What does Ground mean?

Definitions for Ground

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Ground.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. land, dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firmanoun

    the solid part of the earth's surface

    "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"

  2. reason, groundnoun

    a rational motive for a belief or action

    "the reason that war was declared"; "the grounds for their declaration"

  3. earth, groundnoun

    the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface

    "they dug into the earth outside the church"

  4. footing, basis, groundnoun

    a relation that provides the foundation for something

    "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"

  5. groundnoun

    a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle)

    "they gained ground step by step"; "they fought to regain the lost ground"

  6. background, groundnoun

    the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground

    "he posed her against a background of rolling hills"

  7. land, ground, soilnoun

    material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)

    "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"

  8. groundnoun

    a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused

  9. ground, earthnoun

    a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)

  10. groundnoun

    (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting

  11. flat coat, ground, primer, priming, primer coat, priming coat, undercoatverb

    the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface

  12. anchor, groundverb

    fix firmly and stably

    "anchor the lamppost in concrete"

  13. groundverb

    confine or restrict to the ground

    "After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot"

  14. groundverb

    place or put on the ground

  15. groundverb

    instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject

  16. ground, strand, run agroundverb

    bring to the ground

    "the storm grounded the ship"

  17. ground, run agroundverb

    hit or reach the ground

  18. groundverb

    throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage

  19. groundverb

    hit a groundball

    "he grounded to the second baseman"

  20. groundverb

    hit onto the ground

  21. prime, ground, undercoatverb

    cover with a primer; apply a primer to

  22. groundverb

    connect to a ground

    "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"

  23. establish, base, ground, foundverb

    use as a basis for; found on

    "base a claim on some observation"


  1. groundverb

    To forbid (a pilot) to fly an airplane; -- usually as a disciplinary measure, or for reasons of ill health sufficient to interfere with performance.

  2. groundverb

    To forbid (aircraft) to fly; -- usually due to the unsafe condition of the aircraft or lack of conformity to safety regulations; as, the discovery of a crack in the wing of a Trijet caused the whole fleeet to be grounded for inspection.

  3. groundverb

    To temporarily restrict the activities of (a child), especially social activity outside the house; -- usually for bad or unsatisfactory conduct; as, Johnny was grounded for fighting at school and can't go to the movies for two weeks.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Ground

    is much used in composition for that which is next the ground, or near the ground.

  2. GROUNDnoun

    Etymology: grund, Saxon; grondt, Danish.

    Israel shall go on dry ground through the sea. Ex. xiv. 16.

    From the other hill
    To their fix’d station, all in bright array,
    The cherubim descended, on the ground
    Gliding meteorous. John Milton, Par. Lost.

    I have made man and beast upon the ground. Jer. xxvii. 5.

    There was dew upon all the ground. Judg. vi. 40.

    It light on him as dew falleth on the ground. 2 Sa. xvii. 12.

    Too late young Turnus the delusion found;
    Far on the sea, still making from the ground. John Dryden, Æn.

    The water breaks its bounds,
    And overflows the level grounds. Hudibras.

    With these came they, who from the bord’ring flood
    Of old Euphrates to the brook that parts
    Egypt from Syrian ground, had general names
    Of Baalim and Ashtaroth. John Milton, Paradise Lost, b. i.

    Uneasy still within these narrow bounds,
    Thy next design is on thy neighbours grounds:
    His crop invites, to full perfection grown;
    Thy own seems thin, because it is thy own. John Dryden, Juven.

    Wherefore should I smite thee to the ground? 2 Sa. ii. 22.

    Dagon was fallen on his face to the ground. 1 Sa. v. 4.

    A multitude sit on the ground. Ma. xv. 35.

    Set by them cyder, verjuice, sour drink, or grounds. John Mortimer.

    Some insist upon having had particular success in stopping gangrenes, from the use of the grounds of strong beer, mixed up with bread or oatmeal. Samuel Sharp, Surgery.

    We see the limner to begin with a rude draught, and the painter to lay his grounds with shadows and darksome colours. George Hakewill, on Providence.

    When solid bodies, sensible to the feeling and dark, are placed on light and transparent grounds, as, for example, the heavens, the clouds and waters, and every other thing which is in motion, and void of different objects; they ought to be more rough, and more distinguishable, than that with which they are encompassed. John Dryden, Dufresnoy.

