What does carry mean?

Definitions for carry
ˈkær icar·ry

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word carry.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. carryverb

    the act of carrying something

  2. transport, carryverb

    move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body

    "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"

  3. carry, pack, takeverb

    have with oneself; have on one's person

    "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"

  4. impart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channelverb

    transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves carry the sound"; "Many metals conduct heat"

  5. carry, convey, expressverb

    serve as a means for expressing something

    "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger"

  6. carryverb

    bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of

    "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"

  7. hold, carry, bearverb

    support or hold in a certain manner

    "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"

  8. hold, bear, carry, containverb

    contain or hold; have within

    "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"

  9. carryverb

    extend to a certain degree

    "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"

  10. carry, extendverb

    continue or extend

    "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"; "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces"

  11. carryverb

    be necessarily associated with or result in or involve

    "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"

  12. carryverb

    win in an election

    "The senator carried his home state"

  13. carryverb

    include, as on a list

    "How many people are carried on the payroll?"

  14. behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carryverb

    behave in a certain manner

    "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"

  15. stock, carry, stockpileverb

    have on hand

    "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"

  16. carry, runverb

    include as the content; broadcast or publicize

    "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"; "All major networks carried the press conference"

  17. dribble, carryverb

    propel, "Carry the ball"

    "dribble the ball"

  18. carryverb

    pass on a communication

    "The news was carried to every village in the province"

  19. carryverb

    have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence

    "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mother's genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"

  20. carryverb

    be conveyed over a certain distance

    "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"

  21. carryverb

    keep up with financial support

    "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"

  22. carryverb

    have or possess something abstract

    "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"

  23. carryverb

    be equipped with (a mast or sail)

    "This boat can only carry a small sail"

  24. carry, persuade, swayverb

    win approval or support for

    "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"

  25. carryverb

    compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance

    "I resent having to carry her all the time"

  26. carryverb

    take further or advance

    "carry a cause"

  27. carryverb

    have on the surface or on the skin

    "carry scars"

  28. carryverb

    capture after a fight

    "The troops carried the town after a brief fight"

  29. post, carryverb

    transfer (entries) from one account book to another

  30. carryverb

    transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication

    "put down 5 and carry 2"

  31. carryverb

    pursue a line of scent or be a bearer

    "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"

  32. carryverb

    bear (a crop)

    "this land does not carry olives"

  33. carryverb

    propel or give impetus to

    "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"

  34. carry, holdverb

    drink alcohol without showing ill effects

    "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry"

  35. carryverb

    be able to feed

    "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"

  36. carryverb

    have a certain range

    "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"

  37. carryverb

    cover a certain distance or advance beyond

    "The drive carried to the green"

  38. carryverb

    secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions)

    "The motion carried easily"

  39. carryverb

    be successful in

    "She lost the game but carried the match"

  40. carryverb

    sing or play against other voices or parts

    "He cannot carry a tune"

  41. have a bun in the oven, bear, carry, gestate, expectverb

    be pregnant with

    "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"


  1. carrynoun

    A manner of transporting or lifting something; the grip or position in which something is carried.

    Adjust your carry from time to time so that you don't tire too quickly.

  2. carrynoun

    The bit or digit that is carried in an addition.

  3. carryverb

    To lift (something) and take it to another place; to transport (something) by lifting.

  4. carryverb

    To stock or supply (something).

    The corner drugstore doesn't carry his favorite brand of aspirin.

  5. carryverb

    To adopt (something); take (something) over.

    I think I can carry Smith's work while she is out.

  6. carryverb

    To adopt or resolve upon, especially in a deliberative assembly; as, to carry a motion.

  7. carryverb

    In an addition, to transfer the quantity in excess of what is countable in the units in a column to the column immediately to the left in order to be added there.

    Five and nine are fourteen; carry the one to the tens place.

  8. carryverb

    To have or maintain (something).

    Always carry sufficient insurance to protect against a loss.

  9. carryverb

    To be transmitted; to travel.

    The sound of the bells carried for miles on the wind.

  10. carryverb

    to capture a ship by coming alongside and boarding

  11. carryverb

    To transport (the ball) whilst maintaining possession.

  12. Etymology: carrien, from carier (modern French: charrier). Replaced native ferien (from ferian) and aberen (from aberan).

