What does charge mean?

Definitions for charge

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word charge.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. chargenoun

    an impetuous rush toward someone or something

    "the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary"; "the battle began with a cavalry charge"

  2. charge, complaintnoun

    (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense

    "he was arrested on a charge of larceny"

  3. chargenoun

    the price charged for some article or service

    "the admission charge"

  4. charge, electric chargenoun

    the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons

    "the battery needed a fresh charge"

  5. care, charge, tutelage, guardianshipnoun

    attention and management implying responsibility for safety

    "he is in the care of a bodyguard"

  6. mission, charge, commissionnoun

    a special assignment that is given to a person or group

    "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"

  7. chargenoun

    a person committed to your care

    "the teacher led her charges across the street"

  8. chargenoun

    financial liabilities (such as a tax)

    "the charges against the estate"

  9. cathexis, chargenoun

    (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object

    "Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge"

  10. bang, boot, charge, rush, flush, thrill, kicknoun

    the swift release of a store of affective force

    "they got a great bang out of it"; "what a boot!"; "he got a quick rush from injecting heroin"; "he does it for kicks"

  11. charge, billingnoun

    request for payment of a debt

    "they submitted their charges at the end of each month"

  12. commission, charge, directionnoun

    a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something

    "the judge's charge to the jury"

  13. accusation, chargenoun

    an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence

    "the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving"

  14. charge, bearing, heraldic bearing, armorial bearingnoun

    heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield

  15. charge, burster, bursting charge, explosive chargeverb

    a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time

    "this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains"

  16. charge, bear downverb

    to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle

    "he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork"

  17. charge, accuseverb

    blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against

    "he charged the director with indifference"

  18. charge, billverb

    demand payment

    "Will I get charged for this service?"; "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights"

  19. tear, shoot, shoot down, charge, buckverb

    move quickly and violently

    "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"

  20. appoint, chargeverb

    assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to

    "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"

  21. charge, lodge, fileverb

    file a formal charge against

    "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"

  22. chargeverb

    make an accusatory claim

    "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"

  23. chargeverb

    fill or load to capacity

    "charge the wagon with hay"

  24. chargeverb

    enter a certain amount as a charge

    "he charged me $15"

  25. commit, institutionalize, institutionalise, send, chargeverb

    cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution

    "After the second episode, she had to be committed"; "he was committed to prison"

  26. consign, chargeverb

    give over to another for care or safekeeping

    "consign your baggage"

  27. chargeverb

    pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt

    "Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?"

  28. chargeverb

    lie down on command, of hunting dogs

  29. agitate, rouse, turn on, charge, commove, excite, charge upverb

    cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

    "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks"

  30. chargeverb

    place a heraldic bearing on

    "charge all weapons, shields, and banners"

  31. load, chargeverb

    provide (a device) with something necessary

    "He loaded his gun carefully"; "load the camera"

  32. charge, level, pointverb

    direct into a position for use

    "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me"

  33. charge, saddle, burdenverb

    impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to

    "He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend"

  34. chargeverb

    instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence

  35. chargeverb

    instruct or command with authority

    "The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem"

  36. blame, chargeverb

    attribute responsibility to

    "We blamed the accident on her"; "The tragedy was charged to her inexperience"

  37. chargeverb

    set or ask for a certain price

    "How much do you charge for lunch?"; "This fellow charges $100 for a massage"

  38. chargeverb

    cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on

    "charge a conductor"

  39. chargeverb

    energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge

    "I need to charge my car battery"

  40. chargeverb


    "The room was charged with tension and anxiety"


  1. chargenoun

    The scope of someone's responsibility.

    The child was in the nanny's charge.

  2. chargenoun

    Someone or something entrusted to one's care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher.

    The child was a charge of the nanny.

  3. chargenoun

    A load or burden; cargo.

    The ship had a charge of colonists and their belongings.

  4. chargenoun

    The amount of money levied for a service.

    A charge of 5 dollars.

  5. chargenoun

    An instruction.

    I gave him the charge to get the deal closed by the end of the month.

  6. chargenoun

    A ground attack against a prepared enemy.

    Pickett died leading his famous charge.

  7. chargenoun

    An accusation.

  8. chargenoun

    An electric charge.

  9. chargenoun

    An offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.

  10. chargeverb

    To place a burden upon; to assign a duty or responsibility to.