    Indeed it was but just that the finest lines in nature should be drawn upon the most durable ground. Alexander Pope.

    Get a prayer-book in your hand,
    And stand between two churchmen, good my lord;
    For on that ground I’ll build a holy descant. William Shakespeare, R. III.

    Though jealousy of state th’ invention found,
    Yet love refin’d upon the former ground;
    That way the tyrant had reserv’d to fly,
    Pursuing hate, now serv’d to bring two lovers nigh. Dryden.

    The concords will easily be known, if the fore grounds be thoroughly beaten in. Preface to Accidence.

    Here statesmen, or of them they which can read,
    May of their occupation find the grounds. John Donne.

    After evening repasts, ’till bed-time, their thoughts will be best taken up in the easy grounds of religion, and the story of scripture. John Milton, on Education.

    He desired the steward to tell him particularly the ground and event of this accident. Philip Sidney.

    Making happiness the ground of his unhappiness, and good news the argument of his sorrow. Philip Sidney, b. ii.

    The use and benefit of good laws all that live under them may enjoy with delight and comfort, albeit the grounds and first original causes from whence they have sprung be unknown. Richard Hooker, b. i. s. 1.

    Thou could’st not have discern’d
    Fraud in the serpent, speaking as he spake,
    No ground of enmity between us known. John Milton, Par. Lost.

    Nor did either of them ever think fit to make any particular relation of the grounds of their proceedings, or the causes of their misadventures. Edward Hyde, b. viii.

    Sound judgment is the ground of writing well. Wentworth Dillon.

    Love once given from her, and plac’d in you,
    Would leave no ground I ever would be true. Dryden.

    If it be natural, ought we not to conclude that there is some ground and reason for these fears, and that nature hath not planted them in us to no purpose. John Tillotson.

    Upon that prince’s death, although the grounds of our quarrel with France had received no manner of addition, yet this lord thought fit to alter his sentiments. Jonathan Swift.

    The miraculous increase of the professors of Christianity was without any visible grounds and causes, and contrary to all human probability and appearance. Francis Atterbury, Sermons.

    Here was thy end decreed, when these men rose;
    And ev’n with theirs this act thy death did bring,
    Or hasten’d at the least upon this ground. Samuel Daniel, C. War.

    At length the left wing of the Arcadians began to lose ground. Philip Sidney.

    Heartless they fought, and quitted soon their ground,
    While our’s with easy victory were crown’d. John Dryden, Aureng.

    He has lost ground at the latter end of the day, by pursuing his point too far, like the prince of Conde at the battle of Senepa. John Dryden, Fables, Preface.

    Ev’ning mist,
    Ris’n from a river, o’er the marish glides,
    And gathers ground fast at the labourer’s heels,
    Homeward returning. John Milton, Paradise Lost, b. xii.

    Superiors think it a detraction from their merit to see another get ground upon them, and overtake them in the pursuits of glory. Joseph Addison, Spectator.

    Even whilst we speak our conqueror comes on,
    And gathers ground upon us every moment. Addison.

    Had’st thou sway’d as kings should do,
    Giving no ground unto the house of York,
    They never then had sprung. William Shakespeare, Henry VI.

    If they get ground and ’vantage of the king,
    Then join you with them like a rib of steel,
    To make them stronger. William Shakespeare, Henry IV. p. ii.

    He will stand his ground against all the attacks that can be made upon his probity. Francis Atterbury, Sermons.

    Whatever ground we may have gotten upon our enemies, we have gotten none upon our vices, the worst enemies of the two; but are even subdued and led captive by the one, while we triumph so gloriously over the others. Francis Atterbury, Sermons.

    I have known so many great examples of this cure, and heard of its being so familiar in Austria, that I wonder it has gained no more ground in other places. William Temple.

    The squirrel is perpetually turning the wheel in her cage: she runs apace, and wearies herself with her continual motion, and gets no ground. John Dryden, Dufresnoy.

    Like bright metal on a sullen ground,
    My reformation glittering o’er my fault,
    Shall shew more goodly, and attract more eyes,
    Than that which hath no foil to set it off. William Shakespeare.

  3. Groundthe preterite and part. pass. of grind.

    He took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder. Exo. xxxii. 20.

    How dull and rugged, ere ’tis ground
    And polish’d, looks a diamond? Hudibras, p. iii.