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. To CARRYverb

    Etymology: charier, Fr. from currus, Lat. See Car.

    When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away. Ps. xlix. 18.

    And devout men carried Stephen to his burial. Acts, viii. 2.

    I mean to carry her away this evening, by the help of these two soldiers. John Dryden, Spanish Friar.

    As in a hive’s vimineous dome,
    Ten thousand bees enjoy their home;
    Each does her studious action vary,
    To go and come, to fetch and carry. Matthew Prior.

    They exposed their goods with the price marked upon them, then retired; the merchants came, left the price which they would give upon the goods, and likewise retired; the Seres returning, carried off either their goods or money, as they liked best. John Arbuthnot, on Coins.

    They began to carry about in beds those that were sick. Mark, vi. 55.

    The species of audibles seem to be carried more manifestly through the air, than the species of visibles. Francis Bacon, Nat. Hist.

    Where many great ordnance are shot off together, the sound will be carried, at the least, twenty miles upon the land. Francis Bacon.

    Do not take out bones like surgeons I have met with, who carry them about in their pockets. Richard Wiseman, Surgery.

    If the ideas of liberty and volition were carried along with us in our minds, a great part of the difficulties that perplex men’s thoughts would be easier resolved. John Locke.

    I have listened with my utmost attention for half an hour to an oratour, without being able to carry away one single sentence out of a whole sermon. Jonathan Swift.

    Go, carry Sir John Falstaff to the Fleet;
    Take all his company along with him. William Shakespeare, Henry IV.

    There are some vain persons, that whatsoever goeth alone, or moveth upon greater means, if they have never so little hand in it, they think it is they that carry it. Francis Bacon.

    Oft-times we lose the occasion of carrying a business well thoroughly by our too much haste. Ben Jonson, Discovery.

    These advantages will be of no effect, unless we improve them to words, in the carrying of our main point. Addison.

    And hardly shall I carry out my side,
    Her husband being alive. William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    How many stand for consulships? —— Three, they say; but it is thought of every one Coriolanus will carry it. William Shakespeare.

    I see not yet how many of these six reasons can be fairly avoided; and yet if any of them hold good, it is enough to carry the cause. Robert Sanderson.

    The latter still enjoying his place, and continuing a joint commissioner of the treasury, still opposed, and commonly carried away every thing against him. Edward Hyde.

    The count wooes your daughter,
    Lays down his wanton siege before her beauty;
    Resolves to carry her; let her consent,
    As we’ll direct her now, ’tis best to bear it. William Shakespeare.

    What a fortune does the thick lips owe,
    If he can carry her thus? William Shakespeare, Othello.

    The town was distressed, and ready for an assault, which, if it had been given, would have cost much blood; but yet the town would have been carried in the end. Francis Bacon, Henry VII.

    Are you all resolved to give your voices?
    But that’s no matter; the greater part carries it. William Shakespeare.

    By these, and the like arts, they promised themselves, that they should easily carry it; so that they entertained the house all the morning with other debates. Edward Hyde.

    If the numerousness of a train must carry it, virtue may go follow Astræa, and vice only will be worth the courting. Joseph Glanvill.

    Children, who live together, often strive for mastery, whose wills shall carry it over the rest. John Locke.

    In pleasures and pains, the present is apt to carry it, and those at a distance have the disadvantage in the comparison. John Locke.

    If a man carries it off, there is so much money saved; and if he be detected, there will be something pleasant in the frolick. Roger L'Estrange.

    My niece is already in the belief that he’s mad; we may carry it thus for our pleasure, and his penance. William Shakespeare, T. Night.

    The senate is generally as numerous as our house of commons; and yet carries its resolutions so privately, that they are seldom known. Joseph Addison, Remarks on Italy.

    Neglect not also the examples of those that have carried themselves ill in the same place. Francis Bacon.

    He attended the king into Scotland, where he did carry himself with much singular sweetness and temper. Henry Wotton.

    He carried himself so insolently in the house, and out of the house, to all persons, that he became odious. Edward Hyde.

    It is not to be imagined how far constancy will carry a man; however, it is better walking slowly in a rugged way, than to break a leg and be a cripple. John Locke.

    This plain natural way, without grammar, can carry them to a great degree of elegancy and politeness in their language. John Locke, on Education, § 168.

