnoun

    Any small luminous dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots.

  2. starnoun

    A luminous celestial body, made up of plasma (particularly hydrogen and helium) and having a spherical shape. Depending on context the sun may or may not be included.

  3. starnoun

    A concave polygon with regular, pointy protrusions and indentations, generally with five or six points.

  4. starnoun

    A widely-known person; a celebrity.

  5. starnoun

    Actors in leading roles in movies, television shows and other dramatic media.

  6. starnoun

    An exceptionally talented person, often in a specific field.

    His teacher tells us he is a star pupil.

  7. starnoun

    An asterisk (*).

  8. starnoun

    A symbol used to rate hotels, films, etc. with a higher number of stars denoting better quality.

  9. starnoun

    A simple dance, or part of a dance, where a group of four dancers each put their right or left hand in the middle and turn around in a circle. You call them right-hand stars or left-hand stars, depending on the hand which is in the middle.

  10. starverb

    To appear as a featured performer or headliner, especially in an entertainment program.

  11. starverb

    To mark with a star or asterisk.

  12. Etymology: From sterre, from steorra, from sternaz, from h₂stḗr. Cognate with ster, Stern, stjärna, stella, ἀστήρ.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. STARnoun

    Etymology: steorra , Saxon; sterre, Dutch.

    Then let the pebbles on the hungry beech
    Fillop the stars;
    Murdering impossibility, to make
    What cannot be, slight work. William Shakespeare, Coriolanus.

    When an astronomer uses the word star in its strict sense, it is applied only to the fixt stars; but in a large sense it includes the planets. Isaac Watts.

    Hither the Syracusan’s art translates
    Heaven’s form, the course of things and human fates;
    Th’ included spirit serving the star deck’d signs,
    The living work in constant motions winds. George Hakewill.

    As from a cloud his fulgent head,
    And shape star bright, appear’d. John Milton.

    Well, if you be not turn’d Turk, there is no more sailing by the star. William Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing.

    From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,
    A pair of star crost lovers take their life. William Shakespeare.

    We are apt to do amiss, and lay the blame upon our stars or fortune. Roger L'Estrange.

    Remarks worthy of riper observation, note with a marginal star. Isaac Watts.


  1. Star

    A star is an astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightest of which gained proper names. Astronomers have assembled star catalogues that identify the known stars and provide standardized stellar designations. The observable Universe contains an estimated 1×1024 stars, but most are invisible to the naked eye from Earth, including all stars outside our galaxy, the Milky Way. For at least a portion of its life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Almost all naturally occurring elements heavier than helium are created by stellar nucleosynthesis during the star's lifetime, and for some stars by supernova nucleosynthesis when it explodes. Near the end of its life, a star can also contain degenerate matter. Astronomers can determine the mass, age, metallicity (chemical composition), and many other properties of a star by observing its motion through space, its luminosity, and spectrum respectively. The total mass of a star is the main factor that determines its evolution and eventual fate. Other characteristics of a star, including diameter and temperature, change over its life, while the star's environment affects its rotation and movement. A plot of the temperature of many stars against their luminosities produces a plot known as a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (H–R diagram). Plotting a particular star on that diagram allows the age and evolutionary state of that star to be determined. A star's life begins with the gravitational collapse of a gaseous nebula of material composed primarily of hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. When the stellar core is sufficiently dense, hydrogen becomes steadily converted into helium through nuclear fusion, releasing energy in the process. The remainder of the star's interior carries energy away from the core through a combination of radiative and convective heat transfer processes. The star's internal pressure prevents it from collapsing further under its own gravity. A star with mass greater than 0.4 times the Sun's will expand to become a red giant when the hydrogen fuel in its core is exhausted. In some cases, it will fuse heavier elements at the core or in shells around the core. As the star expands it throws a part of its mass, enriched with those heavier elements, into the interstellar environment, to be recycled later as new stars. Meanwhile, the core becomes a stellar remnant: a white dwarf, a neutron star, or, if it is sufficiently massive, a black hole. Binary and multi-star systems consist of two or more stars that are gravitationally bound and generally move around each other in stable orbits. When two such stars have a relatively close orbit, their gravitational interaction can have a significant impact on their evolution. Stars can form part of a much larger gravitationally bound structure, such as a star cluster or a galaxy.


