What does Check mean?

Definitions for Check

This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Check.

Princeton's WordNet

  1. check, bank check, chequenoun

    a written order directing a bank to pay money

    "he paid all his bills by check"

  2. assay, checknoun

    an appraisal of the state of affairs

    "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress"

  3. check, chit, tabnoun

    the bill in a restaurant

    "he asked the waiter for the check"

  4. arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppagenoun

    the state of inactivity following an interruption

    "the negotiations were in arrest"; "held them in check"; "during the halt he got some lunch"; "the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow"; "he spent the entire stop in his seat"

  5. confirmation, verification, check, substantiationnoun

    additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct

    "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory"

  6. check, checkout, check-out procedurenoun

    the act of inspecting or verifying

    "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"

  7. check mark, check, ticknoun

    a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.

    "as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name"

  8. hindrance, hinderance, deterrent, impediment, balk, baulk, check, handicapnoun

    something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress

  9. check, chipnoun

    a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something

  10. checknoun

    a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard)

    "she wore a skirt with checks"

  11. bridle, check, curbnoun

    the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

    "his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper"

  12. checknoun

    obstructing an opponent in ice hockey

  13. checkverb

    (chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king

  14. check, check up on, look into, check out, suss out, check over, go over, check intoverb

    examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

    "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"

  15. checkverb

    make an examination or investigation

    "check into the rumor"; "check the time of the class"

  16. see, check, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain, assureverb

    be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something

    "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"

  17. control, hold in, hold, contain, check, curb, moderateverb

    lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits

    "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"

  18. checkverb

    stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution

    "She checked for an instant and missed a step"

  19. check, check off, mark, mark off, tick off, tickverb

    put a check mark on or near or next to

    "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"

  20. check, retard, delayverb

    slow the growth or development of

    "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"

  21. check, check outverb

    be verified or confirmed; pass inspection

    "These stories don't check!"

  22. match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agreeverb

    be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics

    "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"

  23. checkverb

    block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey

  24. discipline, train, check, conditionverb

    develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control

    "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"

  25. checkverb

    consign for shipment on a vehicle

    "check your luggage before boarding"

  26. checkverb

    hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping

    "Check your coat at the door"

  27. checkverb

    abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey

  28. checkverb

    stop in a chase especially when scent is lost

    "The dog checked"

  29. check, checker, chequerverb

    mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on

  30. checkverb

    decline to initiate betting

  31. check, turn back, arrest, stop, contain, hold backverb

    hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of

    "Arrest the downward trend"; "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia"; "Contain the rebel movement"; "Turn back the tide of communism"

  32. checkverb

    place into check

    "He checked my kings"

  33. checkverb

    write out a check on a bank account

  34. determine, check, find out, see, ascertain, watch, learnverb

    find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

    "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"

  35. checkverb

    verify by consulting a source or authority

    "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"

  36. checkverb

    arrest the motion (of something) abruptly

    "He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve"

  37. check, chinkverb

    make cracks or chinks in

    "The heat checked the paint"

  38. crack, check, breakverb

    become fractured; break or crack on the surface only

    "The glass cracked when it was heated"


  1. Checkverb

    To leave (something) in the temporary custody of another; as, to check baggage; to check one's firearms at the door; to check one's coat at the cloakroom.

  2. Checkverb

    To accept (something) for temporary custody from another; as, to check a customer's baggage; to check a customer's coat.

  3. Checkverb

    To make a checkered pattern upon.

  4. Checkverb

    To put a sudden restraint upon; to stop temporarily; to hinder; to repress; to curb. Hence, (Ice Hockey) To obstruct the motion of an opposing player by contacting him with one's body.

  5. Checkverb

    To verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check; to distinguish by a check; to put a mark against (an item) after comparing with an original or a counterpart in order to secure accuracy. Hence, To compare with an original or with some standard, to insure correctness; as, to check an account; to check with a supervisor about procedures.

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary

  1. Checknoun

    Etymology: from the verb.

    I do know, the state,
    However this may gall him with some check,
    Cannot with safety cast him. William Shakespeare, Othello.

    Rebellion in this land shall lose his sway,
    Meeting the check of such another day. William Shakespeare, Henry IV.

    We see, also, that kings that have been fortunate conquerors in their first years, must have some check or arrest in their fortunes. Francis Bacon, Essay.

    God hath of late years manifested himself in a very dreadful manner, as if it were on purpose to give a check to this insolent impiety. John Tillotson.

    It was this viceroy’s zeal, which gave a remarkable check to the first progress of christianity. Joseph Addison, Freeholder, №. 32.

    God put it into the heart of one of our princes, to give a check to that sacrilege, which had been but too much winked at. Francis Atterbury.

    The great struggle with his passions is in the first check. John Rogers.

