What does slip mean?

Definitions for slip

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word slip.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. faux pas, gaffe, solecism, slip, gaucherienoun

    a socially awkward or tactless act

  2. slip, slip-up, miscue, parapraxisnoun

    a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.

  3. slipnoun

    potter's clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics

  4. cutting, slipnoun

    a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting

  5. slipnoun

    a young and slender person

    "he's a mere slip of a lad"

  6. mooring, moorage, berth, slipnoun

    a place where a craft can be made fast

  7. slip, tripnoun

    an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall

    "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"

  8. slickness, slick, slipperiness, slipnoun

    a slippery smoothness

    "he could feel the slickness of the tiller"

  9. strip, slipnoun

    artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material

  10. slip, slip of papernoun

    a small sheet of paper

    "a receipt slip"

  11. chemise, shimmy, shift, slip, teddynoun

    a woman's sleeveless undergarment

  12. case, pillowcase, slip, pillow slipnoun

    bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow

    "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"

  13. skid, slip, sideslipnoun

    an unexpected slide

  14. slip, sideslipnoun

    a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air

  15. slip, elusion, eludingverb

    the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)

  16. steal, slipverb

    move stealthily

    "The ship slipped away in the darkness"

  17. slipverb

    insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly

    "He slipped some money into the waiter's hand"

  18. skid, slip, slue, slew, slideverb

    move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner

    "the wheels skidded against the sidewalk"

  19. slip, drop off, drop away, fall awayverb

    get worse

    "My grades are slipping"

  20. slipverb

    move smoothly and easily

    "the bolt slipped into place"; "water slipped from the polished marble"

  21. err, mistake, slipverb

    to make a mistake or be incorrect

  22. slip, sneakverb

    pass on stealthily

    "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"

  23. slipverb

    move easily

    "slip into something comfortable"

  24. slipverb

    cause to move with a smooth or sliding motion

    "he slipped the bolt into place"

  25. slip, slip one's mindverb

    pass out of one's memory

  26. dislocate, luxate, splay, slipverb

    move out of position

    "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically"

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Slipnoun

    Etymology: from the verb.

    There put on him
    What forgeries you please: marry, none so rank
    As may dishonour him.
    But, sir, such wanton, wild, and usual slips,
    As are most known to youth and liberty. William Shakespeare.

    Of the promise there made, our master hath failed us, by slip of memory, or injury of time. Henry Wotton, Architecture.

    This religious affection, which nature has implanted in man, would be the most enormous slip she could commit. Henry More, Antidote against Atheism.

    One casual slip is enough to weigh down the faithful service of a long life. Roger L'Estrange.

    Alonzo, mark the characters;
    And if th’ impostor’s pen have made a slip,
    That shews it counterfeit, mark that and save me. Dryden.

    Lighting upon a very easy slip I have made, in putting one seemingly indifferent word for another, that discovery opened to me this present view. John Locke.

    Any little slip is more conspicuous and observable in a good man’s conduct than in another’s, as it is not of a piece with his character. Joseph Addison, Spectator.

    In truth, they are fewer, when they come to be discussed by reason, than otherwise they seem, when by heat of contention they are divided into many slips, and of every branch an heap is made. Richard Hooker.

    The slips of their vines have been brought into Spain. George Abbot.

    Adoption strives with nature, and choice breeds
    A native slip to us from foreign seeds. William Shakespeare.

    Thy mother took into her blameful bed
    Some stern untutor’d churl, and noble stock
    Was graft with crab-tree slip, whose fruit thou art. William Shakespeare.

    Trees are apparelled with flowers or herbs by boring holes in their bodies, and putting into them earth holpen with muck, and setting seeds or slips of violets in the earth. Francis Bacon.

    So have I seen some tender slip,
    Sav’d with care from Winter’s nip,
    The ride of her carnation train,
    Pluck’d up by some unheedy swain. John Milton.

    The lab’rer cuts
    Young slips, and in the soil securely puts. Dryden.

    They are propagated not only by the seed, but many also by the root, and some by slips or cuttings. John Ray, on the Creation.

