What does abandon mean?

Definitions for abandon
əˈbæn dənaban·don

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word abandon.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. abandon, wantonness, unconstraintnoun

    the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry

    "she danced with abandon"

  2. wildness, abandonverb

    a feeling of extreme emotional intensity

    "the wildness of his anger"

  3. abandonverb

    forsake, leave behind

    "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"

  4. abandon, give upverb

    give up with the intent of never claiming again

    "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead"

  5. vacate, empty, abandonverb

    leave behind empty; move out of

    "You must vacate your office by tonight"

  6. abandon, give upverb

    stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims

    "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"

  7. abandon, forsake, desolate, desertverb

    leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch

    "The mother deserted her children"

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. To ABANDONverb

    Etymology: Fr. abandonner. Derived, according to Gilles Ménage, from the Italian abandonare, which signifies to forsake his colours; bandum [vexillum] deserere . Pasquier thinks it a coalition of a ban donner, to give up to a proscription; in which sense we, at this day, mention the ban of the empire. Ban, in our own old dialect, signifies a curse; and to abandon, if considered as compounded between French and Saxon, is exactly equivalent to diris devovere.

    The passive gods behold the Greeks defile
    Their temples, and abandon to the spoil
    Their own abodes; we, feeble few, conspire
    To save a sinking town, involv’d in fire. John Dryden, Æneid.

    The princes using the passions of fearing evil, and desiring to escape, only to serve the rule of virtue, not to abandon one’s self, leapt to a rib of the ship. Philip Sidney, b. ii.

    Then being alone,
    Left and abandon’d of his velvet friends,
    ’Tis right, quoth he; thus misery doth part
    The flux of company. William Shakespeare, As you like it.

    What fate a wretched fugitive attends,
    Scorn’d by my foes, abandon’d by my friends. John Dryden, Æn. 2.

    When he in presence came, to Guyon first
    He boldly spake, Sir knight, if knight thou be,
    Abandon this forestalled place at erst,
    For fear of further harm, I counsel thee. Edmund Spenser, Fairy Queen, b. ii. cant. 4. stanz. 39.

    But to the parting goddess thus she pray’d;
    Propitious still be present to my aid,
    Nor quite abandon your once favour’d maid. John Dryden, Fab.


  1. abandon

    Abandon refers to the act of giving up or discontinuing something, or leaving a place, person, or thing, often without planning to come back. It may also refer to the complete lack of inhibition or restraint in one's actions or emotions.

  2. abandon

    Abandon generally refers to the act of giving up or discontinuing interest in something or someone, leaving it without care or protection. It can also refer to a complete surrender to natural impulses without any restraint or control. This term can be used in different contexts such as legal, emotional, or physical.

  3. abandon

    Abandon refers to the act of giving up or discontinuing something, particularly a responsibility, claim, possession, or commitment, usually permanently and completely. It can also refer to the act of leaving or desertifying someone or a place, often without intending to return. In a broader sense, it also can mean to yield or lose control to impulses, emotions, or influences.

  4. abandon

    Abandon is a verb that means to leave something or someone behind without planning to return or claim it, often due to difficulty, danger or disinterest. It can also refer to giving up completely an action, effort, commitment, or course of action. In its noun form, it signifies a lack of inhibitions or control.

  5. abandon

    Abandon refers to the act of giving up or discontinuing any further interest in something, or to leave or desert someone or something, especially when it involves neglecting responsibilities or obligations. In a more emotional context, it can also refer to a state of uninhibited and unrestrained behavior.

  6. abandon

    Abandon refers to the act of giving up, leaving behind, or relinquishing something or someone completely. This can apply in many contexts such as abandonment of property, relationship, responsibility, or idea. It can also mean to surrender oneself fully to an emotion or influence.

