What does Pitch mean?

Definitions for Pitch

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Pitch.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. pitchnoun

    the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration

  2. pitch, deliverynoun

    (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter

  3. pitchnoun

    a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk)

    "he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors"

  4. sales talk, sales pitch, pitchnoun

    promotion by means of an argument and demonstration

  5. pitch, rake, slantnoun

    degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

    "the roof had a steep pitch"

  6. pitch, tarnoun

    any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue

  7. pitch, pitch shotnoun

    a high approach shot in golf

  8. pitch, auction pitchnoun

    an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump

  9. lurch, pitch, pitchingnoun

    abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)

    "the pitching and tossing was quite exciting"

  10. pitchverb

    the action or manner of throwing something

    "his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor"

  11. flip, toss, sky, pitchverb

    throw or toss with a light motion

    "flip me the beachball"; "toss me newspaper"

  12. lurch, pitch, shiftverb

    move abruptly

    "The ship suddenly lurched to the left"

  13. pitchverb

    fall or plunge forward

    "She pitched over the railing of the balcony"

  14. pitchverb

    set to a certain pitch

    "He pitched his voice very low"

  15. peddle, monger, huckster, hawk, vend, pitchverb

    sell or offer for sale from place to place

  16. slope, incline, pitchverb

    be at an angle

    "The terrain sloped down"

  17. cant, cant over, tilt, slant, pitchverb

    heel over

    "The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting"

  18. pitch, set upverb

    erect and fasten

    "pitch a tent"

  19. deliver, pitchverb

    throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball

    "The pitcher delivered the ball"

  20. pitchverb

    hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin

  21. pitchverb

    lead (a card) and establish the trump suit

  22. gear, pitchverb

    set the level or character of

    "She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience"

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. PITCHnoun

    The resin of the pine extracted by fire and inspissated.

    Etymology: pic , Sax. pix, Lat.

    They that touch pitch will be defiled. Proverbs.

    Of air and water mixed together, and consumed with fire, is made a black colour; as in charcoal, oil, pitch and links. Henry Peacham, on Drawing.

    A vessel smear’d round with pitch. John Milton.

    Stephen Skinner.

    Lovely concord and most sacred peace
    Doth nourish virtue, and fast friendship breeds,
    Weak she makes strong, and strong things does increase,
    Till it the pitch of highest praise exceeds. Fairy Queen.

    How high a pitch his resolution soars. William Shakespeare.

    Arm thy heart, and fill thy thoughts
    To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress,
    And mount her pitch. William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus.

    Between two hawks, which flies the higher pitch,
    I have, perhaps, some shallow judgment. William Shakespeare.

    Down they fell,
    Driv’n headlong from the pitch of heav’n, down
    Into this deep. John Milton, Par. Lost, b. ii.

    Cannons shoot the higher pitches,
    The lower we let down their breeches. Hudibras.

    Alcibiades was one of the best orators of his age, notwithstanding he lived at a time when learning was at the highest pitch. Joseph Addison, Whig Examiner.

    A beauty waining, and distressed widow,
    Seduc’d the pitch and height of all his thoughts
    To base declension and loath’d bigamy. William Shakespeare.

    From this high pitch let us descend
    A lower flight; and speak of things at hand. John Milton.

    By how much from the top of wond’rous glory,
    Strongest of mortal men,
    To lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fall’n. John Milton.

    That infernal monster having cast
    His weary foe into the living well,
    ’Gan high advance his broad discoloured breast
    Above his wonted pitch. Fairy Queen.

    Were the whole frame here,
    It is of such a spacious lofty pitch,
    Your roof were not sufficient to contain it. William Shakespeare.

    It turn’d itself to Ralpho’s shape;
    So like in person, garb and pitch,
    ’Twas hard t’ interpret which was which. Hudibras.

