What does GRACE mean?

Definitions for GRACE

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word GRACE.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. grace, saving grace, state of gracenoun

    (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such divine influence

    "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin"; "it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church"; "the Virgin lived in a state of grace"

  2. grace, gracilitynoun

    elegance and beauty of movement or expression

    "a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace"

  3. seemliness, gracenoun

    a sense of propriety and consideration for others

    "a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace"

  4. grace, good will, goodwillnoun

    a disposition to kindness and compassion

    "the victor's grace in treating the vanquished"

  5. Gracenoun

    (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors

  6. grace, blessing, thanksgivingnoun

    a short prayer of thanks before a meal

    "their youngest son said grace"

  7. grace, grace of God, free graceverb

    (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God

    "God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners"; "there but for the grace of God go I"

  8. decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautifyverb

    make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

    "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

  9. deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautifyverb

    be beautiful to look at

    "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"


  1. gracenoun

    Elegant movement; poise or balance.

  2. gracenoun

    Free and undeserved favour, especially of God. Unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification.

  3. gracenoun

    Divine assistance in resisting sin.

  4. gracenoun

    Short prayer of thanks before or after a meal.

  5. gracenoun

    An allowance of time granted for a debtor during which he is free of at least part of his normal obligations towards the creditor.

    The repayment of the loan starts after a three years' grace (period).

  6. graceverb

    To alight, to favour, to please.

    He graced the room with his presence.

  7. Gracenoun

    A female given name from English.

    To The Handsome Mistress Grace Potter: As is your name, so is your comely face / Touch'd everywhere with such a diffused grace /

  8. Gracenoun

    A city in Idaho.

  9. Gracenoun

    An unincorporated community in Kentucky.

  10. Gracenoun

    An unincorporated community in Mississippi.

  11. Etymology: From the noun grace, first used by Puritans in the 16th century. In Roman Catholic use it may refer to Our Lady of Graces, cognate with Italian Grazia.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. GRACEnoun

    Etymology: grace, French; gratia, Latin; graace, Erse.

    If the highest love in no base person may aspire to grace, then may I hope your beauty will not be without pity. Philip Sidney.

    O momentary grace of mortal men,
    Which we more hunt for than the grace of God! William Shakespeare.

    Such as were popular,
    And well deserving, were advanc’d by grace. Daniel.

    Is this the reward and thanks I am to have for those many acts of grace I have lately passed? Charles I .

    Yet those remov’d,
    Such grace shall one just man find in his sight,
    That he relents, not to blot out mankind. John Milton, Par. Lost.

    Noble pity held
    His hand a while, and to their choice gave space
    Which they would prove, his valour or his grace. Edmund Waller.

    Or each, or all, may win a lady’s grace;
    Then either of you knights may well deserve
    A princess born. John Dryden, Fables.

    None of us, who now your grace implore,
    But held the rank of sovereign queen before. Dryden.

    With profer’d service I repaid the fair,
    That of her grace she gave her maid to know
    The secret meaning of this moral show. Dryden.

    Prevenient grace descending had remov’d
    The stony from their hearts, and made new flesh
    Regenerate grow instead. John Milton.

    The grace of God, that passeth understanding, keep your hearts and minds. Common Prayer.

    How Van wants grace, who never wanted wit. Alexander Pope.

    Bow and sue for grace
    With suppliant knee. John Milton.

    I should therefore esteem it great favour and grace,
    Would you be so kind as to go in my place. Matthew Prior.

    But to return and view the chearful skies,
    To few great Jupiter imparts this grace. Dryden.

    This forehead, where your verse has said
    The loves delighted and the graces play’d. Matthew Prior.

    Have I reason or good grace in what I do. William Temple.

    They would have ill grace in denying it. Henry St. John Bolingbroke.

    Her purple habit fits with such a grace
    On her smooth shoulders, and so suits her face. John Dryden, Æn.

    To write and speak correctly gives a grace, and gains a favourable attention to what one has to say. John Locke.

    It doth grieve me, that things of principal excellency should be thus bitten at by men whom God hath endued with graces, both of wit and learning, for better purposes. Richard Hooker.

