What does press mean?
Definitions for press
This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word press.
Princeton's WordNet
imperativeness, insistence, insistency, press, pressurenoun
the state of demanding notice or attention
"the insistence of their hunger"; "the press of business matters"
press, public pressnoun
the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
press, printing pressnoun
a machine used for printing
crush, jam, pressnoun
a dense crowd of people
wardrobe, closet, pressnoun
a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes
clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use
press, mechanical pressnoun
any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids
press, military pressnoun
a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
press, pressure, pressingverb
the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure
"he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button"
exert pressure or force to or upon
"He pressed down on the boards"; "press your thumb on this spot"
urge, urge on, press, exhortverb
force or impel in an indicated direction
"I urged him to finish his studies"
weigh, pressverb
to be oppressive or burdensome
"weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind"
place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure
"pressed flowers"
compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, pressverb
squeeze or press together
"she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"
crowd closely
"The crowds pressed along the street"
create by pressing
"Press little holes into the soft clay"
be urgent
"This is a pressing problem"
crusade, fight, press, campaign, push, agitateverb
exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for
"The liberal party pushed for reforms"; "She is crusading for women's rights"; "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
press, press outverb
press from a plastic
"press a record"
press, pushverb
make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby
"`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"
iron, iron out, pressverb
press and smooth with a heated iron
"press your shirts"; "she stood there ironing"
weight-lift, weightlift, pressverb
lift weights
"This guy can press 300 pounds"
bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjureverb
ask for or request earnestly
"The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary
Etymology: pressoir, Fr. from the verb.
The press is full, the fats overflow. Joel iii. 13.
When one came to the press fats to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. Hag. ii. 16.
The stomach and intestines are the press, and the lacteal vessels the strainers, to separate the pure emulsion from the fæces. Arbuthnot.
They kept their cloaths, when they were not worn, constantly in a press, to give them a lustre. Arbuthnot.
These letters are of the second edition; he will print them out of doubt, for he cares not what he puts into the press, when he would put us two in. William Shakespeare.
Paul and Barnabas, when infidels admiring their virtues, went about to sacrifice unto them, rent their garments in token of horror, and as frighted, ran crying through the press of the people, O men wherefore do ye these things. Richard Hooker.
She held a great gold chain ylinked well,
Whose upper end to highest heaven was knit,
And lower part did reach to lowest hell,
And all that press did round about her swell,
To catchen hold of that long chain. Fairy Queen.Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the musick,
Cry, Cæsar. William Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar.Death having prey’d upon the outward parts,
Leaves them insensible; his siege is now
Against the mind; the which he pricks and wounds
With many legions of strange fantasies;
Which in their throng, and press to that last hold,
Confound themselves. William Shakespeare, King Lear.Ambitious Turnus in the press appears,
And aggravating crimes augment their fears. Dryden.A new express all Agra does affright,
Darah and Aurengzebe are join’d in fight;
The press of people thickens to the court,
Th’ impatient croud devouring the report. Dryden.Through the press enrag’d Thalestris flies,
And scatters deaths around from both her eyes. Alexander Pope.Creep into the kill hole. —— Neither press, coffer, chest, trunk; but he hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places. William Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor.
If I be not ashamed of my soldiers, I am a sowc’d gurnet; I have misus’d the king’s press damnably. William Shakespeare.
Concerning the musters and presses for sufficient mariners to serve in his majesty’s ships, either the care is very little, or the bribery very great. Walter Raleigh.
To PRESSverb
Etymology: presser, Fr. premo, pressus, Lat.
The grapes I pressed into Pharaoh’s cup. Gen. xl. 11.
Good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. Luke vi. 38.
From sweet kernels press’d,
She tempers dulcet creams. John Milton.I put pledgets of lint pressed out on the excoriation. Richard Wiseman.
Their morning milk the peasants press at night,
Their evening milk before the rising light. Dryden.After pressing out of the coleseed for oil in Lincolnshire, they burn the cakes to heat their ovens. John Mortimer.
Once or twice she heav’d the name of father
Pantingly forth, as if it prest her heart. William Shakespeare.The experience of his goodness in her own deliverance, might cause her merciful disposition to take so much the more delight in saving others, whom the like necessity should press. Richard Hooker.