    To overcome in battle, and subdue
    Nations, and bring home spoils, with infinite
    Manslaughter, shall be held the highest pitch
    Of human glory. John Milton, Par. Lost, b. xi.

    Our resident Tom
    From Venice is come,
    And hath left the statesman behind him,
    Talks at the same pitch,
    Is as wise, is as rich,
    And just where you left him, you find him. John Denham.

    Princes that fear’d him, grieve; concern’d to see
    No pitch of glory from the grave is free. Edmund Waller.

    Evangelical innocence, such as the gospel accepts, though mingled with several infirmities and defects, yet amounts to such a pitch of righteousness, as we call sincerity. South.

    When the sun’s heat is thus far advanced, ’tis but just come up to the pitch of another set of vegetables, and but great enough to excite the terrestial particles, which are more ponderous. John Woodward, Natural History.

  2. To PITCHverb

    Etymology: appicciare, Italian.

    On Dardan plains the Greeks do pitch
    Their brave pavilions. William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida.

    Sharp stakes, pluckt out of hedges,
    They pitched in the ground. William Shakespeare, Henry VI.

    He counselled him how to hunt his game,
    What dart to cast, what net, what toile to pitch. Edward Fairfax.

    David prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent. 1 Chron. xv. 1.

    Mahometes pitched his tents in a little meadow. Richard Knolles.

    When the victor
    Had conquered Thebes, he pitched upon the plain
    His mighty camp. John Dryden, Knight’s Tale.

    To Chassis’ pleasing plains he took his way,
    There pitch’d his tents, and there resolv’d to stay. Dryden.

    The trenches first they pass’d, then took their way
    Where their proud foes in pitch’d pavilions lay. Dryden.

    In setting down the form of common prayer, there was no need to mention the learning of a fit, or the unfitness of an ignorant minister, more than that he, which describeth the manner how to pitch a field, should speak of moderation and sobriety in diet. Richard Hooker, b. v. s. 31.

    One pitched battle would determine the fate of the Spanish continent. Joseph Addison, on the State of the War.

    They’ll not pitch me i’ th’ mire,
    Unless he bid ’em. William Shakespeare, Tempest.

    They would wrestle, and pitch the bar for a whole afternoon. Spectator, №. 434.

    The ark pitch within and without. Genesis vi. 14.

    The Trojans mount their ships, born on the waves,
    And the pitch’d vessels glide with easy force. Dryden.

    Some pitch the ends of the timber in the walls, to preserve them from the mortar. Joseph Moxon, Mechanical Exercise.

    I pitched over the convex very thinly, by dropping melted pitch upon it, and warming it to keep the pitch soft, whilst I ground it with the concave copper wetted to make it spread evenly all over the convex. Isaac Newton, Opticks.

    The air hath starv’d the roses in her cheeks,
    And pitch’d the lily tincture of her face. William Shakespeare.

    Rose early from his bed; but soon he found
    The welkin pitch’d with sullen cloud. Addison.

  3. To Pitchverb

    When the swarm is settled, take a branch of the tree whereon they pitch, and wipe the hive clean. John Mortimer.

    The courser o’er the pommel cast the knight;
    Forward he flew, and pitching on his head,
    He quiver’d with his feet, and lay for dead. Dryden.

    We think ’tis no great matter which,
    They’re all alike, yet we shall pitch
    On one that fits our purpose. Hudibras.

    A free agent will pitch upon such a part in his choice, with knowledge certain. Henry More, Divine Dialogues.

    The subject I have pitched upon may seem improper. South.

    I pitched upon this consideration that parents owe their children, not only material subsistence, but much more spiritual contribution to their mind. Kenelm Digby, on the Soul.

    The covetous man was a good while at a stand; but he came however by degrees to pitch upon one thing after another. Roger L'Estrange, Fables.

    Pitch upon the best course of life, and custom will render it the most easy. John Tillotson, Sermons.

    I translated Geoffrey Chaucer, and amongst the rest pitched on the wife of Bath’s tale. John Dryden, Fables.

