What does Smoke mean?

Definitions for Smoke

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Smoke.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. smoke, fumenoun

    a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas

  2. smoke, smokingnoun

    a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion

    "the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles"

  3. smokenoun

    an indication of some hidden activity

    "with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere"

  4. smokenoun

    something with no concrete substance

    "his dreams all turned to smoke"; "it was just smoke and mirrors"

  5. roll of tobacco, smokenoun

    tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder

  6. pot, grass, green goddess, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, smoke, skunk, locoweed, Mary Janenoun

    street names for marijuana

  7. smoke, smokingnoun

    the act of smoking tobacco or other substances

    "he went outside for a smoke"; "smoking stinks"

  8. fastball, heater, smoke, hummer, bulletverb

    (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity

    "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"

  9. smokeverb

    inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes

    "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?"

  10. fume, smokeverb

    emit a cloud of fine particles

    "The chimney was fuming"


  1. smokenoun

    The visible vapor/vapour, gases, and fine particles given off by burning or smoldering material.

  2. smokenoun

    A cigarette.

    Can I bum a smoke off you? I need to go buy some smokes.

  3. smokenoun

    An instance of smoking a cigarette, cigar, etc.; the duration of this act.

    I'm going out for a smoke.

  4. smokenoun

    A fleeting illusion; something insubstantial, evanescent, unreal, transitory, or without result.

    The excitement behind the new candidate proved to be smoke.

  5. smokenoun

    Something used to obscure or conceal; an obscuring condition; see also smoke and mirrors.

    The smoke of controversy.

  6. smokenoun

    A particulate of solid or liquid particles dispersed into the air on the battlefield to degrade enemy ground or for aerial observation. Smoke has many uses--screening smoke, signaling smoke, smoke curtain, smoke haze, and smoke deception. Thus it is an artificial aerosol.

  7. smokenoun

    A fastball.

  8. smokenoun

    (The Smoke) London

  9. smokeverb

    To inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc.

    He's smoking his pipe.

  10. smokeverb

    To inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually.

    Do you smoke?

  11. smokeverb

    To give off smoke.

    My old truck was still smoking even after the repairs.

  12. smokeverb

    To preserve or prepare (food) for consumption by treating with smoke.

    You'll need to smoke the meat for several hours.

  13. smokeverb

    To perform (e.g. music) energetically or skillfully. Almost always in present participle form.

    The horn section was really smokin' on that last tune.

  14. smokeverb

    To kill, especially with a gun.

    He got smoked by the mob.

  15. smokeverb

    To beat someone at something.

    We smoked them at rugby.

  16. smokeadjective

    Of the colour known as smoke.

  17. Etymology: Old English smoca.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Smokenoun

    The visible effluvium, or sooty exhalation from any thing burning.

    Etymology: ys-mwg, Welsh; smec, smoec , Saxon; smoock, Dutch.

    She might utter out some smoke of those flames wherewith else she was not only burned, but smothered. Philip Sidney.

    May you a better feast never behold,
    You knot of mouth-friends: smoke, and lukewarm water,
    Is your perfection. William Shakespeare.

    Stand off, and let me take the air,
    Why should the smoke pursue the fair? John Cleveland.

    He knew ’twas caused by smoke, but not by flame. Abraham Cowley.

    All involv’d with stench and smoke.
    As smoke that rises from the kindling fires, John Milton.

    Is seen this moment, and the next expires. Matthew Prior.

    Smoke passing through flame cannot but grow red hot, and red hot smoke can appear no other than flame. Newton.

  2. To Smokeverb

    Frictions of the back-bone with flannel, smoaked with penetrating aromatical substances, have proved effectual. Arbuthnot.

    He was first smok’d by the old lord Lasea; when his disguise and he is parted, tell me what a sprat you shall find him? William Shakespeare, All’s well that ends well.

    Tom Tattle passes for an impertinent, and Will. Trippet begins to be smoked, in case I continue this paper. Joseph Addison, Spect.

    Smoke the fellow there. William Congreve.

  3. To Smokeverb

    Etymology: from the noun.

    When the sun went down, a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between those pieces. Gen. xv. 17.

    Brave Macbeth
    Disdaining fortune, with his brandish’d steel,
    Which smoak’d with bloody execution,
    Like valour’s minion carved out his passage,
    ’Till he had fac’d the slaves. William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    Queen Margaret saw
    Thy murd’rous faulchion smoking in his blood. William Shakespeare.

    To him no temple stood nor altar smok’d. John Milton.

    For Venus, Cytherea was invok’d,
    Altars for Pallas to Athena smok’d. George Granville.