  4. To Groundverb

    Etymology: from the noun.

    Wherever she had grounded her foot, neither gods nor men could force her to retire. Rambler.

    Wisdom groundeth her laws upon an infallible rule of comparison. Richard Hooker, b. i. s. 8.

    It may serve us to ground conjectures more approaching to the truth than we have hitherto met with. Boyle.

    If your own actions on your will you ground,
    Mine shall hereafter know no other bound. John Dryden, Aurengz.

    Some eminent spirit, having signalized his valour, becomes to have influence on the people, to grow their leader in warlike expeditions; and this is grounded upon the principles of nature and common reason, which, where prudence and courage are required, rather incite us to fly to a single person than a multitude. Jonathan Swift.

    Being rooted and grounded in love. Eph. iii. 17.


  1. ground

    Ground can refer to a variety of things depending on the context. In a general sense, "ground" can be defined as the surface of the Earth or the solid material beneath our feet. It is commonly used to describe the soil or terrain on which we stand or walk. Additionally, "ground" can also refer to the electrical connection that serves as a reference point for the voltage level in an electrical system. This grounding connection enables the safe discharge of electrical energy and the prevention of electrical shock hazards.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Ground

    of Grind

  2. Groundnoun

    the surface of the earth; the outer crust of the globe, or some indefinite portion of it

  3. Groundnoun

    a floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the earth

  4. Groundnoun

    any definite portion of the earth's surface; region; territory; country. Hence: A territory appropriated to, or resorted to, for a particular purpose; the field or place of action; as, a hunting or fishing ground; a play ground

  5. Groundnoun

    land; estate; possession; field; esp. (pl.), the gardens, lawns, fields, etc., belonging to a homestead; as, the grounds of the estate are well kept

  6. Groundnoun

    the basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise, reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as, the ground of my hope

  7. Groundnoun

    that surface upon which the figures of a composition are set, and which relieves them by its plainness, being either of one tint or of tints but slightly contrasted with one another; as, crimson Bowers on a white ground

  8. Groundnoun

    in sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief

  9. Groundnoun

    in point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied; as, Brussels ground. See Brussels lace, under Brussels

  10. Groundnoun

    a gummy composition spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle

  11. Groundnoun

    one of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached; -- usually in the plural

  12. Groundnoun

    a composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody

  13. Groundnoun

    the tune on which descants are raised; the plain song

  14. Groundnoun

    a conducting connection with the earth, whereby the earth is made part of an electrical circuit

  15. Groundnoun

    sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids; dregs; lees; feces; as, coffee grounds

  16. Groundnoun

    the pit of a theater

  17. Groundverb

    to lay, set, or run, on the ground

  18. Groundverb

    to found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly

  19. Groundverb

    to instruct in elements or first principles

  20. Groundverb

    to connect with the ground so as to make the earth a part of an electrical circuit

  21. Groundverb

    to cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching (see Ground, n., 5); or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament

  22. Groundverb

    to run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed; as, the ship grounded on the bar

  23. Ground

    imp. & p. p. of Grind

  24. Etymology: [OE. ground, grund, AS. grund; akin to D. grond, OS., G., Sw., & Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom, Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust, gravel, and if so perh. akin to E. grind.]


  1. Ground

    In electrical engineering, ground or earth can refer to the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth. Electrical circuits may be connected to ground for several reasons. In mains powered equipment, exposed metal parts are connected to ground to prevent user contact with dangerous voltage if electrical insulation fails. Connections to ground limit the build-up of static electricity when handling flammable products or electrostatic-sensitive devices. In some telegraph and power transmission circuits, the earth itself can be used as one conductor of the circuit, saving the cost of installing a separate return conductor. For measurement purposes, the Earth serves as a constant potential reference against which other potentials can be measured. An electrical ground system should have an appropriate current-carrying capability to serve as an adequate zero-voltage reference level. In electronic circuit theory, a "ground" is usually idealized as an infinite source or sink for charge, which can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential. Where a real ground connection has a significant resistance, the approximation of zero potential is no longer valid. Stray voltages or earth potential rise effects will occur, which may create noise in signals or if large enough will produce an electric shock hazard.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Ground

    grownd, pa.t. and pa.p. of grind.