The posts that rode upon mules and camels, went out, being hastened and pressed on by the king’s commands. Esther.
I was prest by his majesty’s commands, to assist at the treaty. William Temple, Miscel.
He gapes; and straight
With hunger prest, devours the pleasing bait. Dryden.He pressed a letter upon me, within this hour, to deliver to you. John Dryden, Spanish Fryar.
Come with words as medical as true,
Honest as either, to purge him of that humour
That presses him from sleep. William Shakespeare.Paul was pressed in spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ. Acts xviii. 5.
Wickedness condemned by her own witness, and pressed with conscience, forecasteth grievous things. Wisdom xvii. 11.
Be sure to press upon him every motive. Addison.
I am the more bold to press it upon you, because these accomplishments sit more handsomely on persons of quality, than any other. Henry Felton, on the Classicks.
Those who negotiated, took care to make demands impossible to be complied with; and therefore might securely press every article, as if they were in earnest. Jonathan Swift.
Chymists I may press with arguments, drawn from some of the eminentest writers of their sect. Boyle.
He press’d her matron lips
With kisses pure. John Milton.She took her son, and press’d
Th’ illustrious infant to her fragrant breast. Dryden.His easy heart receiv’d the guilty flame,
And from that time he prest her with his passion. Smith.Leucothoe shook,
And press’d Palemon closer in her arms. Alexander Pope.The place thou pressest on thy mother earth,
Is all thy empire now: now it contains thee. Dryden.Let them be pressed, and ready to give succours to their confederates, as it ever was with the Romans; for if the confederate had leagues defensive with divers other states, and implored their aids, the Romans would ever be the formost. Francis Bacon, Essays.
Prest for their country’s honour and their king’s,
On their sharp beaks they whet their pointed stings. Dryd.Do but say to me what I should do,
That in your knowledge may by me be done,
And I am prest into it. William Shakespeare.For every man that Bolingbroke hath press’d
To lift sharp steel against our golden crown,
Heav’n for his Richard hath in store
A glorious angel. William Shakespeare, Richard II.From London by the king was I prest forth. William Shakespeare.
They are enforced of very necessity to press the best and greatest part of their men out of the West countries, which is no small charge. Walter Raleigh.
The endeavour to raise new men for the recruit of the army by pressing, found opposition in many places. Edward Hyde.
The peaceful peasant to the wars is prest,
The fields lie fallow in inglorious rest. Dryden.Must grandson Filbert to the wars be prest. John Gay.
You were pressed for the sea-service, and got off with much a-do. Jonathan Swift.
To Pressverb
If there be fair proofs on the one side, and none at all on the other, and if the most pressing difficulties be on that side, on which there are no proofs, this is sufficient to render one opinion very credible, and the other altogether incredible. John Tillotson, Sermons.
A great many uneasinesses always solliciting the will, it is natural, that the greatest and most pressing should determine it to the next action. John Locke.
I make bold to press
With so little preparation.
—— You’re welcome. William Shakespeare.I press toward the mark for the prize. Phil. iii. 14.
The Turks gave a great shout, and pressed in on all sides, to have entered the breach. Richard Knolles.
Thronging crowds press on you as you pass,
And with their eager joy make triumph flow. Dryden.Th’ insulting victor presses on the more,
And treads the steps the vanquish’d trod before. Dryden.She is always drawn in a posture of walking, it being as natural for Hope to press forward to her proper objects, as for Fear to fly from them. Joseph Addison, on Ancient Medals.
Let us not therefore faint, or be weary in our journey, much less turn back or sit down in despair; but press chearfully forward to the high mark of our calling. John Rogers.
On superior powers
Were we to press, inferior might on ours. Alexander Pope.For he had healed many, insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him. Mar. iii. 10.
Counsel she may; and I will give thy ear
The knowledge first of what is fit to hear:
What I transact with others or alone,
Beware to learn; not press too near the throne. Dryden.He pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in. Gen.
The less blood he drew, the more he took of treasure; and, as some construed it, he was the more sparing in the one, that he might be the more pressing in the other. Francis Bacon.