    Charge your weapons, we're moving up

  11. chargeverb

    To load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials.

    Charge your weapons, we're moving up

  12. chargeverb

    To move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback.

    Charge your weapons, we're moving up

  13. chargenoun

    A measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearm cartridge.

  14. chargenoun

    An image displayed on an escutcheon.

  15. chargenoun

    A forceful forward movement.

  16. Etymology: From chargen, from charger, from carricare, from carrus; see car.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Chargenoun

    Etymology: from the verb.

    One of the Turks laid down letters upon a stone, saying, that in them was contained that they had in charge. Richard Knolles, Hist. of the Turks.

    A hard division, when the harmless sheep
    Must leave their lambs to hungry wolves in charge. Edward Fairfax.

    He enquired many things, as well concerning the princes which had the charge of the city, whether they were in hope to defend the same. Richard Knolles, History of the Turks.

    Saul might even lawfully have offered to God those reserved spoils, had not the Lord, in that particular case, given special charge to the contrary. Richard Hooker, b. v. § 17.

    It is not for nothing, that St. Paul giveth charge to beware of philosophy; that is to say, such knowledge as men by natural reason attain unto. Richard Hooker, b. iii. § 8.

    The leaders having charge from you to stand,
    Will not go off until they hear you speak. William Shakespeare, H. IV.

    He, who requires
    From us no other service than to keep
    This one, this easy charge, of all the trees
    In paradise, that bear delicious fruit
    So various, not to taste that only tree
    Of knowledge, planted by the tree of life. Par. Lost, b. iv.

    If large possessions, pompous titles, honourable charges, and profitable commissions, could have made this proud man happy, there would have been nothing wanting to his establishment. Roger L'Estrange.

    Go first the master of thy herds to find
    True to his charge a loyal swain and kind. Alexander Pope.

    I gave my brother charge over Jerusalem; for he was a faithful man, and feared God above many. Nehemiah, vii. 2.

    Hast thou eaten of the tree,
    Whereof I gave thee charge thou should’st not eat? John Milton, Paradise Lost, b. x. l. 123.

    He loves God with all his heart, that is, with that degree of love, which is the highest point of our duty, and of God’s charge upon us. Jeremy Taylor, Rule of Living Holy.

    We need not lay new matter to his charge:
    What you have seen him do, and heard him speak,
    Beating your officers, cursing yourselves. William Shakespeare, Coriolan.

    These very men are continually reproaching the clergy, and laying to their charge the pride, the avarice, the luxury, the ignorance, and superstition of popish times. Jonathan Swift.

    Why hast thou, Satan, broke the bounds prescrib’d
    To thy transgressions, and disturb’d the charge
    Of others? John Milton, Paradise Lost, b. iv. l. 879.

    More had he said, but, fearful of her stay,
    The starry guardian drove his charge away,
    To some fresh pasture. Dryden.

    Our guardian angel saw them where they sate
    Above the palace of our slumb’ring king;
    He sigh’d, abandoning his charge to fate. Dryden.

    This part should be the governour’s principal care; that an habitual gracefulness and politeness, in all his carriage, may be settled in his charge, as much as may be, before he goes out of his hands. John Locke.

    Being long since made weary with the huge charge, which you have laid upon us, and with the strong endurance of so many complaints. Edmund Spenser, on Ireland.

    Their charge was always born by the queen, and duly paid out of the exchequer. Francis Bacon, Advice to Villiers.

    Witness this army of such mass and charge,
    Led by a delicate and tender prince. William Shakespeare, Hamlet.

    He liv’d as kings retire, though more at large,
    From publick business, yet of equal charge. Dryden.

    A man ought warily to begin charges, which, once begun, will continue. Francis Bacon, Essays.

    Ne’er put yourself to charges, to complain
    Of wrong, which heretofore you did sustain. Dryden.

    The last pope was at considerable charges, to make a little kind of harbour in this place. Joseph Addison, on Italy.

    And giving a charge upon their enemies, like lions, they slew eleven thousand footmen, and sixteen hundred horsemen, and put all the others to flight. 2 Macc. xi. 11.

    Honourable retreats are no ways inferiour to brave charges; as having less of fortune, more of discipline, and as much of valour. Francis Bacon, War with Spain.

    Our author seems to sound a charge, and begins like the clangour of a trumpet. Dryden.