  2. Ground

    grownd, n. the surface of the earth: a portion of the earth's surface: land, field, soil: the floor, &c.: position: field or place of action: (lit. or fig.) that on which something is raised: foundation: sufficient reason: (art) the surface on which the figures are represented.—v.t. to fix on a foundation or principle: to instruct in first principles: to cover with a layer of plaster, &c., as a basis for painting: to coat with a composition, as a surface to be etched.—v.i. to strike the bottom and remain fixed.—ns. Ground′age, the tax paid by a ship for the space occupied while in port; Ground′-ang′ling, fishing without a float, with a weight placed a few inches from the hook—called also Bottom-fishing; Ground′-ash, a sapling of ash; Ground′-bait, bait dropped to the bottom of the water.—adv. Ground′edly (Browning), on good grounds.—ns. Ground′er, at baseball, &c., a ball thrown low rather than rising into the air; Ground′-floor, the floor of a house on a level with the street or exterior ground; Ground′-game, hares, rabbits, as distinguished from winged game; Ground′-hog, the American marmot, or woodchuck: the aardvark of Africa; Ground′-hold (Spens.), ground-tackle; Ground-ice, the ice formed at the bottom of a water first—also An′chor-ice; Ground′ing, the background of embroidery, &c.; Ground′-ī′vy, a common British creeping-plant whose leaves were once used for flavouring ale (gill-ale or gell-ale).—adj. Ground′less, without ground, foundation, or reason.—adv. Ground′lessly.—ns. Ground′lessness; Ground′ling, a fish which keeps near the bottom of the water, esp. the spinous loach: a spectator in the pit of a theatre—-hence one of the common herd: (pl.) the vulgar.—adj. (Lamb) base.—ns. Ground′-nut, ground-bean, or pea-nut, the fruit of the annual leguminous plant Arachis hypogæa; Ground′-oak, a sapling of oak; Ground′-plan, plan of the horizontal section of the lowest or ground story of a building: Ground′-plot, the plot of ground on which a building stands; Ground′-rent, rent paid to a landlord for the use of the ground for a specified term, usually in England ninety-nine years.—n.pl. Grounds, dregs of drink: sediment at the bottom of liquors (explained by Skeat as Celtic—Gael. grunndas, lees, grunnd, bottom, Ir. gruntas, grunnt, bottom).—ns. Ground′sell, Ground′sill, the timber of a building which lies next to the ground; Ground-squirr′el, the chipmuck or hackee; Ground′-swell, a broad, deep undulation of the ocean, proceeding from a distant storm; Ground′-tack′le, the tackle necessary for securing a vessel at anchor; <

The Standard Electrical Dictionary

  1. Ground

    The contact of a conductor of an electric circuit with the earth, permitting the escape of current if another ground exists.

Military Dictionary and Gazetteer

  1. ground

    In a military sense, the field or place of action. To take ground; a battalion or company is said to take ground when it extends in any given direction. This term is likewise used in dueling; as, they took their ground at eight or ten paces from each other.

Editors Contribution

  1. groundnoun

    0.) (Biblically above earth) Gram's grossing grains of seeds, trees, vegetables, and good fruit-eating from the sources end. 1.) The solid surface of the earth. A limited or defined extent of the Earth's surface; land. Land or a specific kind. An area of land or sea used for a specific purpose. Of or relating to the air rather than the dirt. 2.) An area of knowledge or subject of discussion or thought. 3.) Factors forming basis for action or the justification for a belief. 4.) A prepared surface to which paint is applied. A plane surface to which decoration is applied. A piece of wood fixed to wall as a base for boards, plaster, or woodwork. 5.) Another term for Sol or Bass. 6.) Solid particles such as coffee that form a residue or sediment. 7.) Electrical connection of a circuit or conductor to the earth. Prohibit or prevent from flying. 8.) Gravity; Magnetic. 9.) To hide or become inaccessible, for a long time. 10.) God called the gathered dust that appears in the existence of dry land "earth," but water would come out of the ground and water the entire surface of the land; the water under the sky is gathered into one place is called "seas;" the Earths Ground Level overseer. (Genesis 1, 2)

    Ground laws add up to a compass that magnifys into being under the rules of Time.

    Etymology: Alpha and Omega

    Submitted by Tehorah_Elyon on October 25, 2023  

Surnames Frequency by Census Records


    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Ground is ranked #46725 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Ground surname appeared 455 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Ground.