    There is no vice which mankind carries to such wild extremes, as that of avarice. Jonathan Swift.

    Men are strongly carried out to, and hardly took off from, the practice of vice. South.

    He that the world, or flesh, or devil, can carry away from the profession of an obedience to Christ, is no son of the faithful Abraham. Henry Hammond, Practical Catechism.

    Ill nature, passion, and revenge, will carry them too far in punishing others; and therefore God hath certainly appointed government to restrain the partiality and violence of men. John Locke.

    In some vegetables, we see something that carries a kind of analogy to sense; they contract their leaves against the cold; they open them to the favourable heat. Matthew Hale, Origin of Mank.

    The aspect of every one in the family carries so much satisfaction, that it appears he knows his happy lot. Joseph Addison, Spect.

    It carries too great an imputation of ignorance, lightness or folly, for men to quit and renounce their former tenets, presently upon the offer of an argument, which they cannot immediately answer. John Locke.

    He thought it carried something of argument in it, to prove that doctrine. Isaac Watts, Improvement of the Mind.

    There was a righteous and a searching law, directly forbidding such practices; and they knew that it carried with it the divine stamp. South.

    There are many expressions, which carry with them to my mind no clear ideas. John Locke.

    The obvious portions of extension, that affect our senses, carry with them into the mind the idea of finite. John Locke.

    We see also manifestly, that sounds are carried with wind; and therefore sounds will be heard further with the wind than against the wind. Francis Bacon, Natural History, №. 125.

    His chimney is carried up through the whole rock, so that you see the sky through it, notwithstanding the rooms lie very deep. Joseph Addison, on Italy.

    Manethes, that wrote of the Egyptians, hath carried up their government to an incredible distance. Matthew Hale, Origin of Mank.

    Some have in readiness so many odd stories, as there is nothing but they can wrap it into a tale, to make others carry it with more pleasure. Francis Bacon, Essay 23.

    Carry camomile, or wild thyme, or the green strawberry, upon sticks, as you do hops upon poles. Francis Bacon, Nat. History.

    Set them a reasonable depth, and they will carry more shoots upon the stem. Francis Bacon, Natural History, №. 425.

    Young whelps learn easily to carry; young popinjays learn quickly to speak. Roger Ascham, Schoolmaster.

    Old Parr lived to one hundred and fifty three years of age, and might have gone further, if the change of air had not carried him off. William Temple.

    It carries on the same design that is promoted by authours of a graver turn, and only does it in another manner. Addison.

    By the administration of grace, begun by our Blessed Saviour, carried on by his disciples, and to be completed by their successours to the world’s end, all types that darkened this faith, are enlightned. Thomas Sprat.

    Æneas’s settlement in Italy was carried on through all the oppositions in his way to it, both by sea and land. Addison.

    France will not consent to furnish us with money sufficient to carry on the war. William Temple.

    That grace will carry us, if we do not wilfully betray our succours, victoriously through all difficulties. Henry Hammond.

  2. To Carryverb


  1. Carry

    Carry is a song by American recording artist Tori Amos, released as the main promotional single from the album Night of Hunters (2011). The track was released Aug 18, 2011 as a digital download only with an accompanying video clip.


  1. carry

    Carry generally refers to the act of transferring or moving something from one place to another by holding or supporting it. It can involve physically lifting, holding, or supporting objects, people, or animals, typically using one's hands or arms. Carry can also refer to bearing the weight or burden of something, either literally or metaphorically.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Carryverb

    to convey or transport in any manner from one place to another; to bear; -- often with away or off

  2. Carryverb

    to have or hold as a burden, while moving from place to place; to have upon or about one's person; to bear; as, to carry a wound; to carry an unborn child

  3. Carryverb

    to move; to convey by force; to impel; to conduct; to lead or guide

  4. Carryverb

    to transfer from one place (as a country, book, or column) to another; as, to carry the war from Greece into Asia; to carry an account to the ledger; to carry a number in adding figures

  5. Carryverb

    to convey by extension or continuance; to extend; as, to carry the chimney through the roof; to carry a road ten miles farther

  6. Carryverb

    to bear or uphold successfully through conflict, as a leader or principle; hence, to succeed in, as in a contest; to bring to a successful issue; to win; as, to carry an election