    Their neighing coursers, daring of the spur,
    Their armed staves in charge, their beavers down. William Shakespeare, Henry IV. p. ii.

  2. To CHARGEverb

    Etymology: charger, Fr. caricare, Ital. from carrus, Lat.

    And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served them. Genesis, xl. 4.

    What you have charged me with, that I have done. William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    My father’s, mother’s, brother’s death, I pardon:
    That’s somewhat sure; a mighty sum of murder,
    Of innocent and kindred blood struck off,
    My prayers and penance shall discount for these,
    And beg of heav’n to charge the bill on me. Dryden.

    It is not barely the ploughman’s pains, the reaper’s and thresher’s toil, and the baker’s sweat, is to be counted into the bread we eat; the plough, mill, oven, or any other utensils, must all be charged on the account of labour. John Locke.

    No more accuse thy pen, but charge the crime
    On native sloth, and negligence of time. Dryden.

    It is easy to account for the difficulties he charges on the peripatetick doctrine. John Locke.

    Perverse mankind! whose wills, created free,
    Charge all their woes on absolute decree;
    All to the dooming gods their guilt translate,
    And follies are miscall’d the crimes of fate. Alexander Pope.

    We charge that upon necessity, which was really desired and chosen. Isaac Watts, Logick.

    The gospel chargeth us with piety towards God, and justice and charity to men, and temperance and chastity in reference to ourselves. John Tillotson.

    Speaking thus to you, I am so far from charging you as guilty in this matter, that I can sincerely say, I believe the exhortation wholly needless. William Wake, Preparation for Death.

    And his angels he charged with folly. Job, iv. 18.

    The priest shall charge her by an oath. Numb. v. 19.

    Thou canst not, cardinal, devise a name
    So slight, unworthy, and ridiculous,
    To charge me to an answer as the pope. William Shakespeare, K. John.

    I may not suffer you to visit them;
    The king hath strictly charg’d the contrary. William Shakespeare, R. III.

    Why dost thou turn thy face? I charge thee, answer
    To what I shall enquire. John Dryden, OEdipus.

    I charge thee, stand,
    And tell thy name and business in the land. Dryden.

    With his prepared sword he charges home
    My unprovided body, lanc’d my arm. William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    The Grecians rally, and their pow’rs unite;
    With fury charge us, and renew the fight. Dryden.

    Like your heroes of antiquity, he charges in iron, and seems to despise all ornament, but intrinsick merit. George Granville.

    Here’s the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh! oh! oh! ———— What a sigh is there? the heart is sorely charged. William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    When often urg’d, unwilling to be great,
    Your country calls you from your lov’d retreat,
    And sends to senates, charg’d with common care,
    Which none more shuns, and none can better bear. Dryden.

    Like meat swallowed down for pleasure and greediness, which only charges the stomach, or fumes into the brain. William Temple.

    A fault in the ordinary method of education, is the charging of childrens memories with rules and precepts. John Locke.

    It is pity the obelisks in Rome had not been charged with several parts of the Egyptian histories, instead of hieroglyphicks. Joseph Addison, on Italy.


  1. Chargé

    Chargé (French pronunciation: [ʃaʁʒe] (listen)) is a commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. Chargé is a small town near Amboise. The Rock 'in Chargé festival has revitalized the village since 2006.


  1. charge

    Charge refers to an intrinsic property of matter that gives rise to electromagnetic interactions. It is a fundamental property of particles, including atoms, ions, and subatomic particles such as protons and electrons. The nature of charge can be positive or negative, and like charges repel while opposite charges attract each other. Charge plays a crucial role in electrical phenomena and is an essential concept in physics.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Chargeverb

    to lay on or impose, as a load, tax, or burden; to load; to fill

  2. Chargeverb

    to lay on or impose, as a task, duty, or trust; to command, instruct, or exhort with authority; to enjoin; to urge earnestly; as, to charge a jury; to charge the clergy of a diocese; to charge an agent

  3. Chargeverb

    to lay on, impose, or make subject to or liable for

  4. Chargeverb

    to fix or demand as a price; as, he charges two dollars a barrel for apples

  5. Chargeverb

    to place something to the account of as a debt; to debit, as, to charge one with goods. Also, to enter upon the debit side of an account; as, to charge a sum to one