  1. star

    A star is a celestial body that is made up of hot, glowing gases and emits its own light and energy through the process of nuclear fusion. It is typically spherical in shape and is held together by its own gravity. Stars are found throughout the universe and play a crucial role in the formation of galaxies and other astronomical structures.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Starnoun

    one of the innumerable luminous bodies seen in the heavens; any heavenly body other than the sun, moon, comets, and nebulae

  2. Starnoun

    the polestar; the north star

  3. Starnoun

    a planet supposed to influence one's destiny; (usually pl.) a configuration of the planets, supposed to influence fortune

  4. Starnoun

    that which resembles the figure of a star, as an ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honor

  5. Starnoun

    specifically, a radiated mark in writing or printing; an asterisk [thus, *]; -- used as a reference to a note, or to fill a blank where something is omitted, etc

  6. Starnoun

    a composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance

  7. Starnoun

    a person of brilliant and attractive qualities, especially on public occasions, as a distinguished orator, a leading theatrical performer, etc

  8. Starverb

    to set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies; to bespangle; as, a robe starred with gems

  9. Starverb

    to be bright, or attract attention, as a star; to shine like a star; to be brilliant or prominent; to play a part as a theatrical star

  10. Etymology: [OE. sterre, AS. steorra; akin to OFries. stera, OS. sterro, D. ster, OHG. sterno, sterro, G. stern, Icel. stjarna, Sw. stjerna, Dan. stierne, Goth. starn, Armor. & Corn. steren, L. stella, Gr. 'asth`r, 'a`stron, Skr. star; perhaps from a root meaning, to scatter, Skr. st, L. sternere (cf. Stratum), and originally applied to the stars as being strewn over the sky, or as being scatterers or spreaders of light. 296. Cf. Aster, Asteroid, Constellation, Disaster, Stellar.]


  1. Star

    A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on the planet. Some other stars are visible from Earth during the night when they are not obscured by clouds or other atmospheric phenomena, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points because of their immense distance. Historically, the most prominent stars on the celestial sphere were grouped together into constellations and asterisms, and the brightest stars gained proper names. Extensive catalogues of stars have been assembled by astronomers, which provide standardized star designations. For at least a portion of its life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Once a star's hydrogen is nearly exhausted, almost all naturally occurring elements heavier than helium are created, either via stellar nucleosynthesis during their lifetimes or by supernova nucleosynthesis when very massive stars explode. Near the end of its life, a star can also contain a proportion of degenerate matter. Astronomers can determine the mass, age, metallicity, and many other properties of a star by observing its motion through space, luminosity, and spectrum respectively. The total mass of a star is the principal determinant of its evolution and eventual fate. Other characteristics of a star are determined by its evolutionary history, including diameter, rotation, movement and temperature. A plot of the temperature of many stars against their luminosities, known as a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, allows the age and evolutionary state of a star to be determined.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Star

    stär, n. one of the bright bodies in the heavens, except the sun and moon: one of the heavenly bodies shining by their own light, and which keep the same relative position in the heavens: anything star-like or star-shaped: a representation of a star worn as a badge of rank or honour: a person of brilliant or attractive qualities: the chief actor or actress in a dramatic company: (print.) an asterisk (*).—v.t. to set with stars: to bespangle.—v.i. to shine, as a star: to attract attention: to appear as a star-actor (To Star it, esp. on a provincial tour):—pr.p. star′ring; pa.t. and pa.p. starred.—ns. Star′-ap′ple, the fruit of the West Indian tree Chrysophyllum Cainito; Star′-blast′ing, the noxious influence of the stars.—adjs. Star′-blind, so blind as not to see the stars: half-blind; Star′-broi′dered (Tenn.), embroidered with figures in the shape of stars.—ns. Star′-buzz′ard, an American goshawk; Star′-cat′alogue, a list of stars, with their places, magnitudes, &c.—adj. Star′-crossed, not favoured by the stars.—ns. Star′-drift, a common proper motion of a number of fixed stars in the same region of the heavens; Star′-dust, cosmic dust, matter in fine particles falling upon the earth from some outside source, like meteorites; Star′-finch, the redstart; Star′fish (Asteroidea), an Echinoderm, nearly allied to the Brittle-stars (Ophiuroidea) and to the Sea-urchins (Echinoidea); Star′-flow′er, one of various plants with bright star-shaped flowers, the Star-of-Bethlehem: chickweed; Star′-fort, a fort surrounded with projecting angles, like the points of a star; Star′-fruit, a small water-plant of southern Europe, with long-pointed radiating carpels; Star′-gāz′er, an astrologer: an astronomer; Star′-gāz′ing, astrology; Star′-grass, a grass-like plant, with star-shaped, yellow flowers; Star′-hy′acinth, a bulbous-rooted plant, a species of squill, with pinkish purple flowers, found on the coast in the south of England; Star′-jell′y, the common species of nostoc.—adj. Star′less, having no stars visible: having no light from stars.—n. Star′light, light or lustre of the stars.—adjs. Star′-like, resembling a star: radiated like a star: bright, illustrious; Star′lit, lighted by the stars.—ns. Star′-nose, a North American mole; Star′-of-Beth′lehem, a garden plant of the lily family, with bright white star-like flowers: the miraculous star of the Nativity (Matt. ii. 2, 9, 10).—adj. Star′-proof (Milt.), impervious to starlight.—n. Star′-read (Spens.), knowledge of the stars, astrology.—adj. Starred, adorned or studded with stars.—ns. Star&p