    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
    Straining upon the start. William Shakespeare, Henry V.

    God is said to harden the heart permissively, but not operatively, nor effectively; as he who only lets loose a greyhound out of the slip, is said to hound him at the hare. John Bramhall.

    The more shame for her goodyship,
    To give so near a friend the slip. Hudibras.

    The daw did not like his companion, and gave him the slip, and away into the woods. Roger L'Estrange.

    Their explications are not your’s, and will give you the slip. John Locke.

    Between these eastern and western mountains lies a slip of lower ground, which runs across the island. Addison.

  2. To Slipverb

    In his officious attendance upon his mistress he tried to slip a powder into her drink. John Arbuthnot, Hist. of John Bull.

    You are not now to think what’s best to do,
    As in beginnings; but what must be done,
    Being thus enter’d; and slip no advantage
    That may secure you. Ben Jonson, Catiline.

    Let us not slip th’ occasion, whether scorn
    Or satiate fury yield it from our foe. John Milton.

    One ill man may not think of the mischief he could do, or slip the occasion. Roger L'Estrange.

    To slip the market, when thus fairly offered, is great imprudence. Collier.

    For watching occasions to correct others in their discourse, and not to slip any opportunity of shewing their talents, scholars are most blamed. John Locke.

    Thus far my author has slipt his first design; not a letter of what has been yet said promoting any ways the trial. Francis Atterbury.

    The runners spread from the master-roots, and have little sprouts or roots to them, which, being cut four or five inches long, make excellent sets: the branches also may be slipped and planted. John Mortimer, Husbandry.

    This bird you aim’d at, though you hit it not.
    —— Oh, sir, Lucentio slipp’d me like his greyhound,
    Which runs himself, and catches for his master. William Shakespeare.

    On Eryx altars lays
    A lamb new fallen to the stormy seas;
    Then slips his haulsers, and his anchors weighs. Dryden.

    The impatient greyhound, slipt from far,
    Bounds o’er the glebe, to course the fearful hare. Dryden.

    Forced to alight, my horse slipped his bridle, and ran away. Jonathan Swift.

    If our author gives us a list of his doctrines, with what reason can that about indulgences be slipped over? Francis Atterbury.

  3. To SLIPverb

    Etymology: slipan , Saxon; slippen, Dutch.

    If a man walks over a narrow bridge, when he is drunk, it is no wonder that he forgets his caution while he overlooks his danger; but he who is sober, and views that nice separation between himself and the devouring deep, so that, if he should slip, he sees his grave gaping under him, surely must needs take every step with horrour and the utmost caution. South.

    A skilful dancer on the ropes slips willingly, and makes a seeming stumble, that you may think him in great hazard, while he is only giving you a proof of his dexterity. Dryden.

    If after some distinguish’d leap
    He drops his pole, and seems to slip,
    Straight gath’ring all his active strength,
    He rises higher half his length. Matthew Prior.

    Oh Ladon, happy Ladon! rather slide than run by her, lest thou shouldst make her legs slip from her. Philip Sidney.

    They trim their feathers, which makes them oily and slippery, that the water may slip off them. John Mortimer, Husbandry.

    Sometimes the ancle-bone is apt to turn out on either side, by reason of relaxation, which though you reduce, yet, upon the least walking on it, the bone slips out again. Richard Wiseman.

    From her most beastly company
    I ’gan refrain, in mind to slip away,
    Soon as appear’d safe opportunity. Edmund Spenser.

    When Judas saw that his host slipt away, he was sore troubled. 1 Mac. ix. 7.

    I’ll slip down out of my lodging. John Dryden, Don Sebastian.

    Thus one tradesman slips away,
    To give his partner fairer play. Matthew Prior.

    The banks of either side seeming arms of the loving earth, that fain would embrace it, and the river a wanton nymph, which still would slip from it. Philip Sidney.

    The blessing of the Lord shall slip from thee, without doing thee any good, if thou hast not ceased from doing evil. Taylor.

    Slipping from thy mother’s eye thou went’st
    Alone into the temple; there was found
    Among the gravest rabbies disputant,
    On points and questions fitting Moses’ chair. John Milton.