    The anger of the Lord shall smoak against that man. Deut.

    Aventinus drives his chariot round;
    Proud of his steeds he smokes along the field;
    His father’s hydra fills the ample shield. John Dryden, Æn.

    With hasty hand the ruling reins he drew,
    He lash’d the coursers, and the coursers flew;
    Beneath the bending yoke alike they held
    Their equal pace, and smoak’d along the field. Alexander Pope.

    He hither came t’observe and smoke
    What courses other riskers took. Hudibras.

    I began to smoke that they were a parcel of mummers, and wondred that none of the Middlesex justices took care to lay some of them by the heels. Joseph Addison, Freeholder.

    Maugre all the world will I keep safe,
    Or some of you shall smoke for it in Rome. William Shakespeare.


  1. Smoke

    Smoke is a suspension of airborne particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves, candles, internal combustion engines, oil lamps, and fireplaces), but may also be used for pest control (fumigation), communication (smoke signals), defensive and offensive capabilities in the military (smoke screen), cooking, or smoking (tobacco, cannabis, etc.). It is used in rituals where incense, sage, or resin is burned to produce a smell for spiritual or magical purposes. It can also be a flavoring agent and preservative. Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products. Smoke is an aerosol (or mist) of solid particles and liquid droplets that are close to the ideal range of sizes for Mie scattering of visible light.


  1. smoke

    Smoke is a visible airborne mixture of solid or liquid particles and gases that is produced when a material undergoes combustion, releasing small particles into the environment. It is typically characterized by its grayish appearance and distinctive odor.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Smokenoun

    the visible exhalation, vapor, or substance that escapes, or expelled, from a burning body, especially from burning vegetable matter, as wood, coal, peat, or the like

  2. Smokenoun

    that which resembles smoke; a vapor; a mist

  3. Smokenoun

    anything unsubstantial, as idle talk

  4. Smokenoun

    the act of smoking, esp. of smoking tobacco; as, to have a smoke

  5. Smokenoun

    to emit smoke; to throw off volatile matter in the form of vapor or exhalation; to reek

  6. Smokenoun

    hence, to burn; to be kindled; to rage

  7. Smokenoun

    to raise a dust or smoke by rapid motion

  8. Smokenoun

    to draw into the mouth the smoke of tobacco burning in a pipe or in the form of a cigar, cigarette, etc.; to habitually use tobacco in this manner

  9. Smokenoun

    to suffer severely; to be punished

  10. Smokeverb

    to apply smoke to; to hang in smoke; to disinfect, to cure, etc., by smoke; as, to smoke or fumigate infected clothing; to smoke beef or hams for preservation

  11. Smokeverb

    to fill or scent with smoke; hence, to fill with incense; to perfume

  12. Smokeverb

    to smell out; to hunt out; to find out; to detect

  13. Smokeverb

    to ridicule to the face; to quiz

  14. Smokeverb

    to inhale and puff out the smoke of, as tobacco; to burn or use in smoking; as, to smoke a pipe or a cigar

  15. Smokeverb

    to subject to the operation of smoke, for the purpose of annoying or driving out; -- often with out; as, to smoke a woodchuck out of his burrow

  16. Etymology: [AS. smocian; akin to D. smoken, G. schmauchen, Dan. smge. See Smoke, n.]


  1. Smoke

    Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires, but may also be used for pest control, communication, defensive and offensive capabilities in the military, cooking, or smoking. Smoke is used in rituals, when incense, sage, or resin is burned to produce a smell for spiritual purposes. Smoke is sometimes used as a flavoring agent, and preservative for various foodstuffs. Smoke is also a component of internal combustion engine exhaust gas, particularly diesel exhaust. Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products. Smoke particles are an aerosol of solid particles and liquid droplets that are close to the ideal range of sizes for Mie scattering of visible light. This effect has been likened to three-dimensional textured privacy glass — a smoke cloud does not obstruct an image, but thoroughly scrambles it.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Smoke

