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How to use the word breast- in a Sentence?

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Being born in a divided family doesn't give you the right to create havoc. All mankind has the notion of justice ingrained within them, even an infant, who, while feeding on his mother's breast, understands when reprimanded that what he did was wrong.

Christen Kuikoua

added by ChristenKuikouafans
10 months ago

. 0 concept of love in all. I. E pure concentrated love. 0.creator as still or reflex held by force of love I. E 2 (known love and expressing knowing love) Impact 1. Love as within creator I. E Love Rebirth as dot or complex point of love without shape I. E Chaos of love. 2. Love as word or complex concept as containable or renewable within the hold and held love I. E Sharing within being or conshence I. E . Comprehension of love as communicable. 3.Negotiation and mediation of love? Love 2 is the impact glitter expressed on loves first impact of love witnessed and expressed by creator of devine mother and devine father making 3 minds creating flirting between the glitter expression of love I. E First line and Chatline 3 movement of love expression to remind you of its initial impact leading to longevity of love or relove I.E relovence or re-love-nice =3 I. E Revival of love as Spirit world. I. E love breathing in-out-in forming a triangle or breast shape or first shaping of love as air, gender deference, souls, objects of living light, physical world and physical life of mind consciousness or free will, life from physical, mind and spiritual shaping negotiation or law of path/ direction of purpose of mind and living body or plant or mineral or possible non soul spiritual mineral I. E Crystal body or element combinations within development changes of souls. E. g pure souls, souls situatable or adaptable in certain devine or non devine times or dimensions. or planetary souls E. G Ghia or earth on devine blueprint. I. E Balance of Common sense, E. G laws of love unitys or soul families and positive hate destruction of useless or worthlessness with existence concepts harmonised together I. E developing or cocreating reasons for existing or awakening or type of assension or manifestations of love I. E Miracles or devine intervention, gifts or talent I.E Lesson or learning or shining your light as ripple affect or higher vibration or density of spirit movement or dream or physical patterns, codes or visions in residual energy and intelligent residual energy I. E Signs from God and resonate understanding or constancy of love as power or tasks for fullfilment within a void or despite darkness because of transmuting curses or negative energy by angels of light and light workers or good or bad magik or dark angels or demons for flowing of energy between the conscious motivation of guides and intuitive guidance from light spirit guides, ancestors and skilled angels of light to challenge or individual expression of the personality of free will or choice I. E God consciousness or christ consciousness or ascended master consciousness as Living light oneness or loveness or the religion of love as a collective or human, animal, soul, creator equality or knowing. Open hearted connection between consciousness as collectivity within a meditative state or god being I. E truth E. G perception beyond restraint, with developed self restraint or full awareness of materialism, self worth, family and other responsibilities OR Father Mother God/Yahway work I. E Love language or empathy teaching, devine reiki healing or tarot. Leading to flowing leadership of love deligation in roles I. E De ja vu or job changes or nudging between paths of life and moving between houses and/or as conscious prayer granting or self healing through awakening techniques E.g the infinity breath deep breathing or connecting with Father mother god light or through deeper bliss pain or full psychic tolerance. Reaching inner peace place within peace. Enlightenment of initial connection with first love impact and return of beginning of thought renewal or fresh start of microthought or rebirth of macro thought or simple everyday acceptance of loves conception for the greater good E. g Dependant decisions of acts of kindness and going out of your way to realise love through release of painfull memory and facing fears within memories or through flooding exposure without fear or need for expression of fear E.g Clarity or closure release that resonates in now time E.g through adult devine intimacy reinnocence or self acceptance and understanding of forgiveness and need of forgiveness E. g awareness of thoughts that are not of your devine souls influence through your higher self I.e God loves you no matter what other people do to you.

Heather Lydia Thornhill

added by Gina.taylor
1 year ago

Also, health policy makers can consider a risk-adapted approach to breast cancer screening to address racial disparities in breast cancer mortality, especially the mortality before the recommended age of population screening.

Mahdi Fallah

Found on CNN
1 year ago

When the breast cancer mortality rate for Black women in their 40s is 27 deaths per 100,000 person-years, this means 27 out of every 100,000 Black women aged 40-49 in the US die of breast cancer during one year of follow-up. In other words, 0.027% of Black women aged 40-49 die of breast cancer each year.

Mahdi Fallah

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Women who are most likely to be using contraception are under the age of 50, where the risk of breast cancer is even lower. For anyone looking to lower their cancer risk, not smoking, eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking less alcohol and keeping a healthy weight will have the most impact.

