Mathematician Glossary

This category contains a list of 114 Mathematician related definitions.

abelal-hasan ibn al-haythamal-haytham
alan mathison turingalan turingalfred north whitehead
andre markoffandre weilandrei markov
archimedesarithmeticianaugust f. mobius
august ferdinand mobiusbaron jean baptiste joseph fourierbayes
benjamin peircebenoit mandelbrotbernhard riemann
bernoullibesselblaise pascal
bowditchcondorcetdavid hilbert
diophantusemmy noethereratosthenes
eulerevariste galoisfelix klein
fermatfourierfriedrich wilhelm bessel
galoisgeometergeorg friedrich bernhard riemann
george boolegodelgottfried wilhelm leibnitz
gottfried wilhelm leibnizhamiltonhermann minkowski
herohero of alexandriaheron
hilberthipparchusibn al-haytham
isaac newtonjacobijacques bernoulli
jakob bernoullijames bernoullijean baptiste joseph fourier
jean bernoullijohann bernoullijohann muller
john bernoullijohn napierjohn von neumann
karl friedrich gausskarl gausskarl gustav jacob jacobi
kleinkroneckerkurt godel
laplaceleonhard eulerleopold kronecker
lobachevskymandelbrotmarie jean antoine nicolas caritat
markoffmarquis de condorcetmarquis de laplace
mathematical statisticianminkowskimobius
mullernapiernathaniel bowditch
neumannniels abelniels henrik abel
nikolai ivanovich lobachevskynoethernorbert wiener
number theoristomar khayyamoswald veblen
pascalpaul vernierpeirce
pierre de fermatpierre simon de laplaceprobability theorist
pythagorasregiomontanusrene descartes
sir isaac newtonsir william rowan hamiltonthomas bayes
verniervon neumannweil
whiteheadwienerwilliam rowan hamilton

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incapable of being atoned for
A inexpiable
B bibulous
C flabby
D naiant