The Roycroft Dictionary

  1. star

    1. A milestone in the Infinite. 2. A malicious, ironic eye. 3. A device to show man his insignificance.

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. star

    In heraldry, the star is of frequent occurrence; it sometimes represents the heavenly body so called, and sometimes the rowel of a spur. In the latter case it is blazoned a Mullet. Stars of more than five points should have the number of points designated, and the points may be wavy. The star, or estoile, with wavy points, is often designated a blazing star; and when the points are more than six in number, it is usual to represent only every second point as waved. The star is a well-known ensign of knightly rank. A star of some specified form constitutes part of the insignia of every order of knighthood.

Editors Contribution

  1. starnoun

    A celestial ray of light in rank with the solar system as a title forever ingrained to a badge of duty. Saint stones stationed in the streets with armed regulations accounts receivable for a specific kind of alteration. 1.)a fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun. 2.) a conventional or stylized representative of a star, typically one having five or more points. A symbol of this shape used to indicate a category of excellence.

    I am the sixth point of my variant star body united in my own version of light within El Shaddai orders.

    Etymology: Cultivated chemistry

    Submitted by Tehorah_Elyon on May 3, 2024  

  2. star

    A form of energy.

    The stars are throughout the Universe.

    Submitted by MaryC on December 31, 2019  

  3. star

    a name of a person or somthing that is in the air

    Submitted by justin on August 27, 2020  

Suggested Resources

  1. star

    The star symbol -- In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the star symbol and its characteristic.

  2. star

    Song lyrics by star -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by star on the Lyrics.com website.

  3. STAR

    What does STAR stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the STAR acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. STAR

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Star is ranked #14279 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Star surname appeared 2,097 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Star.

    70.5% or 1,479 total occurrences were White.
    11.3% or 238 total occurrences were Black.
    6.7% or 142 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    5.6% or 118 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    3.2% or 69 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    2.4% or 51 total occurrences were Asian.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'star' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1704

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'star' in Written Corpus Frequency: #2169

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'star' in Nouns Frequency: #450

Anagrams for star »

  1. rats

  2. tars

  3. arts

  4. tsar

  5. sart

  6. stra

How to pronounce star?

How to say star in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of star in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of star in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of star in a Sentence

  1. Special Report All-Star:

    The Special Report All-Star panel's not about money at the end of the day, money doesn't equate to happiness. The Special Report All-Star panel doesn't. The Special Report All-Star panel's missing the whole point. You treat people like human beings. The Special Report All-Star panel's The Special Report All-Star panel. Trump returned fire in a tweet Sunday morning, writing :.

  2. Sara Saracino:

    Similar to Sherlock Holmes tracking down a criminal gang from their missteps, we are looking at every single star in this cluster with a magnifying glass in one hand trying to find some evidence for the presence of black holes but without seeing them directly.

  3. John Mayer:

    If you are someone who cares about your image... dating John Mayer at this point is conceptually just sort of a no-no, so it's really fun to get to hang out with your friends, your A-list star friends, who otherwise would be highly uncomfortable sitting around me.

  4. Ian Hewson:

    There are 10 million viruses in a drop of seawater, so discovering the virus associated with a marine disease can be like looking for a needle in a haystack, Not only is this an important discovery of a virus involved in a mass mortality of marine invertebrates, but this is also the first virus described in a sea star.

  5. Asa Hutchinson:

    Larry Hogan is a star. He’s governed well in Maryland, elected in a blue state. I think the fact that he indicates that he’s going to continue to fight in the Republican Party for alternatives to Donald Trump and a new direction is a good sign, i actually think more voices right now in opposition or providing an alternative to Donald Trump is the best thing in the right direction. So, hats off to Larry for what he’s done, what he’s contributed. And I’m glad that he will continue to do so.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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