  7. abandon

    Abandon generally refers to the act of giving up or leaving something completely without intent to return or claim, often due to difficulty, danger, or disinterest. This can apply to a range of contexts, from leaving a physical location or object, to relinquishing pursuits or responsibilities, to disregarding inhibition or caution. It can also denote a complete surrender to emotions or an experience.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Abandonverb

    to cast or drive out; to banish; to expel; to reject

  2. Abandonverb

    to give up absolutely; to forsake entirely ; to renounce utterly; to relinquish all connection with or concern on; to desert, as a person to whom one owes allegiance or fidelity; to quit; to surrender

  3. Abandonverb

    reflexively: To give (one's self) up without attempt at self-control; to yield (one's self) unrestrainedly; -- often in a bad sense

  4. Abandonverb

    to relinquish all claim to; -- used when an insured person gives up to underwriters all claim to the property covered by a policy, which may remain after loss or damage by a peril insured against

  5. Abandon

    abandonment; relinquishment

  6. Abandonnoun

    a complete giving up to natural impulses; freedom from artificial constraint; careless freedom or ease

  7. Etymology: [F. See Abandon.]


  1. Abandon

    Abandon is the sixteenth studio album by Deep Purple released in the Spring of 1998. It was Deep Purple's second album with Steve Morse on guitar and the last one with founding member Jon Lord. The album was followed by a successful 1998/1999 world tour which brought Deep Purple to Australia for the first time in 15 years. In 1999 a live album and DVD Total Abandon: Australia '99 recorded in Melbourne on 20 April 1999 was released. The album title is actually a pun from Ian Gillan – "A Band On" – and the album was followed by the "A Band On Tour". Uniquely for a Deep Purple studio album, it features a reworking of a previously recorded song -"Bloodsucker" from Deep Purple in Rock. "Don't Make Me Happy" was mistakenly mastered in mono, and not amended on the final release. One of the two versions of the song released on single was, however, mastered in stereo.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Abandon

    a-ban′dun, v.t. to give up: to desert: to yield (one's self) without restraint (with to).—v.t. Aband′ (Spens.), to abandon.—n. Aban′don (n to be nasalised), freedom from conventional restraints: careless freedom of manners.—adj. Aban′doned, given up, as to a vice: profligate: completely deserted: very wicked.—adv. Aban′donedly.—n. Aban′donment, act of abandoning: state of being given up: enthusiastic surrender of self to a cause: (law) the renunciation of a claim. [O. Fr. bandon, from the Teut. root ban, proclamation, came to mean decree, authorisation, permission; hence à bandon—at will or discretion, abandonner, to give up to the will or disposal of some one. See Ban, Banns.]

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. abandon

    In a military sense, used in the relinquishment of a military post, district, or station, or the breaking up of a military establishment. To abandon any fort, post, guard, arms, ammunition, or colors without good cause is punishable.

Editors Contribution


    to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever: We had to abandon the car. By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned. As a baby he was abandoned by his mother. We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.

    Submitted by rinat on January 11, 2021  

Suggested Resources

  1. abandon

    Song lyrics by abandon -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by abandon on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. Abandon

    Abandon vs. Abandoned -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Abandon and Abandoned.

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  1. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'abandon' in Verbs Frequency: #440

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  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of abandon in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of abandon in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6

Examples of abandon in a Sentence

  1. Chief Executive Jaroslaw Zagorowski:

    If the union leaders are able to achieve that, then I wish to inform you that I will hand in my resignation to the chairman of the board, a responsible manager does not abandon his company if it is undergoing a difficult time. I will leave only when I am sure that the company will manage with the difficult market situation in the coming years.

  2. Harriet Van Horne:

    Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.

  3. Mike Pompeo:

    Thanks to the extraordinary courage and capabilities of our military, the support of our intelligence professionals, and our diplomatic efforts, the hostage will be reunited with his family, we will never abandon any American taken hostage.

  4. Jose Martinez:

    To have to abandon my grandmother, abandon my mother, my family after all these years together and to have make a decision like this now…it’s difficult, i have to have faith that I can do the work to lift my family up.

  5. Mike Lee:

    The USA Freedom Act does not propose that we abandon any and all efforts to analyze telephone data, what we're talking about here is a program that currently contemplates the collection of all data just as a routine matter and the aggregation of all that data in one database. That causes concerns for a lot of people... There's a lot of potential for abuse.

