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How to use the word sick-leave in a Sentence?

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Sick leave may be used to cover travel that is necessary to obtain any type of medical treatment.

Gilbert Cisneros

Found on CNN
2 years ago

The excessive sick leave by a group of our Firefighters because of their anger at the vaccine mandate for all city employees is unacceptable, contrary to their oaths to serve, and may endanger the lives of New Yorkers, despite these actions by some, the Department will continue to respond to all calls for help that come our way.

City Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I've been glad to see Terry McAuliffe cite repeatedly that Terry McAuliffe is going to fight for paid sick leave, paid family and medical leave, and even make sure that home care workers get a raise. And I think that is a direct result of workers organizing... who have really pushed Terry McAuliffe to adopt policies that are going to uplift Black women and working women of color.

Alexsis Rodgers

Found on CNN
3 years ago

If someone has tested positive, [then] at the time of testing, we could be asking them 'do you have space to isolate? And do you get sick leave?' these [resources] need to come as a package -- income relief, sick leave [and] accommodation is needed.

Dido Harding

Found on CNN
4 years ago

This means not only providing mask and social distancing measures in the workplace, but also putting pressure on business owners to provide paid sick leave to workers so that people don't have to make the decision between going to work while they're sick and potentially infecting others, or paying rent or providing food at home.

Viviana Martinez-Bianchi

Found on CNN
4 years ago

This is a national issue, because ride-share companies are not providing sick leave anywhere, you want drivers to stay home when they're sick, so when you hop in a Lyft car you won't get sick.

Christopher McNerney

Found on Reuters
4 years ago

Dr. Bright has not been given any details about his new assignment or what his new job would entail ; nonetheless, under his doctor's direction, he has been on sick leave due to hypertension caused by this current situation.

Barkoff Lamy

Found on CNN
4 years ago

People who don't have paid sick leave can't afford to take time off if they are living paycheck to paycheck.

Donna Ballman

Found on CNN
4 years ago

De Blasio knows that the only way we can defeat Donald Trump is by uniting people from all backgrounds around an agenda that speaks to the needs of working families, jane and I grew up in Brooklyn and we are so proud to have the support of a New York City mayor fighting every day to improve the lives of New Yorkers. Bill is a leading example of what bringing the Democratic Party together around so-called' radical ideas' like universal pre-K, paid family and sick leave, and defending immigrant neighbors can do for our country.

Senator Sanders

Found on CNN
5 years ago

In most countries, paid sick leave is regulated by legislation and relates to all enterprises in the countries concerned.

Xenia Scheil-Adlung

Found on Reuters
8 years ago

Workplaces need to respond to the reality of family life in the 21st century, and allowing employees to have seven sick days a year is a bare minimum, the fact that the United States is one of just a handful of countries that does not require paid family or sick leave is nothing short of shameful.

Rosa DeLauro

Found on FOX News
10 years ago

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