    They who come to maintain their own breach of faith, the check of their consciences much breaketh their spirit. John Hayward.

    The impetuosity of the new officer’s nature needed some restraint and check, for some time, to his immoderate pretences and appetite of power. Edward Hyde.

    Some free from rhyme or reason, rule or check,
    Break Priscian’s head, and Pegasus’s neck. Alexander Pope.

    While such men are in trust, who have no check from within, nor any views but towards their interest. Jonathan Swift.

    Oh! this life
    Is nobler than attending for a check;
    Richer than doing nothing for a bauble. William Shakespeare, Cymbeline.

    Say I should wed her, would not my wise subjects
    Take check, and think it strange? perhaps revolt? Dryden.

    A young woman is a hawk upon her wings; and if she be handsome, she is the more subject to go out on check. John Suckling.

    When whistled from the fist,
    Some falcon stoops at what her eye design’d,
    And with her eagerness, the quary miss’d,
    Streight flies at check, and clips it down the wind. Dryden.

    He was unhappily too much used as a check upon the lord Coventry. Edward Hyde.

    A satyrical poet is the check of the laymen on bad priests. John Dryden, Fables, Preface.

    The letters have the natural production by several checks or stops, or, as they are usually called, articulations of the breath or voice. William Holder, Elements of Speech.

  2. To CHECKverb

    Etymology: from the French echecs, chess; from whence we use, at that game, the term checkmate, when we stop our adversary from carrying on his play any farther.

    Reserve thy state; with better judgment check
    This hideous rashness. William Shakespeare, K. Lear.

    How fames may be sown and raised, how they may be spread and multiplied, and how they may be checked and laid dead. Francis Bacon, Essays.

    I hate when vice can bolt her arguments,
    And virtue has no tongue to check her pride. John Milton.

    He who sat at a table, richly and deliciously furnished, but with a sword hanging over his head by one single thread or hair, surely had enough to check his appetite. South.

    Richard, with his eye brimful of tears,
    Then check’d and rated by Northumberland,
    Did speak these words, now prov’d a prophecy. William Shakespeare.

    His fault is much, and the good king his master
    Will check him for’t. William Shakespeare, King Lear.

  3. To Checkverb

    With what wing the stanyel checks at it. William Shakespeare.

    He must observe their mood on whom he jests,
    The quality of the persons, and the time;
    And, like the haggard, check at every feather
    That comes before his eye. William Shakespeare, Hamlet.

    The mind, once jaded by an attempt above its power, either is disabled for the future, or else checks at any vigorous undertaking ever after. John Locke.

    If love check once with business, it troubleth mens fortunes. Francis Bacon, Essays.

    I’ll avoid his presence;
    It checks too strong upon me. John Dryden, All for Love.


  1. Check

    Check a song by American rapper Young Thug. It was released as the lead single from his breakout commercial mixtape Barter 6 on April 1, 2015.


  1. check

    A check is a written document issued by a bank account holder instructing their bank to pay a specific amount of money to the person or organization named on the check. It serves as a legal instrument to transfer funds from one account to another, ensuring that the recipient can withdraw or deposit the specified amount from their own bank account.

Webster Dictionary

  1. Checknoun

    a word of warning denoting that the king is in danger; such a menace of a player's king by an adversary's move as would, if it were any other piece, expose it to immediate capture. A king so menaced is said to be in check, and must be made safe at the next move

  2. Checknoun

    a condition of interrupted or impeded progress; arrest; stop; delay; as, to hold an enemy in check

  3. Checknoun

    whatever arrests progress, or limits action; an obstacle, guard, restraint, or rebuff

  4. Checknoun

    a mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified; as, checks placed against items in an account; a check given for baggage; a return check on a railroad

  5. Checknoun

    a written order directing a bank or banker to pay money as therein stated. See Bank check, below

  6. Checknoun

    a woven or painted design in squares resembling the patten of a checkerboard; one of the squares of such a design; also, cloth having such a figure

  7. Checknoun

    the forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds

  8. Checknoun

    small chick or crack

  9. Checkverb

    to make a move which puts an adversary's piece, esp. his king, in check; to put in check

  10. Checkverb

    to put a sudden restraint upon; to stop temporarily; to hinder; to repress; to curb

  11. Checkverb

    to verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check; to distinguish by a check; to put a mark against (an item) after comparing with an original or a counterpart in order to secure accuracy; as, to check an account; to check baggage

  12. Checkverb

    to chide, rebuke, or reprove

  13. Checkverb

    to slack or ease off, as a brace which is too stiffly extended

  14. Checkverb

    to make checks or chinks in; to cause to crack; as, the sun checks timber

  15. Checkverb

    to make a stop; to pause; -- with at

  16. Checkverb

    to clash or interfere

  17. Checkverb

    to act as a curb or restraint

  18. Checkverb

    to crack or gape open, as wood in drying; or to crack in small checks, as varnish, paint, etc

  19. Checkverb

    to turn, when in pursuit of proper game, and fly after other birds

  20. Checkadjective

    checkered; designed in checks


  1. Check

    In games such as chess, shogi, and xiangqi, a check is a threat to capture the king on the next move turn. A king so threatened is said to be in check. On the very next move, the player whose king is in check must remove their king from check, if possible. Either the threat must be stopped or the king must be moved to a square where it is no longer in check. If the player has no move out of check, the game ends in checkmate and the player loses.

