What does square mean?

Definitions for square

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word square.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. square, foursquarenoun

    (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon

    "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides"

  2. square, second powernoun

    the product of two equal terms

    "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"

  3. public square, squarenoun

    an open area at the meeting of two or more streets

  4. squarenoun

    something approximating the shape of a square

  5. square, lamenoun

    someone who doesn't understand what is going on

  6. square, square toesnoun

    a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views

  7. squarenoun

    any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles

    "a checkerboard has 64 squares"

  8. squareadjective

    a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles

    "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"

  9. squareadjective

    having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle

    "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner"

  10. straight, squareadjective

    characterized by honesty and fairness

    "straight dealing"; "a square deal"

  11. hearty, satisfying, solid, square, substantialadjective

    providing abundant nourishment

    "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"

  12. square(p)adjective

    leaving no balance

    "my account with you is now all square"

  13. square(a), straightforward, straightadjective

    without evasion or compromise

    "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears"

  14. square, straightverb

    rigidly conventional or old-fashioned

  15. square, square upverb

    make square

    "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"

  16. squareverb

    raise to the second power

  17. squareverb

    cause to match, as of ideas or acts

  18. squareverb

    position so as to be square

    "He squared his shoulders"

  19. squareverb

    be compatible with

    "one idea squares with another"

  20. squareverb

    pay someone and settle a debt

    "I squared with him"

  21. feather, squareverb

    turn the paddle; in canoeing

  22. feather, squareadverb

    turn the oar, while rowing

  23. squarely, squareadverb

    in a straight direct way

    "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"

  24. squarely, squareadverb

    in a square shape

    "a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square"

  25. squarely, squareadverb

    firmly and solidly

    "hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"


  1. squarenoun

    Any simple object with four nearly straight and nearly equal sides meeting at nearly right angles.

  2. squarenoun

    An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles.

    There are so many uses for the square, in fact, that a new model will usually come complete with a booklet enumerating its applications. - The Carpenter's Square

  3. squarenoun

    An open space in a town, not necessarily square in shape, often containing trees, seating and other features pleasing to the eye.

  4. squarenoun

    A cell in a grid.

    You may not move a piece to a square already occupied by one of your own pieces.

  5. squarenoun

    A polygon with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90 degrees; a regular quadrilateral whose angles are all 90 degrees.

  6. squarenoun

    The second power of a number, value, term or expression.

    64 is the square of 8.

  7. squarenoun

    A body of troops drawn up in a square formation.

  8. squarenoun

    A socially conventional person; typically associated with the 1950s

  9. squarenoun

    The symbol # on a telephone; hash.

    Enter your account number followed by a square.

  10. squareverb

    To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else.

    The casting was mounted on a milling machine so that its sides could be squared.

  11. squareverb

    To resolve.

  12. squareverb

    To adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something.

    I cannot square the results of the experiment with my hypothesis.

  13. squareverb

    Of a value, term or expression, to multiply by itself; to raise to the second power.

  14. squareverb

    To draw, with a pair of compasses and a straightedge only, a square with the same area as.

    square the circle

  15. squareverb

    To make a short low pass sideways across the pitch

  16. squarenoun

    The central area of a cricket field, containing several pitches laid out next to one another - only one being used at a time.

    An ideal playing area is roughly circular in shape with a central area, the cricket square, measuring 27.44 metres by 27.44 metres and boundaries 45.75 metres from the sides of the square.

  17. squarenoun

    A unit of measurement of area, equal to a 10 foot by 10 foot square, ie. 100 square feet or roughly 9.3 square metres. Used in real estate for the size of a house or its rooms, though progressively being replaced by square metres in metric countries such as Australia.

  18. squarenoun

    A unit used in measuring roof area equivalent to 100 square feet (9.29 m2) of roof area.

  19. squarenoun

    A dessert cut into rectangular pieces, or a piece of such a dessert.

  20. squarenoun

    A mortarboard

  21. squarenoun

    A square meal.

    Even when times were tough, we got three squares a day.

  22. squareadjective

    Shaped like a square (the polygon).

  23. squareadjective

    At right angles to.

  24. squareadjective

    Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself.

  25. squareadjective

    Honest; straightforward.

    It may be prison, but at least I'm getting three square meals a day.