  6. Chargeverb

    to impute or ascribe; to lay to one's charge

  7. Chargeverb

    to accuse; to make a charge or assertion against (a person or thing); to lay the responsibility (for something said or done) at the door of

  8. Chargeverb

    to place within or upon any firearm, piece of apparatus or machinery, the quantity it is intended and fitted to hold or bear; to load; to fill; as, to charge a gun; to charge an electrical machine, etc

  9. Chargeverb

    to ornament with or cause to bear; as, to charge an architectural member with a molding

  10. Chargeverb

    to assume as a bearing; as, he charges three roses or; to add to or represent on; as, he charges his shield with three roses or

  11. Chargeverb

    to call to account; to challenge

  12. Chargeverb

    to bear down upon; to rush upon; to attack

  13. Chargeverb

    to make an onset or rush; as, to charge with fixed bayonets

  14. Chargeverb

    to demand a price; as, to charge high for goods

  15. Chargeverb

    to debit on an account; as, to charge for purchases

  16. Chargeverb

    to squat on its belly and be still; -- a command given by a sportsman to a dog

  17. Chargeverb

    a load or burder laid upon a person or thing

  18. Chargeverb

    a person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of another; a trust

  19. Chargeverb

    custody or care of any person, thing, or place; office; responsibility; oversight; obigation; duty

  20. Chargeverb

    heed; care; anxiety; trouble

  21. Chargeverb


  22. Chargeverb

    an order; a mandate or command; an injunction

  23. Chargeverb

    an address (esp. an earnest or impressive address) containing instruction or exhortation; as, the charge of a judge to a jury; the charge of a bishop to his clergy

  24. Chargeverb

    an accusation of a wrong of offense; allegation; indictment; specification of something alleged

  25. Chargeverb

    whatever constitutes a burden on property, as rents, taxes, lines, etc.; costs; expense incurred; -- usually in the plural

  26. Chargeverb

    the price demanded for a thing or service

  27. Chargeverb

    an entry or a account of that which is due from one party to another; that which is debited in a business transaction; as, a charge in an account book

  28. Chargeverb

    that quantity, as of ammunition, electricity, ore, fuel, etc., which any apparatus, as a gun, battery, furnace, machine, etc., is intended to receive and fitted to hold, or which is actually in it at one time

  29. Chargeverb

    the act of rushing upon, or towards, an enemy; a sudden onset or attack, as of troops, esp. cavalry; hence, the signal for attack; as, to sound the charge

  30. Chargeverb

    a position (of a weapon) fitted for attack; as, to bring a weapon to the charge

  31. Chargeverb

    a soft of plaster or ointment

  32. Chargeverb

    a bearing. See Bearing, n., 8

  33. Chargenoun

    thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; -- called also charre

  34. Chargenoun

    weight; import; value


  1. Charge

    In heraldry, a charge is any emblem or device occupying the field of an escutcheon. This may be a geometric design or a symbolic representation of a person, animal, plant, object or other device. In French blazon, the ordinaries are called pièces while other charges are called meubles. The division of charges into "ordinaries", "sub-ordinaries" and other categories is a relatively modern practice that has been deprecated, and these terms much pejorated, in the writings of Fox-Davies and other heraldry authors. The particular significance or meaning of a charge may be indicated in the blazon, but this practice is also deprecated. The term charge can also be used as a verb; for example, if an escutcheon bears three lions, then it is said to be charged with three lions; similarly, a crest or even a charge itself may be "charged", such as a pair of eagle wings charged with trefoils. It is important to distinguish between the ordinaries and divisions of the field, as these typically follow similar patterns, such as a shield divided "per chevron", as distinct from being charged with a chevron.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Charge

    chärj, v.t. to load, to put into, to fill (with): to load heavily, burden: to fill completely: to cause to receive electricity: to lay a task upon one, to enjoin, command: to deliver officially an injunction, as a judge to a jury, a bishop or archdeacon to his clergy, or a senior to a junior minister at a Presbyterian ordination: to bring an accusation against: to exact a sum of money from, to ask as the price.—v.i. to make an onset.—n. that which is laid on: cost or price: the load of powder, &c., for a gun: attack or onset: care, custody: the object of care, esp. a minister of religion's flock or parish: an accumulation of electricity in a Leyden jar: command: exhortation: accusation: (pl.) expenses.—adj. Charge′able, liable to be charged, imputable: blamable: (B.) burdensome.—n. Charge′ableness.—adv. Charge′ably.—adj. Charge′ful (Shak.), expensive.—n. Charge′-house (Shak.), a common school where a fee was charged, in distinction to a free-school.—adj. Charge′less.—n. Charg′er, a flat dish capable of holding a large joint, a platter: a war-horse.—Give in charge, to hand over to the police. [Fr. charger—Low L. carricāre, to load—L. carrus, a wagon. See Car, Cargo.]