    Thrice around his neck his arms he threw,
    And thrice the flitting shadow slipp’d away,
    Like winds or empty dreams that fly the day. Dryden.

    Though with pale cheeks, wet beard, and dropping hair,
    None but my Ceyx could appear so fair,
    I would have strain’d him with a strict embrace;
    But through my arms he slipt, and vanish’d from the place. Dryden.

    When a corn slips out of their paws, they take hold of it again. Joseph Addison, Spectator.

    Wise men watch every opportunity, and retrieve every mispent hour which has slipped from them. John Rogers.

    I will impute no defect to those two years which have slipped by since. Jonathan Swift, to Pope.

    If he had been as you,
    And you as he, you would have slipt like him;
    But he, like you, would not have been so stern. William Shakespeare.

    One slippeth in his speech, but not from his heart. Ecclus.

    An eloquent man is known far and near; but a man of understanding knoweth when he slippeth. Ecclus. xxi. 7.

    Some mistakes may have slipt into it; but others will be prevented by the names being now set at length. Adv. to Dunciad.

    By the hearer it is still presumed, that if they be let slip for the present, what good soever they contain is lost, and that without all hope of recovery. Richard Hooker.

    The mathematician proceeds upon propositions he has once demonstrated; and though the demonstration may have slipt out of his memory, he builds upon the truth. Addison.

    Use the most proper methods to retain the ideas you have acquired; for the mind is ready to let many of them slip, unless some pains be taken to fix them upon the memory. Isaac Watts.


  1. Slip

    Slip is a song by British girl-group Stooshe from their debut album London with the Lights On. Produced by Future Cut, it was released as the album's third single by Warner Music UK from 12 May 2013. Stooshe released the official artwork for the single on 20 March 2013. "Slip" is about a partner who has become comfortable in a relationship and has forgotten how to be romantic. The song has a Motown sound, which Karis Anderson said gave the group their sense of fun back. The accompanying music video was directed by Bryan Barber and released on 25 March 2013. It depicts the group singing the track in a bowling alley, while performing retro choreography.


  1. slip

    Slip is a verb that generally means to slide unintentionally causing loss of balance or stability. It may also mean to pass or move smoothly or quietly, to put something with care, to descend or deteriorate in standards, or to escape from a memory or understanding. As a noun, it refers to an act of sliding unintentionally, a piece of paper or a small document, or a woman's undergarment.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Slipnoun

    to move along the surface of a thing without bounding, rolling, or stepping; to slide; to glide

  2. Slipnoun

    to slide; to lose one's footing or one's hold; not to tread firmly; as, it is necessary to walk carefully lest the foot should slip

  3. Slipnoun

    to move or fly (out of place); to shoot; -- often with out, off, etc.; as, a bone may slip out of its place

  4. Slipnoun

    to depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding; to go or come in a quiet, furtive manner; as, some errors slipped into the work

  5. Slipnoun

    to err; to fall into error or fault

  6. Slipverb

    to cause to move smoothly and quickly; to slide; to convey gently or secretly

  7. Slipverb

    to omit; to loose by negligence

  8. Slipverb

    to cut slips from; to cut; to take off; to make a slip or slips of; as, to slip a piece of cloth or paper

  9. Slipverb

    to let loose in pursuit of game, as a greyhound

  10. Slipverb

    to cause to slip or slide off, or out of place; as, a horse slips his bridle; a dog slips his collar

  11. Slipverb

    to bring forth (young) prematurely; to slink

  12. Slipnoun

    the act of slipping; as, a slip on the ice

  13. Slipnoun

    an unintentional error or fault; a false step

  14. Slipnoun

    a twig separated from the main stock; a cutting; a scion; hence, a descendant; as, a slip from a vine

  15. Slipnoun

    a slender piece; a strip; as, a slip of paper

  16. Slipnoun

    a leash or string by which a dog is held; -- so called from its being made in such a manner as to slip, or become loose, by relaxation of the hand

  17. Slipnoun

    an escape; a secret or unexpected desertion; as, to give one the slip

  18. Slipnoun

    a portion of the columns of a newspaper or other work struck off by itself; a proof from a column of type when set up and in the galley