    To some kind of men,
    Their graces serve them but as enemies. William Shakespeare, As you like it.

    In his own grace he doth exalt himself
    More than in your advancement. William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    The charming Lausus, full of youthful fire,
    To Turnus only second in the grace
    Of manly mien, and features of the face. John Dryden, Æn.

    Set all things in their own peculiar place,
    And know that order is the greatest grace. Dryden.

    The flow’r which lasts for little space,
    A short liv’d good, and an uncertain grace. Dryden.

    I pass their form and every charming grace. Dryden.

    By their hands this grace of kings must die,
    If hell and treason hold their promises. William Shakespeare, Henry V.

    Where justice grows, there grows the greater grace,
    The which doth quench the brand of hellish smart. Fa. Qu.

    The king-becoming graces,
    As justice, verity, temp’rance, stableness,
    Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude,
    I have no relish of them. William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    The graces of his religion prepare him for the most useful discharge of every relation of life. John Rogers.

    O, mickle is the pow’rful grace that lies
    In plants, herbs, stones, and their true qualities. William Shakespeare.

    Here come I from our princely general,
    To know your griefs; to tell you from his grace,
    That he will give you audience. William Shakespeare, Henry IV.

    High and mighty king, your grace, and those your nobles here present, may be pleased to bow your ears. Francis Bacon, H. VII.

    Your soldiers use him as the grace ’fore meat,
    Their talk at table, and their thanks at end. William Shakespeare, Coriolan.

    While grace is saying after meat, do you and your brethren take the chairs from behind the company. Jonathan Swift.

    Then chearful healths, your mistress shall have place;
    And what’s more rare, a poet shall say grace. Alexander Pope, Horace.

  2. To Graceverb

    Etymology: from the noun.

    This they study, this they practise, this they grace with a wanton superfluity of wit. Richard Hooker, b. v. s. 2.

    I do not think a braver gentleman,
    More daring, or more bold is now alive,
    To grace this latter age with noble deeds. William Shakespeare, Hen. IV.

    Little of this great world can I speak,
    And therefore little shall I grace my cause,
    In speaking for myself. William Shakespeare, Othello.

    There is due from the judge to the advocate some commendation and gracing, where causes are well handled. Francis Bacon.

    Rich crowns were on their royal scutcheons plac’d,
    With saphires, diamonds, and with rubies grac’d. Dryden.

    By both his parents of descent divine;
    Great Jove and Phœbus grac’d his noble line. Alexander Pope, Statius.

    Though triumphs were to generals only due,
    Crowns were reserv’d to grace the soldiers too. Alexander Pope.

    He writes
    How happily he lives, how well belov’d,
    And daily graced by the emperor. William Shakespeare, Two Gent. of Verona.

    Dispose all honours of the sword and gun,
    Grace with a nod, and ruin with a frown. John Dryden, Juven.

    When the guests withdrew,
    Their courteous host saluting all the crew,
    Regardless pass’d her o’er, nor grac’d with kind adieu. Dryd.


  1. Grace

    Grace is the first single by former Live lead singer Ed Kowalczyk from his debut solo album Alive, as well as on an autographed Limited Edition CD. The Super Single Includes these tracks: 1. Grace (New Version) 2. Grace (Live from Sydney) 3. Grace (Album Version)


  1. grace

    Grace can be defined as an attribute or quality that embodies elegance, kindness, charm, and a pleasing or attractive manner. It is often associated with a sense of effortless beauty or movement, and is characterized by a certain poise, dignity, and harmony in one's actions or demeanor. Grace can also refer to a divine or spiritual influence that bestows blessings, forgiveness, or mercy upon individuals.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Gracenoun

    the exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred

  2. Gracenoun

    the divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor

  3. Gracenoun

    the prerogative of mercy execised by the executive, as pardon

  4. Gracenoun

    the same prerogative when exercised in the form of equitable relief through chancery