  7. Carryverb

    to get possession of by force; to capture

  8. Carryverb

    to contain; to comprise; to bear the aspect of ; to show or exhibit; to imply

  9. Carryverb

    to bear (one's self); to behave, to conduct or demean; -- with the reflexive pronouns

  10. Carryverb

    to bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks, merchandise, etc., from one time to another; as, a merchant is carrying a large stock; a farm carries a mortgage; a broker carries stock for a customer; to carry a life insurance

  11. Carryverb

    to act as a bearer; to convey anything; as, to fetch and carry

  12. Carryverb

    to have propulsive power; to propel; as, a gun or mortar carries well

  13. Carryverb

    to hold the head; -- said of a horse; as, to carry well i. e., to hold the head high, with arching neck

  14. Carryverb

    to have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare

  15. Carrynoun

    a tract of land, over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water; a carrying place; a portage

  16. Etymology: [U.S.]


  1. Carry

    In elementary arithmetic a carry is a digit that is transferred from one column of digits to another column of more significant digits during a calculation algorithm. When used in subtraction the operation is called a borrow. It is a central part of traditional mathematics, but is often omitted from curricula based on reform mathematics, which do not emphasize any specific method to find a correct answer.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Carry

    kar′i, v.t. to convey or bear: to lead or transport: to take by force: to effect: to behave or demean: (of money) to be sufficient for a certain purpose: to gain the election of a candidate: to get a bill passed by a majority.—v.i. (of a gun, &c.) to reach, indicating the range of its shot:—pr.p. carr′ying; pa.p. carr′ied.—n. the distance a golf-ball goes when struck till it touches the ground: range: the portage of a boat: land across which a boat has to be carried between one navigable stream and another: the position of 'carry arms,' &c.: (prov.) the sky, cloud-drift.—ns. Carr′ier, one who carries, esp. for hire; Carr′y-all, a light, four-wheeled, one-horsed carriage; Carr′ying, the act of one who carries; Carr′y-tale (Shak.), a tale-bearer.—Carry all before one, to bear down all obstacles; Carry away, to carry off: to excite the feelings: to transport; Carry off, to cause the death of: to gain, to win, as a prize: to cause to pass muster, to make to pass by assurance or dissimulation; Carry on, to promote: to continue: to behave in a certain fashion (a term of mild reprobation); Carry one's point, to overrule objections in favour of one's plan; Carry out, to accomplish fully: to carry out for burial; Carry out one's bat (cricket), to leave the wickets without having been put out; Carry over, to induce to join the other party; Carry the day, or Carry it, to be successful: to win the day; Carry through, to succeed in accomplishing; Carry too far, to exceed reasonable limits; Carry up, to continue a building to a certain height: to trace back; Carry weight, to possess authority: to have force.—Be carried, to be highly excited: to have the head turned. [O. Fr. carier,—Low L. carricāre, to cart—L. carrus, a car.]

Editors Contribution

  1. carry

    To lift with our hands or other element of our body.

    I love to carry the hand weights as I speedwalk on the treadmill at the gym.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 25, 2020  

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. CARRY

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Carry is ranked #31906 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Carry surname appeared 723 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Carry.

    62.6% or 453 total occurrences were White.
    30.2% or 219 total occurrences were Black.
    3.1% or 23 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    2.9% or 21 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'carry' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1073

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'carry' in Written Corpus Frequency: #713

  3. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'carry' in Verbs Frequency: #65

How to pronounce carry?

How to say carry in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of carry in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of carry in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2

Examples of carry in a Sentence

  1. Ashutosh Dubey:

    Like any nation has light and dark, good and evil within Vir Das ' powerful monologue. None of this is a secret, i take pride in my country, and I carry that pride across the world.

  2. Tony Abbott:

    The terror threat remains high ... and at this level an attack is likely, we don't know when and how an attack may come, but we do know that there are people with the intent and the capability to carry out further attacks.

  3. State Hillary Clinton:

    I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.

  4. Lena Dunham:

    I still carry so much guilt, to this day, that I didn't do more at the time, and I worry what effect that had on how she's processed this trauma.

  5. Du Plessis:

    In some cases we have to hike up high into the mountain, there's no roads, so everything that we need needs to be carried in. Some places we even have to carry the water to water the seedlings when we plant them. It is hard work, but I have a dedicated team.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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    a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
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