  26. squareadjective


    I'm just looking for a square deal on my car repair.

  27. squareadjective

    Even; tied

    The sides were square at the end of the half.

  28. squareadjective

    Socially conventional; boring.

  29. squareadjective

    in line with the batsman's popping crease.

  30. squareadjective

    Correctly aligned with respect to something else

  31. Etymology: From esquarre (équerre), from Vulgar Latin *, from quadra.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. SQUAREadjective

    Etymology: ysgwâr, Welsh; quadratus, Latin.

    All the doors and posts were square, with the windows. William King.

    Water and air the varied form confound;
    The straight looks crooked, and the square grows round. Matthew Prior.

    This instrument is for striking lines square to other lines or streight sides, and try the squareness of their work. Joseph Moxon.

    Catching up in haste his three square shield,
    And shining helmet, soon him buckled to the field. Edmund Spenser.

    The clavicle is a crooked bone, in the figure of an S, one end of which being thicker and almost three square, is inserted into the first bone of the sternon. Richard Wiseman, Surgery.

    She’s a most triumphant lady, if report be square to her. William Shakespeare.

    All have not offended;
    For those that were, it is not square to take
    On those that are, revenge; crimes, like to lands,
    Are not inherited. William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens.

  2. Squarenoun

    Etymology: quadra, Latin.

    Then did a sharped spire of diamond bright,
    Ten feet each way in square appear to me,
    Justly proportion’d up unto his height,
    So far as archer might his level see. Edmund Spenser.

    Rais’d of grassy turf their table was;
    And on her ample square from side to side
    All Autumn pil’d. John Milton.

    The statue of Alexander VII. stands in the large square of the town. Joseph Addison, Remarks on Italy.

    In rectangle triangles the square which is made of the side that subtendeth the right angle, is equal to the squares which are made of the sides, containing the right angle. Brown.

    In St. Paul’s time the integrity of Rome was famous: Corinth many ways reproved: they of Galatia much more out of square. Richard Hooker.

    The whole ordinance of that government was at first evil plotted, and through other oversights came more out of square, to that disorder which it is now come unto. Edmund Spenser, Ireland.

    I have not kept my square, but that to come
    Shall all be done by th’ rule. William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra.

    Nothing so much setteth this art of influence out of square and rule as education. Walter Raleigh.

    He alone
    Dealt on lieutenantry, and no practice had
    In the brave squares of war. William Shakespeare.

    Our superfluous lacqueys and our peasants,
    Who in unnecessary action swarm
    About our squares of battle, were enow
    To purge this field of such a hilding foe. William Shakespeare.

    Advance thy golden mountains to the skies,
    On the broad base of fifty thousand rise;
    Add one round hundred, and if that’s not fair,
    Add fifty more, and bring it to a square. Alexander Pope.

    I profess
    Myself an enemy to all other joys
    Which the most precious square of sense possesses,
    And find I am alone felicitate
    In your love. William Shakespeare.

    Men should sort themselves with their equals; for a rich man that converses upon the square with a poor man, shall certainly undoe him. Roger L'Estrange.

    We live not on the square with such as these,
    Such are our betters who can better please. Dryden.

    To th’ other five
    Their planetary motions, and aspects,
    In sextile, square, and trine and opposite
    Of noxious efficacy. John Milton, Paradise Lost.

    I shall break no squares whether it be so or not. Roger L'Estrange.

    One frog looked about him to see how squares went with their new king. Roger L'Estrange.

  3. To Squareverb

    Etymology: quadro, Latin; from the noun.

    He employs not on us the hammer and the chizzel, with an intent to wound or mangle us, but only to square and fashion our hard and stubborn hearts. Robert Boyle, Seraphick Love.

    Circles to square, and cubes to double,
    Wou’d give a man excessive trouble. Matthew Prior.

    Stubborn criticks, apt, without a theme
    For depravation, to square all the sex
    By Cressid’s rule. William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida.

    Dreams are toys;
    Yet for this once, yea superstitiously,
    I will be squar’d by this. William Shakespeare, Winter’s Tale.

    How frantickly I square my talk! William Shakespeare.

    Thou’rt said to have a stubborn soul,
    That apprehends no further than this world,
    And squar’st thy life accordingly. William Shakespeare.