    smōk, n. the vapour from a burning body—a common term for the volatile products of the imperfect combustion of such organic substances as wood or coal.—v.i. to emit smoke: to smoke out instead of upward, owing to imperfect draught: to draw in and puff out the smoke of tobacco: to raise smoke by moving rapidly: to burn, to rage: to suffer, as from punishment.—v.t. to apply smoke to: to dry, scent, or medicate by smoke: to inhale the smoke of: to use in smoking: to try to expel by smoking: to scent out, discover: to quiz, ridicule: to thrash.—ns. Smoke′-black, lampblack; Smoke′-board, a board suspended before the upper part of a fireplace to prevent the smoke coming out into the room; Smoke′-box, part of a steam-boiler where the smoke is collected before passing out at the chimney; Smoke′-consū′mer, an apparatus for burning all the smoke from a fire.—adj. Smoke′-dried.—v.t. Smoke′-dry, to cure or dry by means of smoke.—ns. Smoke′-house, a building where meat or fish is cured by smoking, or where smoked meats are stored; Smoke′-jack, a contrivance for turning a jack by means of a wheel turned by the current of air ascending a chimney.—adj. Smoke′less, destitute of smoke.—adv. Smokel′essly.—ns. Smoke′lessness; Smō′ker, one who smokes tobacco: a smoking-carriage: one who smoke-dries meat: an evening entertainment at which smoking is permitted; Smoke′-sail, a small sail hoisted between the galley-funnel and the foremast when a vessel rides head to the wind; Smoke′-shade, a scale of tints ranging from 0 to 10, for comparison of different varieties of coal, according to the amount of unburnt carbon in their smoke; Smoke′-stack, an upright pipe through which the combustion-gases from a steam-boiler pass into the open air.—adj. Smoke′-tight, impervious to smoke.—ns. Smoke′-tree, an ornamental shrub of the cashew family, with long light feathery or cloud-like fruit-stalks; Smoke′-wash′er, an apparatus for removing soot and particles of unburnt carbon from smoke by making it pass through water; Smoke′-wood, the virgin's bower (Clematis Vitalba), whose porous stems are smoked by boys.—adv. Smō′kily.—ns. Smō′kiness; Smō′king, the act of emitting smoke: the act or habit of drawing into the mouth and emitting the fumes of tobacco by means of a pipe or cigar—a habit of great sedative value: a bantering; Smō′king-cap, -jack′et, a light ornamental cap or jacket often worn by smokers; Smō′king-carr′iage, -room, a railway-carriage, -room, supposed to be set apart for smokers.—adj. Smō′ky, giving out smoke: like smoke: filled, or subject to be filled, with smoke: tarnished or noisome with smoke: (obs.) suspicious.—On a smoke (B.), smoking, or on fire. [A.S. smocian, smoca; Ger. schmauch.]

The New Hacker's Dictionary

  1. smoke

    1. To crash or blow up, usually spectacularly. “The new version smoked, just like the last one.” Used for both hardware (where it often describes an actual physical event), and software (where it's merely colorful). 2. [from automotive slang] To be conspicuously fast. “That processor really smokes.” Compare magic smoke.

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. smoke

    In polar parlance, a peculiar but natural result of the conversion of water into ice, which is too often supposed to indicate open water.

Rap Dictionary

  1. smokeverb

    Killing someone. "Right then, I knew I had to smoke his ass" -- N.W.A. (Gangsta gangsta).

  2. smokeverb

    To get smoked: to get under the influence of drugs. "I'm in the land gettin' smoked with my kinfolk" - Tha Luniz (I Got 5 On It)

Suggested Resources

  1. smoke

    Song lyrics by smoke -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by smoke on the Lyrics.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. SMOKE

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Smoke is ranked #21260 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Smoke surname appeared 1,233 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Smoke.

    56.6% or 699 total occurrences were White.
    20.8% or 257 total occurrences were Black.
    16.4% or 203 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    2.9% or 36 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    1.9% or 24 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    1.1% or 14 total occurrences were Asian.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Smoke' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #3493

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Smoke' in Written Corpus Frequency: #2312

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Smoke' in Nouns Frequency: #1432

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Smoke' in Verbs Frequency: #584

How to pronounce Smoke?

How to say Smoke in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Smoke in Chaldean Numerology is: 3

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Smoke in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of Smoke in a Sentence

  1. Regional Governor Sergei Tsivilev:

    For now there is no heavy smoke, so we hope that there is no fire, we have no communication lines with these people, the underground communications system is not working.

  2. Sofiya Doroshenko:

    I saw black smoke coming from the door of my room.

  3. Elfrida Efi:

    It passed overhead a few times, really low, there was fire and black smoke. The third time it came by it crashed into the roof of the hotel and exploded straight away.

  4. Brian King:

    We still have a far way to go in this country protecting people from secondhand smoke in public areas.

  5. Tatiana Anderson:

    What it tells you is that when you smoke a cigarette, the physiologic consequences don't stop just because you quit for several weeks, it just shows Tatiana Anderson how powerful something like smoking is and the lasting effects it can have on Tatiana Anderson body.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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    lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
    A sweep
    B contempt
    C muddle
    D vigorish

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