  5. Gracenoun

    fortune; luck; -- used commonly with hard or sorry when it means misfortune

  6. Gracenoun

    inherent excellence; any endowment or characteristic fitted to win favor or confer pleasure or benefit

  7. Gracenoun

    beauty, physical, intellectual, or moral; loveliness; commonly, easy elegance of manners; perfection of form

  8. Gracenoun

    graceful and beautiful females, sister goddesses, represented by ancient writers as the attendants sometimes of Apollo but oftener of Venus. They were commonly mentioned as three in number; namely, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, and were regarded as the inspirers of the qualities which give attractiveness to wisdom, love, and social intercourse

  9. Gracenoun

    the title of a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop, and formerly of the king of England

  10. Gracenoun


  11. Gracenoun

    a petition for grace; a blessing asked, or thanks rendered, before or after a meal

  12. Gracenoun

    ornamental notes or short passages, either introduced by the performer, or indicated by the composer, in which case the notation signs are called grace notes, appeggiaturas, turns, etc

  13. Gracenoun

    an act, vote, or decree of the government of the institution; a degree or privilege conferred by such vote or decree

  14. Gracenoun

    a play designed to promote or display grace of motion. It consists in throwing a small hoop from one player to another, by means of two sticks in the hands of each. Called also grace hoop or hoops

  15. Graceverb

    to adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify

  16. Graceverb

    to dignify or raise by an act of favor; to honor

  17. Graceverb

    to supply with heavenly grace

  18. Graceverb

    to add grace notes, cadenzas, etc., to


  1. Grace

    Grace is the only complete studio album by Jeff Buckley, released on August 23, 1994. While the album initially had poor sales, peaking at No. 149 in the U.S., and received mixed reviews, it gradually acquired critical and popular acclaim and has now sold over 2 million copies worldwide. An extended version of the album celebrating its tenth anniversary was released on August 23, 2004, and it peaked at No. 44 in the UK. Grace re-entered the albums chart in Australia at number 44 for the week of January 29 to February 5, 2007 – 13 years after its original release date. It is currently certified 6x Platinum in Australia.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Grace

    grās, n. easy elegance in form or manner: what adorns and commends to favour: embellishment: favour: pardon: the undeserved mercy of God: divine influence: eternal life or salvation: a short prayer at meat: an act or decree of the governing body of an English university: a ceremonious title in addressing a duke or an archbishop: (pl.) favour, friendship (with good): (myth.) the three sister goddesses in whom beauty was deified (the Greek Charites), Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Thalia.—v.t. to mark with favour: to adorn.—n. Grace′-cup, a cup or health drunk at the last of the feast.—adjs. Graced (Shak.), virtuous, chaste; Grace′ful, elegant and easy: marked by propriety or fitness, becoming.—adv. Grace′fully.—n. Grace′fulness.—adjs. Grace′less, wanting grace or excellence: depraved: wicked.—adv. Grace′lessly.—n. Grace′lessness.—ns. Grace′-note (mus.), a note introduced as an embellishment, not being essential to the harmony or melody; Grace′-stroke, a finishing stroke, coup de grâce; Graciō′so, a clown in Spanish comedy, a favourite.—adj. Grā′cious, abounding in grace or kindness: benevolent: proceeding from divine favour: acceptable.—adv. Grā′ciously.—ns. Grā′ciousness, state or quality of being gracious, affability; Grācious′ity, the same, but usually in a bad sense, as implying duplicity.—Days of grace, three days allowed for the payment of a note or bill of exchange, after being due according to its date; Fall from grace, to backslide, to lapse from the state of grace and salvation—an impossibility according to Calvinists.—Good gracious, an exclamation of surprise.—In the good graces of, in the friendship of; Saving grace, divine grace so bestowed as to lead to salvation; Take heart of grace, to take courage from favour shown. [Fr.,—L. gratia, favour—gratus, agreeable; Gr. charis, grace.]

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

  1. Grace

    the term in Scripture for that which is the free gift of God, unmerited by man and of eternal benefit to him.

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. grace


Suggested Resources

  1. grace

    Song lyrics by grace -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by grace on the Lyrics.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. GRACE

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Grace is ranked #1248 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Grace surname appeared 28,098 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 10 would have the surname Grace.