    God has designed us a measure of our undertakings’ his word and law, by the proportions whereof we are to square our actions. Decay of Piety.

    The oracle was inforced to proclaim Socrates to be the wisest man in the world, because he applied his studies to the moral part, the squaring men’s lives. Henry Hammond.

    His preaching much, but more his practice wrought;
    A living sermon of the truths he taught;
    For this by rules severe his life he squar’d,
    That all might see the doctrine which they heard. Dryden.

    This must convince all such who have, upon a wrong interpretation, presumed to square opinions by theirs, and have in loud exclamations shewn their abhorrence of university education. Jonathan Swift.

    Eye me, blest providence, and square my trial
    To my proportion’d strength. John Milton.

    O’er libra’s sign a crowd of foes prevails,
    The icy goat and crab that square the scales. Thomas Creech.

    Some professions can equally square themselves to, and thrive under all revolutions of government. Robert South, Sermons.

  4. To Squareverb

    I set them by the rule, and, as they square,
    Or deviate from undoubted doctrine, fare. Dryden.

    His description squares exactly to lime. John Woodward.

    These marine bodies do not square with those opinions, but exhibit phænomena that thwart them. John Woodward.

    Are you such fools
    To square for this? would it offend you then
    That both should speed! William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus.

    But they do square, that all their elves for fear
    Creep into acorn cups, and hide them there. William Shakespeare.


  1. Square

    In Euclidean geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral, which means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles, π/2 radian angles, or right angles). It can also be defined as a rectangle with two equal-length adjacent sides. It is the only regular polygon whose internal angle, central angle, and external angle are all equal (90°), and whose diagonals are all equal in length. A square with vertices ABCD would be denoted ◻ {\displaystyle \square } ABCD.


  1. square

    A square is a four-sided geometric shape where all sides are of equal length and each angle measures 90 degrees, making it a type of rectangle and a parallelogram. The properties of a square also include having all sides parallel to their opposite side, and having diagonals that bisect each other perpendicularly and are of equal length. It is also known as a regular quadrilateral or a regular polygon with four sides.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Squarenoun

    the corner, or angle, of a figure

  2. Squarenoun

    a parallelogram having four equal sides and four right angles

  3. Squarenoun

    hence, anything which is square, or nearly so

  4. Squarenoun

    a square piece or fragment

  5. Squarenoun

    a pane of glass

  6. Squarenoun

    a certain number of lines, forming a portion of a column, nearly square; -- used chiefly in reckoning the prices of advertisements in newspapers

  7. Squarenoun

    one hundred superficial feet

  8. Squarenoun

    an area of four sides, generally with houses on each side; sometimes, a solid block of houses; also, an open place or area for public use, as at the meeting or intersection of two or more streets

  9. Squarenoun

    an instrument having at least one right angle and two or more straight edges, used to lay out or test square work. It is of several forms, as the T square, the carpenter's square, the try-square., etc

  10. Squarenoun

    hence, a pattern or rule

  11. Squarenoun

    the product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself; thus, 64 is the square of 8, for 8 / 8 = 64; the square of a + b is a2 + 2ab + b2

  12. Squarenoun

    exact proportion; justness of workmanship and conduct; regularity; rule

  13. Squarenoun

    a body of troops formed in a square, esp. one formed to resist a charge of cavalry; a squadron

  14. Squarenoun

    fig.: The relation of harmony, or exact agreement; equality; level

  15. Squarenoun

    the position of planets distant ninety degrees from each other; a quadrate

  16. Squarenoun

    the act of squaring, or quarreling; a quarrel

  17. Squarenoun

    the front of a woman's dress over the bosom, usually worked or embroidered

  18. Squareadjective

    having four equal sides and four right angles; as, a square figure

  19. Squareadjective

    forming a right angle; as, a square corner

  20. Squareadjective

    having a shape broad for the height, with rectilineal and angular rather than curving outlines; as, a man of a square frame

  21. Squareadjective

    exactly suitable or correspondent; true; just

  22. Squareadjective

    rendering equal justice; exact; fair; honest, as square dealing

  23. Squareadjective

    even; leaving no balance; as, to make or leave the accounts square

  24. Squareadjective

    leaving nothing; hearty; vigorous

  25. Squareadjective

    at right angles with the mast or the keel, and parallel to the horizon; -- said of the yards of a square-rigged vessel when they are so braced