    They pitched by Emmaus in the plain. 1 Mac. iii. 40.


  1. pitch

    Pitch can have different meanings in different contexts: 1. In music, pitch refers to the perceived frequency of a sound or note, indicating how high or low it sounds. 2. In sports, especially cricket, soccer or baseball, pitch refers to the playing surface where the game is played. 3. In business and marketing, a pitch is a presentation or proposal made to persuade or convince someone about an idea, product, or project. 4. In physics, pitch can refer to the rotation of a physical body about the horizontal axis. 5. In aviation, pitch refers to the up or down angle of an aircraft or spacecraft. 6. In journalism, pitch is an idea for a story that is given to an editor for approval. 7. In language, pitch refers to the degree of highness or lowness in which a speaker speaks. 8. In addition, pitch also refers to a thick, black, sticky substance produced by burning wood, coal, etc.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Pitchnoun

    a thick, black, lustrous, and sticky substance obtained by boiling down tar. It is used in calking the seams of ships; also in coating rope, canvas, wood, ironwork, etc., to preserve them

  2. Pitchnoun

    see Pitchstone

  3. Pitchnoun

    to cover over or smear with pitch

  4. Pitchnoun

    fig.: To darken; to blacken; to obscure

  5. Pitchverb

    to throw, generally with a definite aim or purpose; to cast; to hurl; to toss; as, to pitch quoits; to pitch hay; to pitch a ball

  6. Pitchverb

    to thrust or plant in the ground, as stakes or poles; hence, to fix firmly, as by means of poles; to establish; to arrange; as, to pitch a tent; to pitch a camp

  7. Pitchverb

    to set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones, as an embankment or a roadway

  8. Pitchverb

    to fix or set the tone of; as, to pitch a tune

  9. Pitchverb

    to set or fix, as a price or value

  10. Pitchverb

    to fix or place a tent or temporary habitation; to encamp

  11. Pitchverb

    to light; to settle; to come to rest from flight

  12. Pitchverb

    to fix one's choise; -- with on or upon

  13. Pitchverb

    to plunge or fall; esp., to fall forward; to decline or slope; as, to pitch from a precipice; the vessel pitches in a heavy sea; the field pitches toward the east

  14. Pitchnoun

    a throw; a toss; a cast, as of something from the hand; as, a good pitch in quoits

  15. Pitchnoun

    that point of the ground on which the ball pitches or lights when bowled

  16. Pitchnoun

    a point or peak; the extreme point or degree of elevation or depression; hence, a limit or bound

  17. Pitchnoun

    height; stature

  18. Pitchnoun

    a descent; a fall; a thrusting down

  19. Pitchnoun

    the point where a declivity begins; hence, the declivity itself; a descending slope; the degree or rate of descent or slope; slant; as, a steep pitch in the road; the pitch of a roof

  20. Pitchnoun

    the relative acuteness or gravity of a tone, determined by the number of vibrations which produce it; the place of any tone upon a scale of high and low

  21. Pitchnoun

    the limit of ground set to a miner who receives a share of the ore taken out

  22. Pitchnoun

    the distance from center to center of any two adjacent teeth of gearing, measured on the pitch line; -- called also circular pitch

  23. Pitchnoun

    the length, measured along the axis, of a complete turn of the thread of a screw, or of the helical lines of the blades of a screw propeller

  24. Pitchnoun

    the distance between the centers of holes, as of rivet holes in boiler plates

  25. Etymology: [See Pitch, n.]


  1. Pitch

    Pitch is a name for any of a number of viscoelastic, solid polymers. Pitch can be made from petroleum products or plants. Petroleum-derived pitch is also called bitumen or asphalt. Pitch produced from plants is also known as resin. Some products made from plant resin are also known as rosin. Pitch was traditionally used to help caulk the seams of wooden sailing vessels. Pitch was also used to waterproof wooden containers, and is sometimes still used in the making of torches. Petroleum-derived pitch is black in colour, hence the adjectival phrase, "pitch-black".