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary

  1. Check

    chek, v.t. to bring to a stand: to restrain or hinder: to rebuke: to control an account, &c., by comparison with certified data, vouchers, &c.: to place in check at chess: to mark with a pattern of crossing lines.—n. a term in chess when one party obliges the other either to move or guard his king: anything that checks: a sudden stop, repulse, or rebuff: (B., Shak.) a rebuke: a mark put against items in a list: an order for money (usually written Cheque): any counter-register used as security, a counterfoil: a token, of printed paper or metal, given to a railroad passenger to make secure the after-identification of his luggage, to a person leaving his seat in a theatre with the intention of returning, &c.: (U.S.) a counter used in games at cards—hence 'to pass in one's checks' = to die: a pattern of cross lines forming small squares, as in a chessboard: any fabric woven with such a pattern.—adj. (her.) divided into small squares by transverse, perpendicular, and horizontal lines.—ns. Check′-clerk, a clerk who checks accounts, &c.; Check′er, one who hinders or rebukes; Check′er-board, a board on which checkers or draughts is played; Check′-key, a latch-key; Check′mate, in chess, a check given to the adversary's king when in a position in which it can neither be protected nor moved out of check, so that the game is finished: a complete check: defeat: overthrow.—v.t. in chess, to make a movement which ends the game: to defeat.—ns. Check′-rein, a coupling rein, a strap hindering the horse from lowering its head; Check′-string, a string by which the occupant of a carriage may attract the driver's notice; Check′-tak′er, the collector of admission tickets at a theatre, railway-train, &c.; Check′-weigh′er, one who on the part of the men checks the weight of coal sent up to the pit-mouth. [O. Fr. eschec, eschac (Low L. scaccus, scāchus, It. scacco, Sp. jaque, Ger. scach), through Ar. from Pers. shāh, king—Checkmate being O. Fr. eschec mat—Ar. shāh māt(a), 'the king is dead,' i.e. can make no further move.]

The New Hacker's Dictionary

  1. check

    A hardware-detected error condition, most commonly used to refer to actual hardware failures rather than software-induced traps. E.g., a parity check is the result of a hardware-detected parity error. Recorded here because the word often humorously extended to non-technical problems. For example, the term child check has been used to refer to the problems caused by a small child who is curious to know what happens when s/he presses all the cute buttons on a computer's console (of course, this particular problem could have been prevented with molly-guards).

Dictionary of Nautical Terms

  1. check

    (See BOWLINE.) To slack off a little upon it, and belay it again. Usually done when the wind is by, or as long as she can lay her course without the aid of the bowline.--To check is to slacken or ease off a brace, which is found to be too stiffly extended, or when the wind is drawing aft. It is also used in a contrary sense when applied to the cable running out, and then implies to stopper the cable.--Check her, stop her way.

  2. check

    An office in dockyards. Cheque for muster, pay, provision, desertion, discharged, or dead--under DDD. or DSq^d.

Editors Contribution

  1. checkverb

    0.) A chapter in times where there is a mathematical clearinghouse executive committee computing kilobytes in units of karat measurements every 24-7. 1.) Examine something in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something 2.) Verify or establish to one's satisfaction. 3.) Chess move a piece or pawn so that the opposing king is under attack. 4.) In poker, choose not to make a bet when called upon, allowing the action to move to another player. 5.) Expressing assent or agreement.

    In these new days "a check" denotes a digital payment, not a paper note or cash money.

    Etymology: Symbol of principle

    Submitted by Tehorah_Elyon on October 15, 2023  

  2. check

    To prove or verify.

    They did check the amount of the Invoice for their wedding as they were monitoring the income and expenditure.

    Submitted by MaryC on February 16, 2020  

Suggested Resources

  1. Check

    Check vs. Cheque -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Check and Cheque.

  2. Check

    Check vs. Checkout -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Check and Checkout.

Surnames Frequency by Census Records

  1. CHECK

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Check is ranked #12229 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Check surname appeared 2,545 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Check.

    79.6% or 2,026 total occurrences were White.
    15.9% or 406 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    1.6% or 43 total occurrences were Asian.
    1.4% or 36 total occurrences were Black.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Check' in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #2125

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Check' in Written Corpus Frequency: #1009

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Check' in Nouns Frequency: #1490

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word 'Check' in Verbs Frequency: #233

Usage in printed sourcesFrom: 

How to pronounce Check?