The Standard Electrical Dictionary

  1. Charge

    The quantity of electricity that is present on the surface of a body or conductor. If no electricity is supplied, and the conductor is connected to the earth, it is quickly discharged. A charge is measured by the units of quantity, such as the coulomb. The charge that a conductor can retain at a given rise of potential gives its capacity, expressible in units of capacity, such as the farad. A charge implies the stretching or straining between the surface of the charged body, and some complimentary charged surface or surfaces, near or far, of large or small area, of even or uneven distribution.

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. charge

    The proportional quantity of powder and ball wherewith a gun is loaded for execution. The rules for loading large ordnance are: that the piece be first cleaned or scoured inside; that the proper quantity of powder be next driven in and rammed down, care however being taken that the powder in ramming be not bruised, because that weakens its effect; that a little quantity of paper, lint, or the like, be rammed over it, and then the ball be intruded. If the ball be red hot, a tompion, or trencher of green wood, is to be driven in before it. Also, in martial law, an indictment or specification of the crime of which a prisoner stands accused. Also, in evolutions, the brisk advance of a body to attack an enemy, with bayonets fixed at the charge, or firmly held at the hip. Also, the command on duty, every man's office.--A ship of charge, is one so deeply immersed as to steer badly.--To charge a piece, is to put in the proper quantity of ammunition.

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. charge

    The act of rushing on the enemy with a view to come to close fighting. It is also sometimes applied to the temporary command of a detachment, troop, company, or battery. A charge likewise means the statement of the crime for which an officer or soldier is brought before a court-martial.

  2. charge

    The quantity of powder with which a piece of artillery is loaded. The charge corresponding to the maximum velocity in the projectile is called the maximum charge. The longer the gun the greater the maximum charge. In the early days of artillery, when powder was used in the form of dust, a very large charge was necessary. After the introduction of grained powder it was reduced gradually to about one-fourth the weight of the shot. At the time of the recent departures in ordnance, the charge for smooth-bore guns was from one-fifth to one-eighth the weight of the projectile; for howitzers, from one-eighth to one-twentieth; for mortars the charge varied with the range, the largest being about one-ninth. For rifle guns the disproportion was greater than for smooth-bores, the average being about one-tenth. In small-arms, the charge for the old smooth-bore musket was about one-third the weight of the ball. When the rifle was introduced, this proportion was retained till the oblong bullet began to be used, when the charge was relatively much diminished, till it fell to about one-tenth. The tendency lately has been to increase it. In some of the best-known rifles of the present day the charge is about one-fifth,—a majority use more than one-sixth. The same tendency is still more observable in heavy ordnance. The largest Krupp, Woolwich, and Armstrong guns use a charge greater than one-fourth the weight of the projectile.

  3. charge

    The position of a weapon fitted for attack; as, to bring a weapon to the charge.

  4. charge

    In heraldry, the figures represented on a shield are called charges, and a shield with figures upon it is said to be charged. The charges in a shield ought to be few in number, and strongly marked, both as regards their character and the mode of their representation. The family shield belonging to the head of the house almost always is simpler,—i.e., has fewer charges than the shields of collaterals, or even of junior members.

Suggested Resources

  1. charge

    Song lyrics by charge -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by charge on the Lyrics.com website.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'charge' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1146

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'charge' in Written Corpus Frequency: #1383

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'charge' in Nouns Frequency: #273

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'charge' in Verbs Frequency: #301

How to pronounce charge?

How to say charge in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of charge in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of charge in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6

Examples of charge in a Sentence

  1. Elizabeth Shermer:

    As every legislature knows, if you cut the appropriations for higher education, colleges and universities can just increase what they charge. Just increase tuition.

  2. Kym Worthy:

    Like any other case, we charge cases that we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, we do not charge cases that we can not prove beyond a reasonable doubt, so we are confident in all charges that we have meted out today.