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Pitch

    pich, n. the solid black shining substance obtained by boiling down common tar.—v.t. to smear with pitch.—adjs. Pitch′-black, Pitch′-dark, dark as pitch: very dark.—ns. Pitch′-blende, a black oxide of uranium; Pitch′-coal, a kind of bituminous coal: jet; Pitch′iness, state or quality of being pitchy; Pitch′-pine, a kind of pine which yields pitch, and is much used in America as fuel; Pitch′-plas′ter, a plaster of Burgundy or white pitch; Pitch′-stone, an old volcanic-like hardened pitch; Pitch′-tree, the kauri pine, the Amboyna pine, or the Norway spruce.—adj. Pitch′y, having the qualities of pitch: smeared with pitch: black like pitch: dark: dismal. [A.S. pic—L. pix, pic-is.]

  2. Pitch

    pich, v.t. to thrust or fix in the ground: to fix or set in array: to fix the rate or price: to fling or throw: (mus.) to set the keynote of.—v.i. to settle, as something pitched: to come to rest from flight: to fall headlong: to fix the choice: to encamp: to rise and fall, as a ship.—n. a throw or cast from the hand: any point or degree of elevation or depression: degree: degree of slope: a descent: the height of a note in speaking or in music: (mech.) distance between the centres of two teeth in a wheel or a saw, or between the threads of a screw measured parallel to the axis.—ns. Pitched′-batt′le, a battle in which the contending parties have fixed positions: a battle previously arranged for on both sides; Pitch′er; Pitch′-far′thing, chuck-farthing; Pitch′fork, a fork for pitching hay, &c.: a tuning-fork.—v.t. to lift with a pitchfork: to throw suddenly into any position.—ns. Pitch′ing, the act of throwing: a facing of stone along a bank to protect against the action of water; Pitch′pipe, a small pipe to pitch the voice or tune with.—Pitch and pay (Shak.), pay down at once, pay ready-money; Pitch and toss, a game in which coins are thrown at a mark, the person who throws nearest having the right of tossing all the coins, and keeping those which come down head uppermost; Pitch in, to begin briskly; Pitch into, to assault. [A form of pick.]

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

  1. pitch

    1. The movement of an aircraft or ship about its transverse axis. 2. In air photography, the camera rotation about the transverse axis of the aircraft. Also called tip.

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. pitch

    Tar and coarse resin boiled to a fluid yet tenacious consistence. It is used in a hot state with oakum in caulking the ship to fill the chinks or intervals between her planks. Also, in steam navigation, the distance between two contiguous threads of the screw-propeller, is termed the pitch. Also, in gunnery, the throw of the shot.--To pitch, to plant or set, as tents, pavements, pitched battles, &c.

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. pitch

    To fix firmly; to plant; to set in array; as, to pitch a tent; to pitch a camp.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. PITCH

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Pitch is ranked #136449 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Pitch surname appeared 123 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Pitch.

    85.3% or 105 total occurrences were White.
    8.1% or 10 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    5.6% or 7 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Pitch' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #3653

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Pitch' in Written Corpus Frequency: #3645

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Pitch' in Nouns Frequency: #1375

Usage in printed sourcesFrom: 

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  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Pitch in Chaldean Numerology is: 3

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Pitch in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2

Examples of Pitch in a Sentence

  1. Kevin Gausman:

    I wanted to go at least seven; that was the goal going in, i almost talked to Kap before the game, ‘Let me go 130 pitches, whatever it takes. These guys need a day off.’ I had some quick innings, some long (at-bats) and then followed by a one-pitch out.

  2. Gourav Rajput:

    It was pitch dark. He didn't see that crater.