Claire Knight

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Look at your family history. Have you had a history of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colorectal or uterine in your family? Either side, male or female, father or mother? if the answer is yes, then I would recommend talking to a doctor or talking to a genetic counselor.

Audra Moran

Found on CNN
1 year ago

She went on to fight breast cancer, during the beginning of the pandemic, in March of 2020, she actually lost her battle to breast cancer at 29.

Monica Monfre Scantlebury

Found on CNN
1 year ago

I think it’s really, really important that everyone understands – and this is the doctors, the nurses, the women themselves – that screening is not a one size fits all recommendation. We cannot just make one general recommendation to the entire population because individual women have different levels of risks of developing breast cancer.

Ruth Oratz

Found on CNN
2 years ago

At any age, if any woman feels uncomfortable about something that’s going on in her breast, if she has discomfort, notices a change in the breast, bring that to the attention of your doctor and make sure it gets evaluated and don’t let somebody just brush you off.

Ruth Oratz

Found on CNN
2 years ago

You get your breast surgeons and your breast radiation oncologist and your breast medical oncologist, and they treat the breast cancer, and then you get the head-neck oncologists, including the radiation oncologist and the head-neck medical oncologist, and they treat the head and neck cancer, now, those two groups of people are going to have to talk to each other, and they’re going to have to work to coordinate with each other. But you don’t treat the patient differently other than that coordination.

Otis Brawley

Found on CNN
2 years ago

Research is the reason we have all the breakthroughs that we've had so far, we clearly need breakthroughs… to help us move ever forward toward that ultimate goal of preventing breast cancer.

Dorraya El-Ashry

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

We do discuss complications. Those range from scarring around the implant, sometimes soreness and discomfort from the implant... to in the last seven years, probably a bit more, we've become more acutely aware of a specific type of lymphoma that is associated with breast implants, what the general public should appreciate is, as doctors and clinicians, we always want what's best and safest for our patients. We're constantly not only educating ourselves but educating our patients.

Tommaso Addona

Found on CNN
2 years ago

For each of these cancers, the more alcohol you drink, the higher your cancer risk, but for some types of cancer, most notably breast cancer, consuming even small amounts of alcohol can increase risk.

American Cancer Society

Found on CNN
2 years ago

We relied on them for pasteurized donor breast milk for our premature and medically fragile patients.

Kristen Tucker

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

Since our launch in March 2022, over 40,000 ounces of breast milk has been donated through our Texas Children’s Hospital site. We are expanding our community donation sites to every campus as a next step. This could happen again, unfortunately. We have to always keep our eyes on protecting our patients and making sure we have the supplies necessary.

Kristen Tucker

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

If you give chicken breast to a rooster, they will eat it. They're just built different

Chongarialio Bonqueque

added by anonymous
2 years ago

Small amounts of alcohol are associated with health benefits for some conditions, such as ischemic heart disease and diabetes, but harmful for others, such as road traffic accidents and breast cancer, there isn't really a simple answer for a given individual.

Emmanuela Gakidou

Found on CNN
2 years ago

It was about women and empowerment, supporting health initiatives, breast cancer research, fitness. Jumping all over that from the get-go. We had no social media.

Val Ackerman

Found on FOX News
2 years ago

He had told me that he had touched some of the girls, like, when they were sleeping, like, on the breast, like, over their clothes. They didn’t wake up.

Jim Bob

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I'm doing Thanksgiving collaboratively with my brother-in-law and he's going to do turkey breast.

Joy Manning

Found on CNN
3 years ago

Boneless turkey breast roast is the perfect main entrée if you are feeding a smaller crowd over the holidays, this method of stuffing the turkey breast with garlic, then rubbing it with fresh herbs is a nod to my Ukrainian roots where Mom cooked roasts the same way. They always turned out flavorful and this does, too.

Olena Osipov of iFOODreal.com

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I wish we could move Breast Cancer Awareness Month from October to some other month, like May or June, because every year Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well, i call back some people from screening, who I know they had a flu vaccine, and their lymph nodes are a little big.

Lisa Ann

Found on CNN
3 years ago

After a number of other tests, I returned to Mayo and had a lumpectomy on the right breast which involved the removal of the cancer, in May, I completed a course of radiation treatment, and after additional follow-up visits, it was determined in August that the treatment went well.

Amy Klobuchar

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

CDC encourages health care professionals to help minimize delays in testing by continuing routine cancer screening for women having symptoms or at high risk for breast or cervical cancer, the Early Detection Program can help women overcome barriers to health equity by educating them about the importance of routine screening, addressing their concerns about COVID-19 transmission, and helping them to safely access screening through interventions like patient navigation.

Amy DeGroff

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

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