  3. Hunter Biden:

    I remember years ago an accountant said,' You know, you can charge( the Senate) part of the gas you use in the vehicle at your home.' And I said,' No,' here's how I look at it : The foul line is 15 feet away from the basket. Never get me closer than 17 feet, because it really is a matter of the public trust.

  4. Cora Breuner:

    I always say in my clinic, everybody has to shut off their screen between 9 and 10, and all of them need to be charged away from the bed on a phone charge strip. Everybody : Mom, Dad, uncle, partners, siblings.

  5. President Obama:

    Now that Republicans are in charge, they got to take a look and say, let's see. We got 20 million people who have health insurance who didn't have it before, health care costs generally have gone up at a significantly slower rate since ObamaCare was passed than they did before, which has saved the federal Treasury hundreds of billions of dollars.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for charge

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • تهمةArabic
  • такса, обвинение, заряд, цена, предписание, нападение, товар, пълня, възлагам, поверявам, задължавам, обременявам, зареждам, атакувам, обвинявам, натоварвамBulgarian
  • càrrega, encàrrec, preu, costCatalan, Valencian
  • výpad, náboj, pověřit, nabítCzech
  • angreb, anklage, ladning, læs, opladeDanish
  • Last, Entgelt, Ladung, berechnenGerman
  • χρέωση, φορτίο, επίθεση, υπευθυνότητα, κατηγορία, ευθύνη, φόρτισηGreek
  • cargo, figura, cargar, atacarSpanish
  • شارژPersian
  • veloitus, törmääminen, vastuu, hyökkäys, hinta, ohje, lasti, varaus, rynnäkkö, törmäysvirhe, kuorma, syytös, taksa, lataus, taakka, syyte, määräys, tunnus, varata, veloittaa, rynnistää, sälyttää, ladata, luottokortti, rynnäköidä, määrätä, latautua, laskuttaa, hyökätä, kuormata, syyttää, törmätäFinnish
  • frais, charge, inculpation, charger, créditer, accuser, s'élancer, armerFrench
  • חיובHebrew
  • चार्जHindi
  • díjHungarian
  • biayaIndonesian
  • imputazione, carico, costo, accusa, prezzo, carica, incarico, compito, sfondamento, caricareItalian
  • לחייבHebrew
  • 紋, 突撃, 電荷, 非難, 荷, 料金, 責任, チャージ, 義務, 命令, 受託物, チャージング, 装填, 充電, 告発, 請求, 荷電Japanese
  • 문양, 장전, 책임, 명령, 의무, 돌격, 수탁물, 전하, 요금, 비난, 차징, 짐, 충전하다, 청구하다, 충전되다, 외상질하다, 돌격하다, 고발하다Korean
  • praecipioLatin
  • heitara, whakapae, whakapā hē, whakatauteMāori
  • надлежност, наплата, напојување, грижа, задача, полнеж, товар, обвинение, полнење, јуриш, чесна фигура, цена, доверување, бреме, набој, задава, полни, обременува, наплаќа, доверува, напојува, наплатува, обвинува, јуриша, товари, јурнуваMacedonian
  • cas elektirkMalay
  • last, lading, belasten, opdragen, aanklagen, ladenDutch
  • ladning, ordre, angrep, pris, beskyldning, byrde, søksmål, gi oppgave, saksøke, belaste, bebyrdeNorwegian
  • podopieczny, opłataPolish
  • encargo, carga, [[carga]] ([[elétrica]]), acusação, fardo, carregar, assaltar, cobrar, encarregar, acusarPortuguese
  • încărcătură, sarcină, acuzare, inculpare, încărcaRomanian
  • заряд, заряжать, обвинить, обременять, зарядить, возложить, взимать, обременить, вменять в обязанность, возлагать, атаковать, загружать, вменить в обязанность, загрузить, обвинятьRussian
  • anklagelse, laddning, avgift, sköldemärke, last, beskyllning, pris, kostnad, ladda, anklaga, ladda uppSwedish
  • shtakaSwahili
  • வசூலிக்கTamil
  • ค่าธรรมเนียมThai
  • ücret, şarj etmekTurkish
  • стягуватиUkrainian
  • چارجUrdu
  • sạc điệnVietnamese
  • אָפּצאָלYiddish
  • bizaZulu

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    go on board
    A moan
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    C embark
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