    71.4% or 20,079 total occurrences were White.
    20.2% or 5,693 total occurrences were Black.
    3.3% or 927 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    2.8% or 790 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    1.5% or 427 total occurrences were Asian.
    0.6% or 180 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.

British National Corpus

  1. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'GRACE' in Written Corpus Frequency: #4632

  2. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'GRACE' in Nouns Frequency: #2174

Usage in printed sourcesFrom: 

Anagrams for GRACE »

  1. cager

  2. garce

How to pronounce GRACE?

How to say GRACE in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of GRACE in Chaldean Numerology is: 5

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of GRACE in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7

Examples of GRACE in a Sentence

  1. Pete Buttigieg:

    Our marriage exists by the grace of a single vote on the U.S. Supreme Court.

  2. Ted Kennedy:

    With profound sadness, I share the news that the search for my beloved daughter Maeve McKean and grandson Gideon has turned from rescue to recovery, my heart is crushed, yet we shall try to summon the grace of God and what strength we have to honor the hope, energy and passion that Maeve McKean and Gideon set forth into the world.

  3. Charles Haddon Spurgeon:

    I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself. My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will.

  4. Cat Ellington:

    Grace Kelly's 'Lisa Carol Fremont' is my spirit animal.

  5. Richard Jordan:

    Grace is not against good works It simply does not bless on the basis of good works. We receive blessing from God based solely on the merits of His Son--blessings freely given to us in Christ and nowhere else. The completeness that is in Christ mean deliverance from trying to 'be good' and 'do right' in order to be accepted by God.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for GRACE

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • نعمةArabic
  • milostCzech
  • nådeDanish
  • Gnade, Aufschub, schmücken, Gunst, Tischgebet, Fristverlängerung, Anmut, Grazie, zieren, Huld, ZahlungsfristGerman
  • amenuveveEwe
  • παραχώρηση, χάρη, κοσμώ, παράταση, περίοδος χάριτοςGreek
  • gracoEsperanto
  • merced, gracias, graciaSpanish
  • منت, فPersian
  • ylväys, armo, ruokarukous, komistaa, juhlistaa, sulous, vapaajaksoFinnish
  • grâce, miséricorde, bénédicité, grâcesFrench
  • grástaIrish
  • कृपाHindi
  • báj, kegyelemHungarian
  • նազանք, ողորմածություն, շնորհArmenian
  • rahmatIndonesian
  • eleganza, grazia, benevolenza, adornare, abbellire, ringraziamento, rendere grazie, dilazione, garbo, leggiadria, preghiera, benedicite, decorare, imbellettare, tolleranzaItalian
  • חסדHebrew
  • 加護, 恩恵, {{l, 祈り, 支払猶予期間, 雅やか, 優雅, グレースJapanese
  • លីឡ្នា, សីលKhmer
  • ಗ್ರೇಸ್Kannada
  • 은혜Korean
  • gratiaLatin
  • благонаклоност, краси, милост, грејс периодMacedonian
  • nådeNorwegian
  • gratie, elegantie, genade, uitstel van betalingDutch
  • bordbønn, betalingsutsettelse, nådeNorwegian
  • łaska, dziękczynienie, wdzięk, gracjaPolish
  • graçaPortuguese
  • grație, eleganță, împodobi, har, onora, rugăciune de mulțumire, termen de grațieRomanian
  • милосердие, почтить, благодать, грация, милость, молитва, благоволение, отсрочка, благосклонность, передышка, изящество, ГрейсRussian
  • bordsbön, nådSwedish
  • neemaSwahili
  • கருணைTamil
  • దయTelugu
  • ความสง่างามThai
  • görgü, incelik, lutuf, merhamet, zarâfet, şükran duâsı, ertelenme süresiTurkish
  • БлагодатьUkrainian
  • فUrdu
  • ân sủngVietnamese
  • graceYiddish
  • Chinese

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    prevent from being seen or discovered
    A demolish
    B conceal
    C blur
    D aggravate

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