How to say Check in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Check in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Check in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3

Examples of Check in a Sentence

  1. Dean Sittig:

    Without an electronic health record, it is very difficult if not impossible to check whether the right medications were given at the right time, to the right patients.

  2. Michael Terman:

    The circadian timing system modulates the activity of every cell in our body. Timed light exposure is nature’s way of keeping the activity of these cells in check.

  3. April Raymond:

    My understanding if I remember correctly, what she told me is they hadn’t heard from Joe for about a month and so she and Tylee went over to check on him, or to see him … because I guess Tylee had a key or something … and when they went there they had found him dead.

  4. Mullah Badruddin:

    When Afghanistan play against another team, we listen to the radio with great interest and we also check for scores in social media and follow those in Facebook who give live updates.

  5. Jenelle Evans:

    And after I had Ensley they said CPS will just come by to do a [wellness] check since you tested positive, they came and did a [wellness] checkup and everything is fine. They closed the case.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


Translations for Check

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  • فاتورة, حساب, استأنى, دقق, ضبط, أوقفArabic
  • раху́накBelarusian
  • шах, чавка, проверка, сметка, контрол, шахматна шарка, маркирам, отбелязвам, сверявам, давам на гардероб, проверявам, контролирамBulgarian
  • inspecció, comprovar, comparar, verificarCatalan, Valencian
  • křížek, šach, odškrtnutí, účet, zaškrtnout, kontrolovat, zkontrolovat, prověřit, ovládatCzech
  • skakDanish
  • Schach, Marke, Kontrolle, Untersuchung, Markierung, Rechnung, Überwachung, Karo, abzeichnen, markieren, checken, schieben, überprüfen, abgleichenGerman
  • επαληθεύω, ανακόπτωGreek
  • kontroli, certigi, strekmarki, krucmarkiEsperanto
  • marca de cotejo, gancho, chequeo, verificación, examen, jaque, cuenta, inspección, cotejo, comprobar, facturar, limitar, contener, patrón cuadriculado, inspeccionar, examinar, cotejar, depositar, controlar, despachar, verificar, compararSpanish
  • tuliEstonian
  • کیشPersian
  • tarkistusmerkki, tarkastus, tutkimus, pukki, lasku, shakki, šakki, merkitä, tarkistaa, rastittaa, hillitä, tutkia, tsekata, sököttääFinnish
  • skákFaroese
  • addition, vérification, contrôle, échec, croix, examen, vérifier, cocher, contrôler, laisser, déposer, checker, faire attention, enregistrerFrench
  • seicIrish
  • strìochag, casg, feuchScottish Gaelic
  • xaqueGalician
  • שַׁח, חֶשְׁבּוֹן, וִי, סימון, בְּדִיקָה, בדק, וידא, סימן, עשה ויHebrew
  • sakkHungarian
  • շախ, ստուգում, հաշիվ, վանդակ, ստուգել, նշել, զսպելArmenian
  • silang (x-mark), kontrol, pemeriksaan, bon, kendali, skak, conteng (v-mark), periksa, kotak, contengIndonesian
  • scacco, controllo, verifica, segno, conto, controllare, quadrettoItalian
  • 請求書, 勘定, 王手, 点検する, チェックする, チェックJapanese
  • 점검Korean
  • calculus, adisyón, ratio, teneoLatin
  • ໃບບິນLao
  • штикла, надзор, контрола, преглед, шах, сметка, проверка, проверува, препречува, спречува, карир, прегледува, сопираMacedonian
  • syahMalay
  • schaak, rekening, vinkje, kruisje, controle, controleren, inspecteren, aanvinken, aankruisen, verifiëren, checken, afvinkenDutch
  • kontroll, sjakk, krysse av, avkrysse, kontrollere, kryssjekke, sjekkeNorwegian
  • znaczek, parafka, sprawdzenie, szach, rachunek, kontrola, odhaczyć, skontrolować, kratka, sprawdzić, odfajkowaćPolish
  • xeque, marca, controle, limite, exame, tique, conta, inspeção, xadrez, inspecionar, examinar, checar, controlar, limitar, verificar, VerificaPortuguese
  • șah, verificare, supraveghere, socoteală, factură, control, notă de plată, inspecțieRomanian
  • галочка, птичка, проверка, шах, счёт, клетка, проверять, проверитьRussian
  • šach, účetSlovak
  • šah, računSlovene
  • schack, kontroll, koll, bock, nota, passa, ruta, kontrollera, kolla, hejda, markera, bockaSwedish
  • kontrol, şah, faturaTurkish
  • раху́нокUkrainian
  • kiểm traVietnamese

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    come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
    A excogitate
    B suffuse
    C fluster
    D lucubrate

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