So thick the shiv’ring army stands,
And press for passage with extended hands. Dryden.When arguments press equally in matters indifferent, the safest method is to give up ourselves to neither. Addison.
Patroclus presses upon Hector too boldly, and by obliging him to fight, discovers it was not the true Achilles. Alexander Pope.
Press refers to either: 1. The act of applying force or pressure on something to flatten or shape it or to extract, reduce or remove at least a part of it. 2. The machine or device used to apply such force or pressure. 3. The collective term for print, broadcast, and digital media organizations that are involved in the reporting of news, including journalists, correspondents, editors, and photographers. 4. The act of transferring, applying, or imprinting a design, image, or lettering onto a surface by using pressure and often heat. The specific definition usually depends on the context in which the term is used.
Webster Dictionary
an East Indian insectivore (Tupaia ferruginea). It is arboreal in its habits, and has a bushy tail. The fur is soft, and varies from rusty red to maroon and to brownish black
to force into service, particularly into naval service; to impress
a commission to force men into public service, particularly into the navy
to urge, or act upon, with force, as weight; to act upon by pushing or thrusting, in distinction from pulling; to crowd or compel by a gradual and continued exertion; to bear upon; to squeeze; to compress; as, we press the ground with the feet when we walk; we press the couch on which we repose; we press substances with the hands, fingers, or arms; we are pressed in a crowd
to squeeze, in order to extract the juice or contents of; to squeeze out, or express, from something
to squeeze in or with suitable instruments or apparatus, in order to compact, make dense, or smooth; as, to press cotton bales, paper, etc.; to smooth by ironing; as, to press clothes
to embrace closely; to hug
to oppress; to bear hard upon
to straiten; to distress; as, to be pressed with want or hunger
to exercise very powerful or irresistible influence upon or over; to constrain; to force; to compel
to try to force (something upon some one); to urge or inculcate with earnestness or importunity; to enforce; as, to press divine truth on an audience
to drive with violence; to hurry; to urge on; to ply hard; as, to press a horse in a race
to exert pressure; to bear heavily; to push, crowd, or urge with steady force
to move on with urging and crowding; to make one's way with violence or effort; to bear onward forcibly; to crowd; to throng; to encroach
to urge with vehemence or importunity; to exert a strong or compelling influence; as, an argument presses upon the judgment
an apparatus or machine by which any substance or body is pressed, squeezed, stamped, or shaped, or by which an impression of a body is taken; sometimes, the place or building containing a press or presses
specifically, a printing press
the art or business of printing and publishing; hence, printed publications, taken collectively, more especially newspapers or the persons employed in writing for them; as, a free press is a blessing, a licentious press is a curse
an upright case or closet for the safe keeping of articles; as, a clothes press
the act of pressing or thronging forward
urgent demands of business or affairs; urgency; as, a press of engagements
a multitude of individuals crowded together; / crowd of single things; a throng
Etymology: [For prest, confused with press.]
Press was a daily middle-market tabloid newspaper published in Belgrade. Press Publishing Group also owns a daily aimed at businesspeople called Biznis, as well as a lifestyle weekly magazine Lola and a glossy monthly magazine called FAME. Founded in late 2005, the company has quickly established itself as one of Serbia's leading media enterprises. According to its most recent annual financial report submitted to Serbian Economic Register Agency, the company has 136 employees and it posted an annual profit of RSD58,830,000 for the calendar year 2007.
Chambers 20th Century Dictionary
pres, v.t. to push on or against with a heavy weight or with great force: to squeeze out, as juice: to clasp or embrace: to bear heavily on: to distress: to urge strongly: to present to the mind with earnestness: to lay stress upon: to hurry on with great speed: to shape or smooth by the application of weight.—v.i. to exert pressure: to push with force: to crowd: to go forward with violence: to urge with vehemence and importunity: to exert a strong influence.—n. Press′er.—adj. Press′ing, urgent: importunate: forcible.—adv. Press′ingly.—n. Pres′sion. [Fr. presser—L. pressāre—premĕre, pressum, to squeeze.]