  26. Squarenoun

    to form with four sides and four right angles

  27. Squarenoun

    to form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces; as, to square mason's work

  28. Squarenoun

    to compare with, or reduce to, any given measure or standard

  29. Squarenoun

    to adjust; to regulate; to mold; to shape; to fit; as, to square our actions by the opinions of others

  30. Squarenoun

    to make even, so as leave no remainder of difference; to balance; as, to square accounts

  31. Squarenoun

    to multiply by itself; as, to square a number or a quantity

  32. Squarenoun

    to hold a quartile position respecting

  33. Squarenoun

    to place at right angles with the keel; as, to square the yards

  34. Squareverb

    to accord or agree exactly; to be consistent with; to conform or agree; to suit; to fit

  35. Squareverb

    to go to opposite sides; to take an attitude of offense or defense, or of defiance; to quarrel

  36. Squareverb

    to take a boxing attitude; -- often with up, sometimes with off

  37. Etymology: [OF. esquarre, esquierre, F. querre a carpenter's square (cf. It. squadra), fr. (assumed) LL. exquadrare to make square; L. ex + quadrus a square, fr. quattuor four. See Four, and cf. Quadrant, Squad, Squire a square.]


  1. Square

    In geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral. This means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles. It can also be defined as a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length. A square with vertices ABCD would be denoted ABCD. The square is the n=2 case of the families of n-hypercubes and n-orthoplexes.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Square

    skwār; adj. having four equal sides and angles: forming a right angle: having a straight front or an outline formed by straight lines: exact suitable, fitting: true, that does equal justice, fair, honest: even, leaving no balance, settled, as accounts: directly opposed, complete, unequivocal: solid, full, satisfying.—n. that which is square: a square figure: a four-sided space enclosed by houses: a square body of troops: the length of the side of any figure squared: an instrument for measuring right angles: (arith.) the product of a quantity multiplied by itself: due proportion, order, honesty, equity, fairness.—v.t. to form like a square: to form with four equal sides and angles: (arith.) to multiply by itself: to reduce to any given measure or standard, to adjust, regulate: (naut.) to place at right angles with the mast or keel.—v.i. to suit, fit: to accord or agree: to take an attitude of offence and defence, as a boxer.—adj. Square′-built, of a square build or shape.—adv. Square′ly, in a square form or manner.—ns. Square′-meas′ure, a system of measures applied to surfaces, of which the unit is the square of the lineal unit; Square′ness.—adj. Square′-pierced (her.), designating a charge perforated with a square opening so as to show the field.—n. Squā′rer, one who, or that which, squares: (Shak.) a fighting, quarrelsome person.—adj. Square′-rigged, having the chief sails square, and extended by yards suspended by the middle at right angles to the masts—opposed to Fore-and-aft.—ns. Square′-root, that root which being multiplied into itself produces the given number or quantity; Square′-sail, a four-sided sail extended by yards suspended by the middle at right angles to the mast.—adj. Square′-toed.—n. Square′-toes, an old-fashioned, punctilious person.—adj. Squā′rish.—Square the circle, to determine the area of a circle in square measure.—On the square, honestly. [O. Fr. esquarre (Fr. équerre)—L. ex-quadrāre, to square—quadrus, conn. with quatuor, four.]


  1. Square

    Square is making commerce easy for everyone. Starting with a free credit card reader for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, Square Reader allows anyone to accept credit cards anywhere, anytime, for a low transaction rate of 2.75 percent per swipe, with no hidden fees. Square Register serves as a full point-of-sale system for businesses to accept payments, manage items, and share menu and location information. Square Wallet, available in the US, is the most seamless way to pay, enabling individuals to pay at their favorite local businesses, discover new ones nearby, explore menu listings, and store receipts. Founded in 2009, and headquartered in San Francisco, Square is currently available in the U.S. and Canada. More information is available at squareup.com.

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. square

    An instrument formed by a stock and a tongue fixed at right angles. Also, in the army, a formation of infantry devised to resist cavalry. (See HOLLOW SQUARE and RALLYING SQUARE.) Also, a term peculiarly appropriated to the yards and their sails. Thus, when the yards hang at right angles with the mast they are said to be "square by the lifts;" when perpendicular to the ship's length, they are "square by the braces;" but when they lie in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the keel, they are "square by the lifts and braces." The yards are said to be very square when they are of extraordinary length, and the same epithet is applied to their sails with respect to their breadth. Also, a figure composed of four equal sides and four right angles, is the square of geometry.

