JP03's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by JP03 — There are currently 261 entries total — keep up the great work!
bully | It is a person who does something verbal or physical hurting you over and over. | added 8 years ago |
Redskin | A literal or objective term for a full bodied red-painted Native American warrior typically encountered in the Northeast woodland and frontier regions from the 1600s to the mid 1800s. | added 8 years ago |
Modoc | Moving at high rate of speed. | added 9 years ago |
Green House | a glass building used for growing plants that need warmth, light and protection. | added 9 years ago |
sunder | Sunder to break apart into two which cannot be whole again. | added 9 years ago |
haff | A long shallow lagoon separated from the open sea by a narrow sandbar or barrier beach (as on the Baltic coast of Germany). | added 9 years ago |
orqueta | A common name of Chloroscombrus orqueta, a carangoid fish found on the Pacific coast of tropical America. | added 9 years ago |
open-book | Transparent - without guile or duplicity. | added 9 years ago |
mini brush | A small brush created and designed to clean in small spaces. | added 9 years ago |
Fousty | Digusting/Vile. Adj. moldy. | added 9 years ago |
Chasuable | A sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass, typically ornate and having a simple hole for the head. | added 9 years ago |
professional practice | Also refers to professional responsibility. Professional practice is the way an individual behaves in the workplace. | added 9 years ago |
host family | A family that takes in others for a specified period of time to give the recipients a place to stay while they are in school or playing sports while not in their own residence. | added 9 years ago |
bonus plan | The policy a company or organization follows in paying out bonuses. The bonus plan includes details on eligibility, the circumstances under which bonuses are paid and how amounts are determined. | added 9 years ago |
On Fleek | The quality of being perfect, or on point. | added 9 years ago |
monomaniacs | Are people who concentrate excessively on a single object. | added 9 years ago |
thaumaturgical | The unseen, magic or spiritual. | added 9 years ago |
Whetting | A stabilizing current used to break down small erratic contact resistances when measuring low resistant circuits. | added 9 years ago |
jambalaya | A Cajun dish of rice with shrimp, chicken, and vegetables. | added 9 years ago |
Rumble-seat | An uncovered folding seat in the rear of an automobile. | added 9 years ago |
Screed | Level (a floor or layer of concrete) with a straight edge using a back and forth motion while moving across the surface. | added 9 years ago |
excedes | Goes beyond the expected level. | added 9 years ago |
dim sum | Dim Sum means "from the heart" in Chinese. | added 9 years ago |
wiley | Sly, takes risks, a little bit crazy. | added 9 years ago |
transgender | A person (either male or female), who desires to become the person that they most identify with, psychologically & spiritually. | added 9 years ago |