  3. Richard Gere:

    Actually, it was my agent who was pushing for it much more than I was, i was a little resistant because I was n’t that taken with the stage production. But my agent just really kept pushing. I had just done a very intense movie, Unfaithful, and I thought : ‘ At the very least I ’m going to have fun doing this.' OH, BABY, Harvey Weinstein was still the co-chairman of Miramax Films when Chicago was being made. And the now disgraced movie mogul was adamant at the time that Britney Spears should be given a role in the movie. According to The New York Times, Harvey Weinstein sent three Miramax execs to pitch the idea to Britney Spears backstage at a concert in Canada. But director Rob Marshall and other producers were.

  4. Emily Gielnik:

    The main thing for us is recovery, it's a short turnaround. We will be on the pitch tomorrow and before you know it's match day minus one.

  5. Frances Hasselbein:

    We all do everything, share the work--there's no room around here for a star, for someone to think she's above the others. You're expected to pitch in on whatever needs doing. Nothing is beneath your dignity. But on the other hand, nothing is beyond your reach.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for Pitch

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • pikAfrikaans
  • زفت, رميةArabic
  • сайыр, дегет, һағыҙBashkir
  • llançament, llançarCatalan, Valencian
  • smůla, nadhoz, smola, hřistě, roztečCzech
  • Harz, Wurf, Pech, Sportplatz, Abstand, Grad, Verkaufsgespräch, Teilung, Neigung, Steigung, Tonhöhe, Tonlage, werfen, stampfen, werben, bewerben, wegwerfen, aufschlagen, TonhGerman
  • γήπεδο, πίσσα, πετάω, στήνω, ύψος, ρίχνωGreek
  • pez, declive, tono, campo, distancia, paso, brea, lanzamiento, lanzar, echar, armar, altura, altura tonal, promover, plantarSpanish
  • گامPersian
  • nurmi, kallistus, taso, pihka, syöttö, piki, kenttä, myyntipuhe, jako, nyökätä, heittää, syöttää, heittää menemään, mainostaa, keinuttaa, keinua, pomppia, kinostua, sävelkorkeus, kaupata, myydä, pystyttääFinnish
  • sève, terrain, poix, laïus, pas, angle, tangage, résine, lancer, argument, brai, présentation, écartement, inclinaison, pente, hauteur, donner la noteFrench
  • teàrr, bìthScottish Gaelic
  • זפתHebrew
  • पिचHindi
  • fok, gyanta, köz, szurok, lejtés, eldob, ver, hangmagasságHungarian
  • titinada, nadaIndonesian
  • tónhæðIcelandic
  • resina, servizio, sostegno, pendenza, beccheggio, pece, campo, promozione, passo, inclinazione, tono, servire, promuovere, crescere, accumularsi, intonazione, timbro, sostenereItalian
  • גובה הצלילHebrew
  • ピッチJapanese
  • კუპრი, ფისიGeorgian
  • nipiKalaallisut, Greenlandic
  • 피치Korean
  • pixLatin
  • hoa, tūpoupou, pūpahiMāori
  • hars, worp, pek, verkooppraatje, toonhoogte, gooien, werpen, intonerenDutch
  • bekNorwegian
  • smoła, pole, boisko, żywica, rzut, kąt, wysokość dźwięku, złożyć, rozbićPolish
  • seiva, arremesso, piche, campo, grau, altura, arremessar, armarPortuguese
  • prezentare, pas, rășină, aruncare, smoală, teren, inclinare, ton, înălțimeRomanian
  • дёготь, тангаж, дифферент, смола, подача, подавать, высота, бросать, бросить, подать, ставить, тонRussian
  • smolaSerbo-Croatian
  • rozstup, ihriskoSlovak
  • pisëAlbanian
  • beck, kast, plan, ton, kasta, slänga, resa, tonhöjd, läggaSwedish
  • மைதானம்Tamil
  • สนามThai
  • perdeTurkish
  • крокUkrainian
  • 音高Chinese

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    that is looked for
    A obnoxious
    B victimised
    C sought
    D busy

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