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. square

    In military evolutions, is the forming of a body of men into a rectangular figure, with several ranks or rows of men facing on each side. With men of ordinary firmness, a square should resist the charges of the heaviest horse. The formation is not new, for a Grecian Syntagma was a solid square of 16 men in every direction; but in modern warfare, the solid square having been found cumbrous, has been abandoned for the hollow square, with officers, horses, colors, etc., in the centre. The front rank kneels, and the two next stoop, which enables five ranks of men to maintain a rolling fire upon an advancing enemy, or to pour in a murderous volley at close quarters.

Rap Dictionary

  1. squarenoun

    A cigarette, usually bummed off of a stranger. Smoke a square and then prepare yourself -- Twiztid, (Left Field)

Suggested Resources

  1. square

    The square symbol -- In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the square symbol and its characteristic.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records


    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Square is ranked #21495 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Square surname appeared 1,215 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Square.

    82.4% or 1,002 total occurrences were Black.
    10.1% or 123 total occurrences were White.
    2.6% or 32 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    2.3% or 29 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'square' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #2529

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'square' in Written Corpus Frequency: #1990

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'square' in Nouns Frequency: #901

  4. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'square' in Adjectives Frequency: #496

How to pronounce square?

How to say square in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of square in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of square in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of square in a Sentence

  1. Paolo Brügger:

    A lot of people are asking themselves now, ‘Is this going to be like this every year — when we get into the cold season, we have a new variant, and we are back to square one?’.

  2. Raj Peter Bhakta:

    It’s a sad tale that former friends are seeking to take the company from its founder and 50 percent owner and put it on the block. But I have known these guys for a long time, i was totally blindsided by their threat that if I didn’t sell I would be bankrupted in court and have my character assassinated in the public square.

  3. Ron DeSantis:

    I would say those lockdowns have ruined millions of people's lives all around this country, wouldn't it have been good to have a full debate on that in our public square ? But that was not what Silicon Valley wanted to do.

  4. Jason Brosius:

    He was kind of a quiet person but he wasn't anymore quiet than anybody else, he didn't show any crazy, weird flags to me. He seemed pretty square.

  5. Sajjan Gohel:

    The type of monuments that are in Sultanahmet Square are the type that ISIS has been blowing up in Syria, it's seen as a place where you have a mesh of different entities. It's a real melting pot.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for square