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Translations for abandon

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • يترك, انصرف, ينصرف, تَرَكَ, تخلىArabic
  • пакідаць, пакінуцьBelarusian
  • напускам, отказвам се от, изоставямBulgarian
  • পরিত্যাগ করা, ক্ষান্তি দেওয়া, ছেড়ে দেওয়া, ছেড়ে চলে যাওয়াBengali
  • deixar, abandonarCatalan, Valencian
  • opustit, vzdát se, vzdávat seCzech
  • gadaelWelsh
  • forlade, udstøde, opgive, forvise, efterlade, løssluppenhedDanish
  • aufgeben, aussetzen, zurücklassen, verlassen, Hingabe, Selbstvergessenheit, UngezwungenheitGerman
  • παρατώ, εγκαταλείπω, απαρνούμαι, αποκηρύσσω, αφήνω, εγκατάλειψηGreek
  • forlasi, postlasi, elpeli, senĝenecoEsperanto
  • abandonar, suspender, renunciar, expulsar, desenfrenoSpanish
  • دست کشیدن, ترک کردن, رها کردن, به حال خود رها کردن, بی‌خیالی, بی‌قیدیPersian
  • hylätä, luovuttaa, jättää heitteille, antaa periksi, ajaa pois, luopua, riehakkuus, huolettomuusFinnish
  • biu-taFijian
  • abandonnerFrench
  • lig ó, fág, tabhair suas, tréig, díbir, caith amachIrish
  • fàg, thoir suas, trèig, thoir thairis, dìobairScottish Gaelic
  • त्याग देना, छोड़ देना, परित्यागना, त्यागना, परित्यागHindi
  • abandoneHaitian Creole
  • լքել, հրաժարվելArmenian
  • abandonar, relinquer, deserer, renunciarInterlingua
  • við, yfirgefa, hættaIcelandic
  • bandire, abbandonare, abbandonoItalian
  • 捨てる, 見捨てる, 明け渡す, 放置する, 放棄する, 断念, 止めるJapanese
  • қалдыру, тастауKazakh
  • ತ್ಯಜಿಸಿKannada
  • 방치하다, 포기하다, 단념하다, 버리다, 체관하다, 염단하다, 절념하다, 기치하다Korean
  • dest jê ber dan, dev jê berdanKurdish
  • relinquōLatin
  • ປະຖິ້ມ, ເຊົາLao
  • whakamahueMāori
  • परित्याग करणे, सोडून देणे, त्यागणेMarathi
  • verwerpen, afzien, terugnemen, opgeven, in de steek laten, prijsgeven, begeven, achterlaten, verlaten, afwijzen, afstand doen, verbannen, verzaken, ongedwongenheidDutch
  • skrinlegge, avskrive, oppgi, forvise, forlate, overgivenhet, løssluppenhetNorwegian
  • wyrzec się, opuszczać, porzucać, opuścić, wyganiać, wygonić, porzucićPolish
  • abandonar, expulsar, largar mão, renunciar, desistir, abandonoPortuguese
  • abandona, lepăda, părăsi, renunțaRomanian
  • покидать, бросать, оставить, оставлять, бросить, покинуть, отказыватьсяRussian
  • opúšťať, vzdávať sa, opustiť, vzdať saSlovak
  • zapustiti, opustitiSlovene
  • braktisAlbanian
  • gå ifrån, förvisa, ge upp, frångå, lämna, överlämna, överge, avstå från, frigjordhet, hämningslöshet, nonchalans, otvungenhetSwedish
  • கைவிடுதல்Tamil
  • వదిలివేయు, వదిలివెళ్ళు, వదులుకొను, పరిత్యజించినTelugu
  • kovmak, terk etmek, bırakmakTurkish
  • покидати, покинути, відмовитисяUkrainian
  • چھوڑ دوUrdu
  • bỏ, từ bỏ, bỏ rơi, xua đuổi, bộm, ruồng bỏVietnamese
  • 放弃Chinese

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    an outward bevel around a door or window that makes it seem larger
    A splay
    B askant
    C irascible
    D numinous

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