pres, n. an instrument for squeezing bodies: a printing-machine: the art or business of printing and publishing: act of urging forward: urgency: strong demand: a crowd: a closet for holding articles.—ns. Press′-bed, a bed enclosed in a cupboard, or folding up into it; Press′fat (B.), the vat of an olive or wine press for collecting the liquor; Press′man, one who works a printing-press: a journalist or reporter: a member of a pressgang; Press′mark, a mark upon a book to show its place among others in a library; Press′-room, a room where printing-presses are worked; Press′-work, the operation of taking impressions from type or plates by means of the printing-press.—Press of sail, as much sail as can be carried.—Brahmah press, a hydraulic press called after Mr Brahmah, its inventor; Cylinder press, a printing-press in which the types are laid on a cylinder which revolves, instead of on a flat surface; Hydraulic press (see Hydraulic); Liberty of the press, the right of publishing books, &c., without submitting them to a government authority for permission; The Press, the literature of a country, esp. its newspapers.
pres, v.t. to carry men off by violence to become soldiers or sailors.—ns. Press′gang, a gang or body of sailors under an officer empowered to impress men into the navy; Press′-mon′ey (for prest-money), earnest-money. [Corr. from old form prest, from O. Fr. prester (Fr. prêter), to lend—præstāre, to offer—præ, before, stāre, to stand.]
Press for iOS allows you to create multimedia slideshows on your iPhone, using photos you take, sounds you record, and text you write. You can send these slideshows to other users, who can add or edit the photos and sound as a group. A slideshow can evolve greatly over time and between users, so our backend keeps a version history. Any slideshow can be posted to Facebook or disseminated in a Tweet, where it is viewable on the Web. to anyone with the link.
Editors Contribution
=filator; q.v.
Surnames Frequency by Census Records
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Press is ranked #8308 in terms of the most common surnames in America.
The Press surname appeared 3,989 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Press.
86.3% or 3,445 total occurrences were White.
6.5% or 263 total occurrences were Black.
3.7% or 151 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
1.5% or 60 total occurrences were Asian.
1.4% or 56 total occurrences were of two or more races.
0.3% or 14 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
Matched Categories
British National Corpus
Spoken Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word 'press' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #994
Written Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word 'press' in Written Corpus Frequency: #1199
Nouns Frequency
Rank popularity for the word 'press' in Nouns Frequency: #426
Verbs Frequency
Rank popularity for the word 'press' in Verbs Frequency: #290
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- [["1515","13"],["1520","2"],["1524","13"],["1563","3"],["1564","7"],["1572","2"],["1574","1"],["1575","3"],["1579","4"],["1581","11"],["1584","1"],["1589","1"],["1590","14"],["1592","4"],["1595","2"],["1600","1"],["1607","8"],["1611","6"],["1620","4"],["1624","3"],["1626","2"],["1629","1"],["1634","3"],["1635","7"],["1637","18"],["1642","2"],["1643","6"],["1644","5"],["1645","1"],["1647","1"],["1648","13"],["1649","1"],["1650","1"],["1651","2"],["1652","3"],["1653","4"],["1655","2"],["1656","3"],["1657","2"],["1658","12"],["1659","4"],["1661","1"],["1662","9"],["1663","113"],["1664","3"],["1665","2"],["1666","46"],["1667","19"],["1668","16"],["1669","7"],["1670","11"],["1671","2"],["1672","9"],["1673","12"],["1674","2"],["1675","13"],["1676","20"],["1677","14"],["1678","24"],["1679","42"],["1680","14"],["1681","59"],["1682","66"],["1683","239"],["1684","57"],["1685","47"],["1686","19"],["1687","7"],["1688","