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ашҭаAbkhaz
  • vierkant, pleinAfrikaans
  • مربع, ميدانArabic
  • kvadrat, meydanAzerbaijani
  • пло́шчаBelarusian
  • триъгълник, линеал, площа́д, квадра́т, квадрат, квадратен, повдигам на квадратBulgarian
  • বর্গBengali
  • quadrat, plaça, quadrarCatalan, Valencian
  • buňka, křížek, čtverec, kvadrát, pole, úhelník, druhá mocnina, náměstí, poctivý, čtvercový, férový, kolmý, vydatný, výživný, čtvereční, nudný, čestnýCzech
  • sgwâr, pedrongl, petrualWelsh
  • torv, kvadratDanish
  • Quadrat, Spießer, Platz, Doppelkreuz, Feld, Schachfeld, spießig, rechtwinklig, quadrieren, quadratischGerman
  • τετραγωνικό, πλατεία, τετράγωνο, γνώμονας, δίεση, τετραγωνικός, ορθογώνιος, εξισώνω, υψώνω στο τετράγωνο, τετράγωνος, κανονίζωGreek
  • kvadrato, placo, kvadratigi, kvadrataEsperanto
  • almohadilla, anticuado, plaza, soso, zanahorio, carca, cartabón, carroza, cuadro, cabeza cuadrada, casilla, cuadrado, escuadra, cuadriculado, alinear, resolver, elevar al cuadrado, perpendicular, cuadrarSpanish
  • väljak, platsEstonian
  • karratuBasque
  • میدان, مربع, چهار گوشPersian
  • neliö, neliöjalka, suorakulma, toinen potenssi, aukio, tori, ruutu, risuaita, tavallinen, neliöön, ratkaista, suorakulmaisesti, selittää, potenssiin, nähden, suoraan kulmaan, neliöidä, nelikulmainen, neliFinnish
  • torgFaroese
  • équerre, place, carré, case, carreau, élever au carréFrench
  • uimhir chearnach, cearnóg an bhaile, hais, cearnóg, cearnógachIrish
  • ceàrn-righailt, cromadh-dìreach, ceàrnag, ceàrnan, ceàrnagachScottish Gaelic
  • cadro, cadradoGalician
  • ચોરસGujarati
  • kerrin, faaieManx
  • סולמית, ריבוע, כיכרHebrew
  • वर्ग, वर्गाकारHindi
  • kareHaitian Creole
  • tér, mező, négyzet, négyszögletes, kockafejű, merőleges, derékszögűHungarian
  • քառակուսի, հրապարակArmenian
  • resolver, quadrarInterlingua
  • persegi, lapangan, pagar, pangkat dua, kuadrat, kotak, segiempatIndonesian
  • torg, ferningur, ferningstala, réttskeið, annað, veldi, fer-, hornréttur, ferningslagaIcelandic
  • piazza, casella, quadratoItalian
  • 平方, 広場, 正方形, 平方形, 曲尺, 四角いJapanese
  • მოედანიGeorgian
  • алаңKazakh
  • ಚದರKannada
  • 廣場, 광장, 정사각형Korean
  • аянтKyrgyz
  • quadrātumLatin
  • kvadratas, kampainis, aikštėLithuanian
  • kvadrāts, skvērsLatvian
  • porowhā rite, tapawhāMāori
  • квадрат, пло́штад, тарабаMacedonian
  • ചത്വരം, വര്‍ഗ്ഗം, സമചതുരം, കവലMalayalam
  • талбай, квадратMongolian
  • orang skema, perkakas, hash, dataran, kaki persegi, kuasa dua, seorang yang sosialnya konvensional, segi empat sama, skema, persegiMalay
  • torg, plass, firkanttast, kvadrat, firkantet, firkanta, kvadratisk, kvadrat-, løse, kvadrere, vinkelrett påNorwegian
  • markt, plaats, tweede macht, kwadraat, hekje, vierkant, square, winkelhaak, veld, plein, oplossen, kwadrateren, tot de tweede macht verheffen, vierkanteDutch
  • firkanttast, plass, kvadrat, torg, firkanta, løyse, kvadrat-, kvadratisk, kvadrere, vinkelrett påNorwegian Nynorsk
  • dikʼą́Navajo, Navaho
  • kątownik, skwer, węgielnica, plac, kwadrat, podnosić do kwadratu, podnosić do drugiej potęgi, kwadratowyPolish
  • sustenido, casa, quadrado, esquadro, careta, praça, alinhar, perpendicular, resolver, [[elevar]] [[ao quadrado]]Portuguese
  • T'asraQuechua
  • piețe, pătrat, cvadrat, echer, piațăRomanian
  • по́ле, квадра́т, уго́льник, сквер, обыва́тель, пло́щадь, решётка, квадратныйRussian
  • kvadrat, vinkl, drugi stepen, trg, винкла, тараба, квадрат, prav ugao, други степен, прав угао, vinkla, винкл, трг, tarabaSerbo-Croatian
  • štvorec, námestieSlovak
  • kvadrat, trgSlovene
  • katror, sheshAlbanian
  • fyrkant, kvadrat, vinkelhake, torg, ruta, brädgård, kvadratisk, fyrkantig, kvadrat-, kvadrera, vinkelrät motSwedish
  • చతురస్రం, వర్గం, చదరపు, చతురస్రTelugu
  • майдонTajik
  • สี่เหลี่ยมจตุรัสThai
  • meýdan, kwadratTurkmen
  • kuwadradoTagalog
  • kare, meydanTurkish
  • мәйданTatar
  • квадрат, пло́ща, майда́нUkrainian
  • maydon, kvadratUzbek
  • 廣場, quảng trường, vuôngVietnamese
  • feled, cögafeledVolapük
  • cwåré, cwårêyeWalloon
  • קוואַדראַטYiddish
  • 廣場Chinese

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    established or prearranged unalterably
    A contagious
    B tacky
    C foreordained
    D appellative

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