  19. Slipnoun

    any covering easily slipped on

  20. Slipnoun

    a loose garment worn by a woman

  21. Slipnoun

    a child's pinafore

  22. Slipnoun

    an outside covering or case; as, a pillow slip

  23. Slipnoun

    the slip or sheath of a sword, and the like

  24. Slipnoun

    a counterfeit piece of money, being brass covered with silver

  25. Slipnoun

    matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge tools

  26. Slipnoun

    potter's clay in a very liquid state, used for the decoration of ceramic ware, and also as a cement for handles and other applied parts

  27. Slipnoun

    a particular quantity of yarn

  28. Slipnoun

    an inclined plane on which a vessel is built, or upon which it is hauled for repair

  29. Slipnoun

    an opening or space for vessels to lie in, between wharves or in a dock; as, Peck slip

  30. Slipnoun

    a narrow passage between buildings

  31. Slipnoun

    a long seat or narrow pew in churches, often without a door

  32. Slipnoun

    a dislocation of a lead, destroying continuity

  33. Slipnoun

    the motion of the center of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel, or the blade of an oar, through the water horozontally, or the difference between a vessel's actual speed and the speed which she would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid; also, the velocity, relatively to still water, of the backward current of water produced by the propeller

  34. Slipnoun

    a fish, the sole

  35. Slipnoun

    a fielder stationed on the off side and to the rear of the batsman. There are usually two of them, called respectively short slip, and long slip

  36. Etymology: [OE. slippen; akin to LG. & D. slippen, MHG. slipfen (cf. Dan. slippe, Sw. slippa, Icel. sleppa), and fr. OE. slipen, AS. slpan (in comp.), akin to G. schleifen to slide, glide, drag, whet, OHG. slfan to slide, glide, make smooth, Icel. slpa to whet; cf. also AS. slpan, Goth. sliupan, OS. slopian, OHG. sliofan, G. schliefen, schlpfen, which seem to come from a somewhat different root form. Cf. Slope, n.]


  1. Slip

    Slip is a woman's undergarment worn beneath a dress or skirt to help it hang smoothly and to prevent chafing of the skin from coarse fabrics such as wool. Slips are also worn for warmth, and to protect fine fabrics from perspiration. A full slip hangs from the shoulders, usually by means of narrow straps, and extends from the breast to the fashionable skirt length. A half slip hangs from the waist. It may also be called a waist slip or more rarely a petticoat. Slips are often worn to prevent the show through of intimate undergarments such as panties or a brassiere. A slip may also be used to prevent a silhouette of the legs showing through clothing when standing in front of a bright light source. Other uses for slips are to make a dress or skirt hang properly, the prevention of chafing to the skin, to protect the outer garment from damage due to perspiration, or for warmth, especially if the dress or skirt is lightweight and thin. In very warm and/or humid climates a slip made from 100% cotton may be desired.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Slip

    slip, v.i. to slide or glide along: to move out of place: to escape: to err: to slink: to enter by oversight.—v.t. to cause to slide: to convey secretly: to omit: to throw off: to let loose: to escape from: to part from the branch or stem:—pr.p. slip′ping; pa.t. and pa.p. slipped.—n. act of slipping: that on which anything may slip: an error, a fault, a slight transgression: an escape: a twig: a strip, a narrow piece of anything: a leash: a smooth inclined plane, sloping down to the water, on which a ship is built: anything easily slipped on: (print.) a long galley-proof before being made up into pages.—ns. Slip′-board, a board sliding in grooves; Slip′-dock, a dock having a floor that slopes so that the lower end is submerged; Slip′-knot, a knot which slips along the rope or line round which it is made; Slip′per, a loose shoe easily slipped on.—adj. (Spens.) slippery.—adj. Slip′pered, wearing slippers.—adv. Slip′perily, in a slippery manner.—ns. Slip′periness, Slip′piness.—adjs. Slip′pery, Slip′py, apt to slip away: smooth: not affording firm footing or confidence: unstable: uncertain; Slip′shod, shod with slippers, or shoes down at the heel like slippers: careless.—n. Slip′stitch.—Slip off, to take off noiselessly or hastily; Slip on, to put on loosely or in haste; Slip one's breath, or wind, to die; Slip the leash, to disengage one's self from a noose.—Give a person the slip, to escape stealthily from him. [A.S. slípan; Sw. slippa, Dut. slippen, to glide, Ger. schliefen.]