    74.2% or 338 total occurrences were White.
    15.1% or 69 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    4.1% or 19 total occurrences were Black.
    3.7% or 17 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Ground' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #615

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Ground' in Written Corpus Frequency: #956

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Ground' in Nouns Frequency: #159

Usage in printed sourcesFrom: 

How to pronounce Ground?

How to say Ground in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Ground in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Ground in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7

Examples of Ground in a Sentence

  1. Rakeem Jones:

    Boom, he caught me, after I get it, before I could even gain my thoughts, I’m on the ground getting escorted out. Now I’m waking up this morning looking at the news and seeing me getting hit again.

  2. Bernie Sanders:

    Gaddafi, terrible dictator, gotten rid of, right now, ISIS is gaining ground in Libya because of all of the destabilization in the region and all of the turmoil.

  3. Jamela Dunbar:

    Conquering fear is riding the Roller Coaster high up into the Sky. And experiencing the big drop down to the ground. The Adrenaline high, for flight, or fight.”

  4. Glenn Grannan:

    The deputy tripped and fell to the ground as he was backing away from the vehicle, that's when all three male subjects, including the driver, ambushed him, cut him on the forehead with a sharp object and dragged him into the woods.

  5. Van Dam:

    The heavy rain will impact areas that have received significant amounts of rain within the past several weeks, the ground remains very saturated and may elevate the flood threat.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for Ground

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • أرضArabic
  • зямляBelarusian
  • земяBulgarian
  • terra, sòlCatalan, Valencian
  • země, základ, dno, uzemnit, dát domácí vězeníCzech
  • Land, Grundfeste, Erdreich, Bezugspotenzial, Erdboden, Grund, Erde, Masse, Masseleitung, Massepotenzial, Hintergrund, Masseverbindung, Boden, Erdung, Startverbot erteilen, Hausarrest geben, gemahlen, erdenGerman
  • γείωση, έδαφος, βυθόςGreek
  • fondo, toma de tierra, suelo, fundamento, tierra, base, polo a tierra, conectar a tierra, poner a tierra, molido, castigar, picadoSpanish
  • زمینPersian
  • maa, syy, maaperä, kenttä, ympäristö, perusta, peruste, runko, maajohdin, puitteet, pohja, maanpinta, kehys, [[määrätä]] [[lentokieltoon]], [[oppia]] [[perusteet]], maattaa, maadoittaa, jauhettuFinnish
  • terre, masse, terrain, fond, base, sol, fondation, terrain de football, clouer au sol, mettre à la terre, moulu, gronder, haché, punirFrench
  • grûnWestern Frisian
  • talamh, ùirScottish Gaelic
  • भूतल, ज़मीनHindi
  • Haitian Creole
  • föld, földelés, őrölt, szobafogságra ítél, darált, leföldel, földelHungarian
  • հիմք, գետին, հող, հատակArmenian
  • tanahIndonesian
  • terra, suoloItalian
  • 地, 土Japanese
  • ნიადაგიGeorgian
  • 바탕, 접지, 흙, 테두리, 땅Korean
  • земјаMacedonian
  • grond, ondergrond, aarde, neuter, bodem, achtergrond, aarding, aarden, huisarrest geven, [[een]] [[vliegverbod]] [[opleggen]]Dutch
  • niʼNavajo, Navaho
  • tèrraOccitan
  • uziemienie, gleba, dno, grunt, ziemia, podstawa, bazaPolish
  • terra, campo, solo, chão, [[deixar]] [[de]] [[castigo]], aterrarPortuguese
  • potențial zero, sol, pământRomanian
  • основа, земля, база, дно, заземление, почва, грунт, заземлить, заземлятьRussian
  • भूतलSanskrit
  • terraSardinian
  • земља, zemljaSerbo-Croatian
  • zemSlovak
  • zemljaSlovene
  • grund, bakgrund, backe, jord, mark, jordledare, ge utegångsförbud, mald, jorda, ge husarrest, belägga med flygförbud, ställa på markenSwedish
  • ดินThai
  • земляUkrainian
  • بھوتل, زمینUrdu

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    (of a flowering plant) having two cotyledons in the seed
    A naiant
    B dicotyledonous
    C tantamount
    D flabby

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