22"],["1689","36"],["1690","10"],["1691","10"],["1692","38"],["1693","20"],["1694","30"],["1695","20"],["1696","6"],["1697","17"],["1698","64"],["1699","77"],["1700","97"],["1701","71"],["1702","141"],["1703","92"],["1704","71"],["1705","78"],["1706","97"],["1707","91"],["1708","99"],["1709","99"],["1710","163"],["1711","201"],["1712","75"],["1713","98"],["1714","155"],["1715","118"],["1716","98"],["1717","144"],["1718","119"],["1719","206"],["1720","167"],["1721","183"],["1722","203"],["1723","134"],["1724","236"],["1725","299"],["1726","220"],["1727","197"],["1728","186"],["1729","353"],["1730","268"],["1731","273"],["1732","142"],["1733","212"],["1734","294"],["1735","176"],["1736","128"],["1737","241"],["1738","333"],["1739","224"],["1740","294"],["1741","183"],["1742","169"],["1743","133"],["1744","447"],["1745","234"],["1746","127"],["1747","346"],["1748","372"],["1749","454"],["1750","384"],["1751","370"],["1752","321"],["1753","295"],["1754","497"],["1755","459"],["1756","154"],["1757","364"],["1758","394"],["1759","426"],["1760","262"],["1761","355"],["1762","177"],["1763","486"],["1764","380"],["1765","371"],["1766","729"],["1767","460"],["1768","754"],["1769","493"],["1770","526"],["1771","519"],["1772","559"],["1773","455"],["1774","450"],["1775","675"],["1776","727"],["1777","505"],["1778","320"],["1779","356"],["1780","454"],["1781","549"],["1782","570"],["1783","481"],["1784","850"],["1785","582"],["1786","639"],["1787","1166"],["1788","846"],["1789","789"],["1790","967"],["1791","1165"],["1792","1363"],["1793","1234"],["1794","1315"],["1795","1277"],["1796","1875"],["1797","1248"],["1798","1528"],["1799","1563"],["1800","2044"],["1801","4607"],["1802","3209"],["1803","3690"],["1804","3740"],["1805","3644"],["1806","4780"],["1807","4823"],["1808","5037"],["1809","4930"],["1810","5923"],["1811","5860"],["1812","7069"],["1813","5787"],["1814","6581"],["1815","5948"],["1816","7110"],["1817","7015"],["1818","7114"],["1819","6472"],["1820","9476"],["1821","7699"],["1822","10666"],["1823","9441"],["1824","12255"],["1825","13063"],["1826","8862"],["1827","9934"],["1828","10350"],["1829","10650"],["1830","15447"],["1831","16213"],["1832","14736"],["1833","14593"],["1834","12336"],["1835","17278"],["1836","18199"],["1837","17135"],["1838","16692"],["1839","19335"],["1840","18929"],["1841","16515"],["1842","14651"],["1843","17303"],["1844","16680"],["1845","20527"],["1846","19813"],["1847","19001"],["1848","21755"],["1849","22059"],["1850","24668"],["1851","23212"],["1852","26498"],["1853","30614"],["1854","30206"],["1855","28331"],["1856","30811"],["1857","25081"],["1858","25078"],["1859","29690"],["1860","26000"],["1861","20737"],["1862","19120"],["1863","20892"],["1864","24217"],["1865","22294"],["1866","25999"],["1867","22777"],["1868","24815"],["1869","22212"],["1870","22414"],["1871","24180"],["1872","25077"],["1873","25149"],["1874","27920"],["1875","27843"],["1876","26605"],["1877","29983"],["1878","25405"],["1879","25719"],["1880","35506"],["1881","34313"],["1882","35355"],["1883","36956"],["1884","39254"],["1885","35956"],["1886","29814"],["1887","35544"],["1888","33600"],["1889","31718"],["1890","35438"],["1891","36743"],["1892","36225"],["1893","37338"],["1894","38124"],["1895","37280"],["1896","43088"],["1897","41832"],["1898","47639"],["1899","52653"],["1900","56866"],["1901","49590"],["1902","51812"],["1903","49999"],["1904","57298"],["1905","53935"],["1906","54536"],["1907","54909"],["1908","55307"],["1909","51020"],["1910","54548"],["1911","53004"],["1912","56526"],["1913","52413"],["1914","51274"],["1915","52998"],["1916","54779"],["1917","53603"],["1918","49481"],["1919","57101"],["1920","66260"],["1921","56570"],["1922","63227"],["1923","56021"],["1924","48946"],["1925","46647"],["1926","44142"],["1927","55769"],["1928","50809"],["1929","53059"],["1930","56501"],["1931","57267"],["1932","49634"],["1933","41596"],["1934","52885"],["1935","59686"],["1