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. slip

    An inclined plane by the water side, on which a ship may be built. There are also slips up which vessels may be drawn for receiving repairs. Also, a short memorandum of the proposed insurance of a ship, which is sometimes offered to the underwriters for subscription, previous to the effecting of a policy. Also, in steam navigation, the difference between the pitch of the propelling screw, and the space through which the screw actually progresses in the water, during one revolution.--To slip, is to let go the cable with a buoy on the end, and quit the position, from any sudden requirement, instead of weighing the anchor.--To slip by the board. To slip down by the ship's side.

Editors Contribution

  1. slipverb

    To accidentally slide and lose balance; trip.

    I slipped on the icy ground.

    Submitted by zakaria1409 on June 29, 2022  

Suggested Resources

  1. SLIP

    What does SLIP stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the SLIP acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

British National Corpus

  1. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'slip' in Nouns Frequency: #2700

  2. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'slip' in Verbs Frequency: #403

How to pronounce slip?

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  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of slip in Chaldean Numerology is: 6

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of slip in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2

Examples of slip in a Sentence

  1. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull:

    I can assure Australians that our security system, our border protection, our domestic security arrangements, are much stronger than they are in Europe, where regrettably they allowed them to slip, that weakness in European security is not unrelated to the problems they've been having in recent times.

  2. Annie Lennox:

    Right now is the critical time to invest further in the global response, it is a unique opportunity in history and we cannot let it slip by.

  3. Harjeet Singh:

    Rich nations have been dragging their feet, but we can't allow this essential element to slip off the table.

  4. Jake Gyllenhaal:

    I think I learned a lot from that movie in that I spend a lot of time trying to be very thoughtful about the roles that I pick and why I'm picking them, and you're bound to slip up and be like,' That wasn't right for me,' or' That didn't fit perfectly.' There have been a number of roles like that. And then a number of roles that do.

  5. The Atlantic City boy:

    I pulled out my late slip and that’s when the item fell out of my pocket and a teacher had seen it.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for slip

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • combinació, engalba, relliscadaCatalan, Valencian
  • uklouznout, relaps, zhoršit, prokluzCzech
  • ausrutschen, Fehler machen, Ausrutscher, reichen, sich irren, Unterkleid, irrenGerman
  • γλιστρώ, γλίστρημα, κάνω σφάλμα, μεσοφόρι, ολίσθησηGreek
  • misi, erari, fuŝi, glitiEsperanto
  • resbalar, equivocación, falta, resbalón, descuido, desliz, tropezar, deslizar, error, combinaciónSpanish
  • sujauttaa, lipsua, lipsahdus, liukastua, luiskahdus, saviliete, liukastuminen, livahtaa, langeta, lipsahtaa, jättämä, alushame, lipuke, lappunen, liuskaFinnish
  • barbotine, glissade, faire passer, se tromper, empirer, faire erreur, glisser, ficheFrench
  • fo-ghúnaIrish
  • fo-ghooynManx
  • nyelvbotlás, elszólásHungarian
  • sgusciare, sdrucciolare, scivolare, crollare, far passare, calare, sbagliare, sfuggire, svista, sbaglio, peggiorare, strafalcione, errare, errore, sottoveste, slittareItalian
  • praetermisissentLatin
  • falen, slip, uitglijden, slippen, herval, reep, ondergoedDutch
  • gli, skliNorwegian
  • poślizgnąć się, pośliznąć sięPolish
  • derrapar, deslizarPortuguese
  • alunecaRomanian
  • поскальзываться, ошибка, комбинация, поскользнуться, ошибаться, ошибиться, обмолвка, комбинашка, скольжение, листокRussian
  • تِرڪَڻُSindhi
  • halkaSwedish
  • జారు, పొరబడు, చీటీTelugu

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