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How to use the word actresses in a Sentence?

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I have an affinity for the church and faith-based stories. Whether you’re somebody that does n’t even know praise teams exist, I wanted to draw you into this world and then tell this story of a young girl who’s trying to find her voice, who’s trying to find her connection with her spirituality when she feels like she’s lost. she reminds me of Beyoncé. And by that I mean, not in the ways that other people have compared and other people think about, you know, her and Beyoncé as singers and actresses.

Will Packer

Found on CNN
1 year ago

I've wanted so desperately to apologize every day to darker-skinned actresses, to say ‘I’m sorry that I'm the one chosen, my momma looks like you,'.

Thandiwe Newton

Found on FOX News
3 years ago

I'm a big fan of Aamir Khan... Among actresses, I like Aishwarya Rai.

Virat Kohli

added by Dr. Cringe
5 years ago

I think a lot of [ actresses ], because we have that expectation that we're going to be turned down for opportunities, we don't put ourselves out there, i know me, I know my abilities and I wanted to prove to Stevens West -- and to others -- that there's nothing wrong with me. I just am growing a person inside of me, and that's it.

Stevens West

Found on CNN
6 years ago

I'm super good friends with her stepmom and her dad [ Stan, a producer-director ], and they were mad at me, they were like,' Why would you do this to the family ? You know, black actresses, you guys have to stick together, it's so hard for you guys to get work as it is, why would you try to ruin her career ?' But I didn't try to ruin her career. I never said her name ! I was just trying to say how Beyoncé kept me from goin' to jail that night. I coulda just shut my whole career down.

Sanaa Lathan

Found on CNN
6 years ago

Actresses: don't answer that because you have no idea how to answer that question!

Cate Blanchett

Found on Reuters
6 years ago

For me… just being part of that canon of great female parts that all actresses like to play, whether it be having your Lady Macbeth moment, your Cleopatra moment, those classic, iconic roles for women, for me, Margaret Schlegel in literature was very much that. Em [Thompson] knows all about it, and was very delighted for me.

Hayley Atwell

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Em’s a friend of mine and a mentor, she played my mother when I was quite new to the industry, and so she was a great inspiration to me. I told her I was playing Margaret Schlegel, and like most actresses who know and love great female parts, she was delighted, going, ‘You’re going to have so much fun… It’s such a fulfilling role to play.’.

Hayley Atwell

Found on FOX News
6 years ago

Lena was not anywhere present in our group during the countless hours of work for the last two months. We hosted an open house for actresses for red carpet messaging and Lena presence was a surprise to us all, this is a time of reckoning. And for many, a re-education. So many women also have real work to do. I’m afraid it’s too nuanced a conversation to have on this platform. But I hear you, and know that your thoughts and words are not lost on me. It’s been discussed.

Tessa Thompson

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.

Rose McGowan

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

I guarantee you that there were other kids that had these experiences. They need to stand up and use their voice, there are producers that know about things that happened on their sets, or agents who know things about their clients, and actresses and actors themselves—it’s time to use our voices.

The Sheriff

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest, yOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You ’ll accept a fake award breathlessly affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.

Rose McGowan

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest, yOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.

Harvey Weinstein

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

There’s still enormous pressure on actresses to be a certain size, some of it self-generated, much of it on TV, and in magazines, it’s inculcated in girls.

John Levey

Found on FOX News
7 years ago

As a very young actress, I felt like nobody would protect me, trying to protect other actresses felt futile, too.

Leah McKendrick

Found on CNN
7 years ago

Conservatives have survived eight years of Obama and liberals, even from the Left Coast, can endure four or eight years of Donald Trump, he said. And if they really don’t like that idea, they should follow George Lopez out the door. There are always more actors and actresses. mark Wahlberg said correctly that many actors are pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family. Mark Wahlberg’s right.

Dan Gainor

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

He was collateral damage, as were the actors and actresses who became subject to death threats and fatwas, nakoula takes the fatwas seriously because he understands they are still active and cannot be rescinded.

Kenneth Timmerman

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

It has those three great actresses and then the male lead [Chris Hemsworth], but I was just like they should have had better material for those ladies, now that movie probably, I don’t think is performing well, and then will they make another movie with three great powerful women after that?

Chlo Sevigny

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

[Sex] was to draw people in the movie, i have a poster from the 50s, The First Kiss. [Back] then it wasn't a problem for actresses to kiss on camera, now we don't want it. We can't make posters like this in Arabic.

Abou Jaoude

Found on CNN
8 years ago

I ’m Kevin Hart, but I want to take a moment to applaud all my actors and actresses of color who did not get nominated … These problems of today will eventually be the problems of old. Let’s not let this negative issue of diversity beat us. Let’s continue to do what we do best and work hard.

Kevin Hart

Found on FOX News
8 years ago

This was the right moment because when I met Sam Mendes and he was looking for a mature woman, I said, 'it's a good idea', it's a beautiful image for women and for actresses maybe to see an older James Bond, I say, woman and not girl.

Monica Bellucci

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

In so many films and TV shows we see gratuitous female nudity, and that’s not OK… It’s OK, but it’s not fair to actresses and it’s not fair to actors because we want to be naked, too.

Kevin Bacon

Found on FOX News
9 years ago

Well yes, our results definitely show that rough screamers are the best candidates to make great horror movie actresses and actors.

Luc Arnal

Found on CNN
9 years ago

Hollywood is like the boyfriend who doesn't call you as often, that's kind of like what Hollywood is to women filmmakers, (There is) a little a bit of neglect in terms of recognizing the imagination and talent women filmmakers have ... of older actresses who might be past the window of when the industry says they're valuable. There's so much of that going on so it's certainly something we all have to work to correct.

Ava DuVernay

Found on Reuters
9 years ago

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