936","64808"],["1937","68615"],["1938","68715"],["1939","71635"],["1940","72607"],["1941","73250"],["1942","66775"],["1943","63708"],["1944","61604"],["1945","55202"],["1946","70671"],["1947","91544"],["1948","85569"],["1949","98501"],["1950","97736"],["1951","91790"],["1952","97514"],["1953","88028"],["1954","91419"],["1955","95877"],["1956","105442"],["1957","108926"],["1958","107021"],["1959","112452"],["1960","138223"],["1961","143029"],["1962","170769"],["1963","174108"],["1964","182248"],["1965","210248"],["1966","219074"],["1967","242822"],["1968","279871"],["1969","263642"],["1970","287776"],["1971","267365"],["1972","274534"],["1973","272258"],["1974","266980"],["1975","258764"],["1976","276005"],["1977","282326"],["1978","283716"],["1979","294277"],["1980","301293"],["1981","304055"],["1982","317757"],["1983","323346"],["1984","361803"],["1985","378395"],["1986","385178"],["1987","413771"],["1988","453072"],["1989","485318"],["1990","557356"],["1991","519761"],["1992","547253"],["1993","569733"],["1994","580382"],["1995","577033"],["1996","577498"],["1997","601357"],["1998","620546"],["1999","647201"],["2000","718574"],["2001","716808"],["2002","780469"],["2003","854942"],["2004","895505"],["2005","839264"],["2006","855379"],["2007","927080"],["2008","1004396"]]
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of press in Chaldean Numerology is: 3
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of press in Pythagorean Numerology is: 5
Examples of press in a Sentence
If we start reopening tomorrow and there's no big second wave of infections, I still think it's 6 to 12 months at least until everything is back to normal, it's much easier to hit 'stop' on an economy than it is to press 'start.'.
The strategy of Bonnier Business Press includes a significant increase of investments in technology and digital media.
It just shows us how connected we are (against) a team like that that can get in your head and press and cause turnovers, it just shows our poise throughout the game: Just stay level-headed and keep going at it.
Vladimir Putin will embrace the idea that we might self-deter every time he issues a press release. And lawyerly hair-splitting about providing this kind of weaponry is not escalatory but providing that kind of weaponry is escalatory – I don't think we really believe that, i think the administration is pushing the intelligence community to give them cover for lean forward decisions they don't want to be making.
We’ve seen this song-and-dance before, it remains to be seen whether this is something they’re going to follow through on or whether they’re putting out releases to get good press.
Popularity rank by frequency of use
Translations for press
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ضغط, صحافة, ي� عطArabic
- матбуғатBashkir
- premsa, prémer, impressoraCatalan, Valencian
- lis, tisk, stisknout, tisknoutCzech
- Presse, Druckerpresse, drückenGerman
- presiloEsperanto
- prensa, presionar, oprimir, pres, prensarSpanish
- مطبوعات, افشردنPersian
- paino, lehdistö, komero, painokone, painaa, kaappi, puristin, punnerrusFinnish
- presse, imprimerie, pressoir, presser, appuyerFrench
- priosIrish
- preasScottish Gaelic
- presionar, prensa, prensarGalician
- עיתונותHebrew
- प्रेस, दबानाHindi
- nyomás, sajtó, nyom, benyom, prés, szekrény, megnyomHungarian
- սեղմել, մամուլArmenian
- persIndonesian
- presarIdo
- pressa, stampa, premere, torchioItalian
- 棚, パンツプレッサー, メディア, タンス, 押し花器, ズボンプレス, ズボンプレッサー, パンツプレス, 押す, 圧搾機, 報道, 印刷機, プレスJapanese
- 미디어, 누르다Korean
- perehi, kūeneMāori
- drukken, persDutch
- prasaPolish
- prensa, imprensa, pressionar, insistir, prensarPortuguese
- соковыжималка, печатный станок, жать, нажать, пресс, пресса, печать, нажимать, давить, надавитьRussian
- trycka, press, tryckpressSwedish
- பத்திரிகைTamil
- หนังสือพิมพ์, ดัน, กดThai
- دباناUrdu
- ấn, ép, báo chíVietnamese
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